ZRAM install fails

Hello all,

i just tried to install OH3 on a fresh system (Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB), 16GB SD card, openhabian v1.6.1 via Rasperry Pi Imager, edited the openhabian.conf file with an other hostname, username, password and enabled maximum logging). After the initial openHAB 2.5 installation was finished, i jumped into openhabian-config and updated OH3 from menu 40. He tries to install OH3.0.0M5, did that (after a few confirmations) and finally he wants to install / start ZRAM. But this fails with

install: cannot stat '/opt/zram/openhabian-zram/zramsync': No such file or directory

After the failure i tried to install ZRAM again from menu 30, but this failed at the very same level. After a reboot i gave it another try but still the same failure. Please find below my latest attempt log:

[10:55:11] ohadm@openHAB:~$ sudo openhabian-config
[sudo] password for ohadm: 
2020-12-14_10:55:19_CET [openHABian] Checking for root privileges... OK
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/auth.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/backup.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/config.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/ext-storage.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/find.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/helpers.bash
++ ESC='\033['
++ COL_DEF='\033[39;49;00m'
++ COL_RED='\033[31;01m'
++ COL_GREEN='\033[32;01m'
++ COL_YELLOW='\033[33;01m'
++ COL_BLUE='\033[34;01m'
++ COL_MAGENTA='\033[35;01m'
++ COL_CYAN='\033[36;01m'
++ COL_LGRAY='\033[37;01m'
++ COL_DGRAY='\033[90;01m'
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/influxdb+grafana.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/java-jre.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/menu.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/nodejs-apps.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/openhab.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/openhabian.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/packages.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/system.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/vpn.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/wifi.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/zram.bash
++ pwd
+ OLDWD=/home/ohadm
+ cd /opt
+ config_ipv6
+ local aptConf=/etc/apt/apt.conf/S90force-ipv4
+ local sysctlConf=/etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
+ [[ enable == \d\i\s\a\b\l\e ]]
+ [[ enable == \e\n\a\b\l\e ]]
+ grep -qs '^[[:space:]]*# Disable all IPv6 functionality' /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ apt_update
+ PID_APT=1714
+ whiptail_check
+ apt-get update
++ command -v whiptail
+ [[ -x /usr/bin/whiptail ]]
+ load_create_config
+ local 'questionText=\nWelcome to openHABian!\n\nPlease provide the name of your Linux user i.e. the account you normally log in with.\n\nTypical user names are '\''pi'\'' or '\''ubuntu'\''.'
+ local input
+ [[ -f /etc/openhabian.conf ]]
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-14_10:55:20_CET [openHABian] Loading configuration file '\''/etc/openhabian.conf'\''... '
2020-12-14_10:55:20_CET [openHABian] Loading configuration file '/etc/openhabian.conf'... ++ getent group ohadm
+ [[ ! -n ohadm:x:1000:ohadm,frontail ]]
+ id -u ohadm
+ source /etc/openhabian.conf
++ hostname=openHAB
++ username=ohadm
++ timezone=Europe/Berlin
++ locales='en_US.UTF-8 de_DE.UTF-8'
++ system_default_locale=en_US.UTF-8
++ wifi_ssid=
++ wifi_psk=
++ wifi_country=
++ ipv6=enable
++ repositoryurl=https://github.com/openhab/openhabian
++ clonebranch=stable
++ debugmode=maximum
++ cached_java_opt=Zulu11-32
++ java_opt=Zulu11-32
++ zraminstall=enable
++ hotspot=enable
+ echo OK
+ openhabian_console_check
+ [[ -z 1 ]]
++ tput cols
+ [[ 195 -ge 120 ]]
+ return 0
+ openhabian_update_check
+ [[ -z 1 ]]
+ local branch
+ local introText
+ local unsupportedHWText
+ local unsupportedOSText
+ branch=stable
+ introText='Additions, improvements or fixes were added to the openHABian configuration tool. Would you like to update now and benefit from them? The update will not automatically apply changes to your system.\n\nUpdating is recommended.'
+ unsupportedHWText='You are running on old hardware that is no longer officially supported.\nopenHABian may still work with this or not.\nWe recommend that you replace your hardware with a current SBC such as a RPi4/2GB.\nDo you really want to continue using openHABian on this system?'
