Zwave binding serial port selection: change dropdown list to textfield

I am using your zwave binding in openhab 2.4 and have a suggestion for improvement:
At the beginning I had several problems to find or select the serial port in PaperUI. I had connected the Zwave stick and a Mysensors gateway via USB. As selection in PaperUI I only got “/dev/ttyUSB0” displayed, which was the gateway. The Zwave Stick was not found, although I could already use it in the system and it was displayed correctly under “/dev/tty_zwave”. I already found this problem several times in the openhab forum.
I was only able to solve the problem when I disconnected the gateway (dev/ttyUSB0) from the server. Then the PaperUI showed a text field instead of a dropdown list. There I could enter the port manually.
My suggestion:
change the dropdown list permanently to a text field so that you can enter the device path manually even if the stick is not recognized or incorrectly recognized.

This is not something that is done in the binding unfortunately so the binding has no control over this. The list is provided somewhere else in the system, and then represented in the UI - unfortunately I’m personally not sure exactly where this is added - maybe in the .ui bundles. Maybe PaperUI should allow free text entry and that would solve the issue - if so, you’d probably need to discuss this with ESH since PaperUI is part of that project (I know - it’s very convoluted :wink: ).

OK, thanks for the answer!

Can anybody create a request for me at git for this topic? I don’t have an account there and don’t know where to put it?

I would hold off for now as everything is changing wrt the ESH/OH relationship.

ok, thanks for the new info!