Zwave Aeotech doorbell / siren 6 questions


There is already some topics regarding this device, but I could not find the answer.

I’m trying to set a different tone for my doorbell. It currently plays the ‘out of the box’ tone, when the doorbell is pressed.

I’ve created items for testing purpose:

  • Item for tone (number, with mappings) it’s linked to the ‘Sound tone to play’ channel of doorbell1
  • Item for volume (slider/ dimmer) linked to the volume channel of doorbell1

Created a simple sitemap with these items on it.

Now, when I use the drop-down to change tone, it works. But only when I select a different number. When the ‘playing’ is done, the value resets to the default again automatically.

So my question is, where do i SET the tone, instead of only listening to it?

The device is recognized as: ZW164 Indoor Siren 6 and Doorbell 6

Openhab: openHAB 4.1.0.M5

Thank you!

The ‚sound to play‘ item ( what ever version like doorbell1, emergency etc) is always set to 0 ( stop) by the siren when the sound is over. That means, whenever you want to trigger a sound, you have to send a command (1 to 30) to the ‚sound to play‘ item. Volume of the sound can also be changed, every time you trigger the sound. Best practise is to use a rule to send the sound command.

But the button and siren are connected through a 433mhz channel I believe.
Do I understand correctly that I cannot set the tone for the doorbell? Because the button cannot be intercepted…correct?


Sorry I missed your have to set the sound number in ‚default sound tone to play (doorbell 1)‘.

I don’t see that option in the “thing”. There is ‘only’:

  • Tone Play Count for EP3 (Doorbell 1)
  • Interval between 2 tones for EP3 (Doorbell 1)
  • Intercepting duration of a tone EP 3(Doorbell 1)
  • Light effect…

But no ‘default sound to play’

That is not part of the thing parameter, it‘s a channel which has to be linked to an item

Yes, that I have, but whenever I do a ‘sendCommand’, e.g. 2, the tone is played. But it is not saved. So when I press the button, the default is played again, instead of tone nr. 2…

Hope you understand what I mean?

Made a slider stand alone widget in metadata. Here you select the tone to play

Super! and this will contain the tone you set?

Just try and tell me