Today i discovered that the previous discussion (where i removed all xml files) fixed many of my z-wave issues, but it introduced a new one. Many (if not all) of my battery operated devices do not longer update the battery state.
They do have a battery channel (e.g. zwave:device:512:node58:battery-level) but its value seems to be null all the time.
Neo PD03Z
Neo Motion Sensor
Fibaro FGMS001 Motion sensor
Fibaro FGSD002 Smoke sensor
The Neo devices reports the classes by the lifeline group, but do not seem to have some configuration option to set the battery report interval or nothing to control the battery report.
The userdata/zwave xml files are temporary and are used to speed start ups. Have they been recreated since you deleted them?
Anyway what I would try is to delete the devices from the UI (do not exclude), then rescan for them, then wake them to clear the waiting for NIF status.
Removing all the XML fixed many issues, but not this one. As this has been done just recent i tend not to do that again. I just noticed 1 out of 8 is showing the battery-level. Weird.
The battery channel is added automatically to all battery devices. The reporting interval is based on the poll setting, but could be impacted by the wakeup setting if that is longer.
Edit:Deleting the XMLs probably caused this issue. You could check the timestamps to see if they have been recreated.