+ unsupportedOSText='You are running an old Linux release that is no longer officially supported.\nWe recommend upgrading to the most current stable release of your distribution (or current Long Term Support version for distributions that offer LTS).\nDo you really want to continue using openHABian on this system?'
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
++ get_git_revision
++ local branch
++ local latestTag
++ local revCount
++ local shorthash
+++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
++ branch=stable
+++ git -C /opt/openhabian describe --tags --abbrev=0
++ latestTag=v1.6.1
+++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --oneline
+++ wc -l
++ revCount=963
+++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --pretty=format:%h -n 1
++ shorthash=1fa8959
++ echo '[stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)'
+ echo '2020-12-14_10:55:20_CET [openHABian] openHABian configuration tool version: [stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)'
2020-12-14_10:55:20_CET [openHABian] openHABian configuration tool version: [stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-14_10:55:20_CET [openHABian] Checking for changes in origin branch stable... '
2020-12-14_10:55:20_CET [openHABian] Checking for changes in origin branch stable... + is_pine64
++ uname -r
+ [[ 5.4.79-v7l+ =~ pine64-longsleep ]]
+ return 1
+ is_jessie
+ [[ '' == \j\e\s\s\i\e ]]
++ cat /etc/os-release
+ [[ PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"
BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs" =~ jessie ]]
+ return 1
+ is_xenial
+ [[ '' == \x\e\n\i\a\l ]]
++ cat /etc/os-release
+ [[ PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"
BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs" =~ xenial ]]
+ return 1
+ git -C /opt/openhabian config user.email openhabian@openHABian
+ git -C /opt/openhabian config user.name openhabian
+ git -C /opt/openhabian fetch --quiet origin
++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse stable
++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse '@{u}'
+ [[ 1fa89598a0d636b78270484530512ef60c81acdf == 1fa89598a0d636b78270484530512ef60c81acdf ]]
+ echo OK
+ openhabian_announcements
+ [[ -z 1 ]]
+ local newsFile
+ local readNews
+ newsFile=/opt/openhabian/NEWS.md
+ readNews=/opt/openhabian/docs/LASTNEWS.md
+ cmp --silent /opt/openhabian/NEWS.md /opt/openhabian/docs/LASTNEWS.md
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-14_10:55:22_CET [openHABian] Switching to branch stable... '
2020-12-14_10:55:22_CET [openHABian] Switching to branch stable... + git -C /opt/openhabian checkout --quiet stable
+ echo OK
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ show_main_menu
+ local choice
+ local version
+++ get_git_revision
+++ local branch
+++ local latestTag
+++ local revCount
+++ local shorthash
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+++ branch=stable
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian describe --tags --abbrev=0
+++ latestTag=v1.6.1
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --oneline
++++ wc -l
+++ revCount=963
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --pretty=format:%h -n 1
+++ shorthash=1fa8959
+++ echo '[stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)'
++ whiptail --title 'Welcome to the openHABian Configuration Tool [stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)' --menu 'Setup Options' 18 116 11 --cancel-button Exit --ok-button Execute '00 | About openHABian' 'Information about the openHABian project and this tool' '' '' '01 | Select Branch' 'Select the openHABian config tool version ("branch") to run' '02 | Upgrade System' 'Upgrade all installed software packages (incl. openHAB) to their latest version' '03 | openHAB Stable' 'Install or upgrade to the latest stable release of openHAB 2' '' '' '10 | Apply Improvements' 'Apply the latest improvements to the basic openHABian setup ►' '20 | Optional Components' 'Choose from a set of optional software components ►' '30 | System Settings' 'A range of system and hardware related configuration steps ►' '40 | openHAB related' 'Switch the installed openHAB version or apply tweaks ►' '50 | Backup/Restore' 'Manage backups and restore your system ►'
+ choice='30 | System Settings'
+ RET=0
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ '[' 0 -eq 255 ']'
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == '' ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \0\0* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \0\1* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \0\2* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \0\3* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \1\0* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \2\0* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \3\0* ]]
