ZWAVE-Binding: Popp 10 Year Smoke detector (009402) is recognized wrongly as Solar Powered Outdoor Siren (005107)

I recently updated my Openhab installation after abandoning it for several months. Since then my Popp 10 Year Smoke detectors are recognized as Popps Solar Powered Outdoor Siren. There are several topics which actually seem to describe the opposite issue than mine:

It seems that my device returns Id 0004:0002 which is identical to that of the siren in the database. I would update the database myself, but I am not quite sure of how to proceed to avoid conflicts with the current devices in the database.

According to Habmin device info the Firmware version is 1.1
Here is the XML File generated by the binding to this ticket:

  <associationGroups class="concurrent-hash-map"/>
  <endpoints class="concurrent-hash-map">
        <supportedCommandClasses class="concurrent-hash-map">
  <lastReceived>2019-01-24 19:56:58.400 UTC</lastReceived>

I would appreciate if anyone has an idea to resolve this issue.

The database is correct, it seems to be a problem with the device. Please read this thread (and all posts down to the bottom), you may need to update the firmware of that device:

BUT: first step will be to upgrade to the latest 2.5 zwave snapshot binding version to see it the problem persists.


thank you for your answer. Indeed I haven’t noticed this post so far. I will try to walk all these steps and see ift it helps…