Zwave Blind control from Duwi not recognized

Hi all,
i have 2 rollershuters controls from Duwi (they are like but with different firmware)
I can’t control them with openhab 2. The switch_dimmer command did not work
Here is my log file:

2016-12-20 21:46:27.995 [WARN ] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 4: Command for unknown channel zwave:device:ce89516e:node4:switch_dimmer with UpDownType
2016-12-20 21:46:28.356 [WARN ] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 4: Command for unknown channel zwave:device:ce89516e:node4:switch_dimmer with StopMoveType
2016-12-20 21:46:31.099 [WARN ] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 4: Command for unknown channel zwave:device:ce89516e:node4:switch_dimmer with UpDownType
2016-12-20 21:46:41.405 [WARN ] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 4: Command for unknown channel zwave:device:ce89516e:node4:switch_dimmer with StopMoveType
2016-12-20 21:46:50.319 [ERROR] [alization.ZWaveNodeInitStageAdvancer] - NODE 4: Node advancer: Retries exceeded at GET_CONFIGURATION
2016-12-20 21:46:50.774 [ERROR] [alization.ZWaveNodeInitStageAdvancer] - NODE 4: Node advancer: Retries exceeded at DYNAMIC_VALUES
2016-12-20 21:46:52.161 [WARN ] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 4: Initialising Thing Node...
2016-12-20 21:46:52.166 [WARN ] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 4: Initialising Thing Node...

They are detected like this in paper UI :

Z-Wave Node 4: 06436 Insert blind control
06436 Insert blind control

Insert blind control

Status: ONLINE  

zwave_class_basic	ROUTING_SLAVE
zwave_class_generic	MULTILEVEL_SWITCH
zwave_frequent	false
zwave_neighbours	1,2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,13,15,17
zwave_version	1.0
zwave_listening	true
zwave_deviceid	0
zwave_nodeid	4
zwave_routing	true
zwave_beaming	true
zwave_class_specific	MOTOR_MULTIPOSITION
zwave_manufacturer	100
zwave_devicetype	16385

Do you have any ideas ? How can i make them work ?
Thanks a lot !

If it is this device there is no switch_dimmer channel:

You need to provide more information about the device, which hardware/firmware/ID’s/…
Take a look in your node4.xml file

Thanks a lot for your response. My device is not this one (it’s the same but from Duwi with a different firmware, it looks like exactly the same) It is not detected as a device and it show a switch_dimmer channel…
here is the full node4.xml

  <lastSent>2016-12-21 00:06:16.658 UTC</lastSent>
  <lastReceived>2016-12-21 00:06:16.843 UTC</lastReceived>

Thanks again !

Then this should be the right one:

Maybe that specific device version has to be added to the database …

It looks like the type/id in the database is the same as the XML file above, so it should be ok. Also…

This seems to indicate that the device is detected correctly, so that doesn’t seem to be the problem.

What actually doesn’t work? Can you provide a debug log please?

Thanks for your help.
I have multiple problems (i have 2 of these blind control from Duwi):

  • channel “switch_dimmer” dit not work
  • channel “switch_binary” work for one, but for the other it can only open and not close…
  • i don’t have the state return, is it open or closed ?

What can i do to have the debug log ?
Thanks again

I’ve updated the database for this device to change the channel type so it should work better with blinds - let’s see if that helps.

I’ll update the binding tomorrow.

Thanks a lot Chris !!
I just have to restart for applying the change ?

I’ve not actually updated the binding yet - I’ll do this shortly, but once this is done you just need to update the binding - in PaperUI/HABmin, uninstall the current binding and install it again 30 seconds later.

no problem, tell me when you push the update i will test it!
Thanks again

Sorry it’s taken so long - I’ve just merged this and kicked off a new build so it should be available in about 30 minutes.

Hi sorry for the late response
i have tried to uninstall and reinstall but i dont see any difference ?
how can i check that update is applied ?
Thanks a lot !

If you now have the bind control channel available, then it’s updated - if not, then it’s still the old one.

You will need to delete the thing and add it back - if your reinstall didn’t already do that.

Thanks i delete the thing and add it back and now i have the blind control channel and it works !
i have just only one problem, when i fully open (or close) whith openhab and the blind control channel it never stopped ?

I try to configure in habmin the parameters 4 or 5 (full close or open time) but i can’t, i can only select : “keep in permanent motion”

Do you know why ? thanks again !

These parameters have the “All free entry” tick set - so you should just be able to type in a value (ie a number) directly into the box?

no i can just select the “keep in permanent motion”

Can you attach an image of how this is rendered please?

i cant type any number, just select

Ok - I’ll take a look - it’s definitely not rendering as I expect.