+++ get_git_revision
+++ local branch
+++ local latestTag
+++ local revCount
+++ local shorthash
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+++ branch=stable
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian describe --tags --abbrev=0
+++ latestTag=v1.6.1
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --oneline
++++ wc -l
+++ revCount=963
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --pretty=format:%h -n 1
+++ shorthash=1fa8959
+++ echo '[stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)'
+++ hostname
+++ env
+++ grep '^[[:space:]]*LANG='
+++ sed 's|LANG=||g'
+++ date +%H:%M
++ whiptail --title 'Welcome to the openHABian Configuration Tool [stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)' --menu 'Setup Options' 24 118 17 --cancel-button Back --ok-button Execute '31 | Change hostname' 'Change the name of this system, currently '\''openHAB'\''' '32 | Set system locale' 'Change system language, currently '\''en_GB.UTF-8'\''' '33 | Set system timezone' 'Change the your timezone, execute if it'\''s not '\''10:55'\'' now' '   | Enable NTP' 'Enable time synchronization via systemd-timesyncd to NTP servers' '   | Disable NTP' 'Disable time synchronization via systemd-timesyncd to NTP servers' '34 | Change passwords' 'Change passwords for Samba, openHAB Console or the system user' '35 | Serial port' 'Prepare serial ports for peripherals like Razberry, SCC, Pine64 ZWave, ...' '36 | WiFi setup' 'Configure wireless network connection' '   | Disable WiFi' 'Disable wireless network connection' '37 | Move root to USB' 'Move the system root from the SD card to a USB device (SSD or stick)' '38 | Use ZRAM' 'Use compressed RAM/disk sync for active directories to avoid SD card corruption' '   | Uninstall ZRAM' 'Don'\''t use compressed memory (back to standard Raspberry Pi OS filesystem layout)' '39 | Setup Exim Mail Relay' 'Install Exim4 to relay mails via public email provider' '3A | Setup tailscale VPN' 'Establish or join a WireGuard based VPN using the tailscale service (BETA)' '   | Remove tailscale VPN' 'Remove the tailscale service' '   | Install WireGuard' 'Setup WireGuard to enable secure remote access to this openHABian system (BETA)' '   | Remove WireGuard VPN' 'Remove WireGuard VPN from this system'
+ choice2='38 | Use ZRAM'
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ '[' 1 -eq 255 ']'
+ wait_for_apt_to_finish_update
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-14_10:55:29_CET [openHABian] Updating Linux package information... '
2020-12-14_10:55:29_CET [openHABian] Updating Linux package information... + [[ -z 1714 ]]
+ tail --pid=1714 -f /dev/null
+ echo OK
+ case "$choice2" in
+ init_zram_mounts install
+ is_arm
+ is_armv6l
+ [[ '' == \a\r\m\v\6\l ]]
+ case "$(uname -m)" in
++ uname -m
+ return 1
+ is_armv7l
+ [[ '' == \a\r\m\v\7\l ]]
+ case "$(uname -m)" in
++ uname -m
+ return 0
+ return 0
+ local disklistFileAWS=/etc/amanda/openhab-aws/disklist
+ local disklistFileDir=/etc/amanda/openhab-dir/disklist
+ local 'introText=You are about to activate the ZRAM feature.\nBe aware you do this at your own risk of data loss.\nPlease check out the "ZRAM status" thread at https://community.openhab.org/t/zram-status/80996 before proceeding.'
+ local 'lowMemText=Your system has less than 1 GB of RAM. It is definitely NOT recommended to run ZRAM (AND openHAB) on your box. If you proceed now you will do so at your own risk!'
+ local zramInstallLocation=/opt/zram
+ local storageDir=/storage
+ [[ install == \i\n\s\t\a\l\l ]]
+ [[ -f /etc/ztab ]]
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ whiptail --title 'Install ZRAM, Continue?' --yes-button Continue --no-button Cancel --yesno 'You are about to activate the ZRAM feature.\nBe aware you do this at your own risk of data loss.\nPlease check out the "ZRAM status" thread at https://community.openhab.org/t/zram-status/80996 before proceeding.' 10 80
+ has_lowmem
+ local totalMemory
++ awk '/MemTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo
+ totalMemory=3970372
+ [[ -z 3970372 ]]
+ [[ 3970372 -lt 900000 ]]
+ return 1
+ dpkg -s make libattr1-dev
+ install_zram_code /opt/zram
+ local overlayfsGit=https://github.com/kmxz/overlayfs-tools
+ local zramGit=https://github.com/mstormi/openhabian-zram
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-14_10:55:35_CET [openHABian] Installing ZRAM code... '
2020-12-14_10:55:35_CET [openHABian] Installing ZRAM code... + cond_redirect mkdir -p /opt/zram
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ mkdir -p /opt/zram \033[39;49;00m'

$ mkdir -p /opt/zram 
+ mkdir -p /opt/zram
+ return 0
+ [[ -d /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools ]]
+ cond_redirect update_git_repo /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools master
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ update_git_repo /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools master \033[39;49;00m'

$ update_git_repo /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools master 
+ update_git_repo /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools master
+ local branch
+ local path
+ branch=master
+ path=/opt/zram/overlayfs-tools
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
++ basename /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools
+ echo -n '2020-12-14_10:55:35_CET [openHABian] Updating overlayfs-tools, master branch from git... '
2020-12-14_10:55:35_CET [openHABian] Updating overlayfs-tools, master branch from git... + cond_redirect git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools fetch origin
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools fetch origin \033[39;49;00m'

$ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools fetch origin 
+ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools fetch origin
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools fetch --tags --force --prune
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools fetch --tags --force --prune \033[39;49;00m'

$ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools fetch --tags --force --prune 
+ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools fetch --tags --force --prune
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools reset --hard origin/master
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools reset --hard origin/master \033[39;49;00m'

$ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools reset --hard origin/master 
+ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools reset --hard origin/master
HEAD is now at 77bf3f7 Merge pull request #11 from amir73il/deref-cmd
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools clean --force -x -d
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools clean --force -x -d \033[39;49;00m'

$ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools clean --force -x -d 
+ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools clean --force -x -d
Removing logic.o
Removing main.o
Removing overlay
Removing sh.o
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools checkout master
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools checkout master \033[39;49;00m'

$ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools checkout master 
+ git -C /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools checkout master
Already on 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
+ return 0
+ echo OK
+ return 0
+ [[ -d /opt/zram/openhabian-zram ]]
+ cond_redirect update_git_repo /opt/zram/openhabian-zram master
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ update_git_repo /opt/zram/openhabian-zram master \033[39;49;00m'

$ update_git_repo /opt/zram/openhabian-zram master 
+ update_git_repo /opt/zram/openhabian-zram master
+ local branch
+ local path
+ branch=master
+ path=/opt/zram/openhabian-zram
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
++ basename /opt/zram/openhabian-zram
+ echo -n '2020-12-14_10:55:37_CET [openHABian] Updating openhabian-zram, master branch from git... '
2020-12-14_10:55:37_CET [openHABian] Updating openhabian-zram, master branch from git... + cond_redirect git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram fetch origin
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram fetch origin \033[39;49;00m'

$ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram fetch origin 
+ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram fetch origin
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram fetch --tags --force --prune
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram fetch --tags --force --prune \033[39;49;00m'

$ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram fetch --tags --force --prune 
+ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram fetch --tags --force --prune
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram reset --hard origin/master
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram reset --hard origin/master \033[39;49;00m'

$ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram reset --hard origin/master 
+ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram reset --hard origin/master
HEAD is now at 5f2ffc8 Remove zramsync service (#7)
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram clean --force -x -d
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram clean --force -x -d \033[39;49;00m'

$ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram clean --force -x -d 
+ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram clean --force -x -d
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram checkout master
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram checkout master \033[39;49;00m'

$ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram checkout master 
+ git -C /opt/zram/openhabian-zram checkout master
Already on 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
+ return 0
+ echo OK
+ return 0
+ echo OK
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-14_10:55:41_CET [openHABian] Setting up OverlayFS... '
2020-12-14_10:55:41_CET [openHABian] Setting up OverlayFS... + cond_redirect make --always-make --directory=/opt/zram/overlayfs-tools
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ make --always-make --directory=/opt/zram/overlayfs-tools \033[39;49;00m'

$ make --always-make --directory=/opt/zram/overlayfs-tools 
+ make --always-make --directory=/opt/zram/overlayfs-tools
make: Entering directory '/opt/zram/overlayfs-tools'
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -c main.c
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -c logic.c
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -c sh.c
gcc -lm main.o logic.o sh.o -o overlay
make: Leaving directory '/opt/zram/overlayfs-tools'
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/zram-config/
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/zram-config/ \033[39;49;00m'

$ mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/zram-config/ 
+ mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/zram-config/
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect install -m 755 /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools/overlay /usr/local/lib/zram-config/overlay
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ install -m 755 /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools/overlay /usr/local/lib/zram-config/overlay \033[39;49;00m'

$ install -m 755 /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools/overlay /usr/local/lib/zram-config/overlay 
+ install -m 755 /opt/zram/overlayfs-tools/overlay /usr/local/lib/zram-config/overlay
+ return 0
+ echo OK
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-14_10:55:43_CET [openHABian] Setting up ZRAM... '
2020-12-14_10:55:43_CET [openHABian] Setting up ZRAM... + cond_redirect install -m 755 /opt/zram/openhabian-zram/zram-config /usr/local/sbin
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ install -m 755 /opt/zram/openhabian-zram/zram-config /usr/local/sbin \033[39;49;00m'

$ install -m 755 /opt/zram/openhabian-zram/zram-config /usr/local/sbin 
+ install -m 755 /opt/zram/openhabian-zram/zram-config /usr/local/sbin
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect install -m 755 /opt/zram/openhabian-zram/zramsync /usr/local/sbin
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ install -m 755 /opt/zram/openhabian-zram/zramsync /usr/local/sbin \033[39;49;00m'

$ install -m 755 /opt/zram/openhabian-zram/zramsync /usr/local/sbin 
+ install -m 755 /opt/zram/openhabian-zram/zramsync /usr/local/sbin
install: cannot stat '/opt/zram/openhabian-zram/zramsync': No such file or directory
+ return 1
+ echo 'FAILED (zramsync)'
FAILED (zramsync)
+ return 1
+ '[' 1 -ne 0 ']'
+ whiptail --msgbox 'There was an error or interruption during the execution of:\n  "30 | System Settings"\n\nPlease try again. If the error persists, please read /opt/openhabian/docs/openhabian-DEBUG.md or https://github.com/openhab/openhabian/blob/master/docs/openhabian-DEBUG.md how to proceed.' 14 80
+ return 0
+ true
+ show_main_menu
+ local choice
+ local version
+++ get_git_revision
+++ local branch
+++ local latestTag
+++ local revCount
+++ local shorthash
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+++ branch=stable
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian describe --tags --abbrev=0
+++ latestTag=v1.6.1
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --oneline
++++ wc -l
+++ revCount=963
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --pretty=format:%h -n 1
+++ shorthash=1fa8959
+++ echo '[stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)'
++ whiptail --title 'Welcome to the openHABian Configuration Tool [stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)' --menu 'Setup Options' 18 116 11 --cancel-button Exit --ok-button Execute '00 | About openHABian' 'Information about the openHABian project and this tool' '' '' '01 | Select Branch' 'Select the openHABian config tool version ("branch") to run' '02 | Upgrade System' 'Upgrade all installed software packages (incl. openHAB) to their latest version' '03 | openHAB Stable' 'Install or upgrade to the latest stable release of openHAB 2' '' '' '10 | Apply Improvements' 'Apply the latest improvements to the basic openHABian setup ►' '20 | Optional Components' 'Choose from a set of optional software components ►' '30 | System Settings' 'A range of system and hardware related configuration steps ►' '40 | openHAB related' 'Switch the installed openHAB version or apply tweaks ►' '50 | Backup/Restore' 'Manage backups and restore your system ►'
+ choice=
+ RET=1
+ '[' 1 -eq 1 ']'
+ return 255
+ system_check_default_password
+ is_pi
+ is_pifour
+ [[ '' == \p\i\4 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]11[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 0
+ return 0
+ local algo
+ local defaultPassword
+ local defaultUser
+ local generatedPassword
+ local introText
+ local originalPassword
+ local salt
+ is_pi
+ is_pifour
+ [[ '' == \p\i\4 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]11[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 0
+ return 0
+ id -u pi
+ is_pi
+ is_pifour
+ [[ '' == \p\i\4 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]11[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 0
+ return 0
+ defaultUser=ohadm
+ defaultPassword=openhabian
++ grep -w ohadm /etc/shadow
++ cut -d: -f2
+ originalPassword='$6$abcdefgh.'
++ echo '$6$abcdefgh.'
++ cut '-d$' -f2
+ algo=6
+ introText='The default password was detected on your system! That is a serious security concern. Bad guys or malicious programs in your subnet are able to gain root access!\n\nPlease set a strong password by typing the command '\''passwd ohadm'\''!'
++ echo '$6$abcdefg.'
++ cut '-d$' -f3
+ salt=Xzabcdefgh.qhje
+ export algo defaultPassword salt
++ perl -le 'print crypt("$ENV{defaultPassword}","\$$ENV{algo}\$$ENV{salt}\$")'
+ generatedPassword='$abcdefg.QTR.'
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-14_10:55:54_CET [openHABian] Checking for default openHABian username:password combination... '
2020-12-14_10:55:54_CET [openHABian] Checking for default openHABian username:password combination... ++ id -u ohadm
+ [[ -n 1000 ]]
+ [[ $6$abcdefghQTR. == \$\6\$\a\b\c\d\e\f\g\g. ]]
+ echo OK
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -e '2020-12-14_10:55:54_CET [openHABian] We hope you got what you came for! See you again soon ;)'
2020-12-14_10:55:54_CET [openHABian] We hope you got what you came for! See you again soon ;)

As this is a brand new fresh install on a new RPi4 with new SD card and latest images i do not know, how to tackle this issue or how i can resolve it. Has anyone a hint how to digg in?

Thanks in advance