ZWave controller missing in network map?


I had several issues with my zwave network in the last weeks - nodes going offline, slow response. After some back and forth I tried to replace my Aeotec Z-Stick Gen 5 with a Aeotec Z-Stick 5. I used the Silabs PC Controller, to migrate from my old to the new stick. This seemed to work quite well. The new controller has node id 28. Sadly I still have problems, e.g. with config updates. One thing I noticed is the network map:

Should it not show the controller node?


how did you solve this? i have the same issue with latest version

The network map uses the neighbor information produced from a network heal. With the capability for 700 series controllers late last year the controller needed to be excluded from the network heal. It could not heal itself and caused an endless loop. Somehow 500 series controllers managed the network heal, but took a long time and a lot of looping too. You could add the controller to the map by adding the neighbors parameter to the controller using the API using all the other nodes that have the controller as neighbor. The logic being that if the controller is a neighbor to the node, the controller must also have that node as a neighbor. However, I wouldn’t bother. The map cannot be used for diagnostics anyway.

i still have the problem for months now… the map is still missing the controller. i don’t know how to do what you proposed using the API. is there another solution to see the map correctly?.. i really miss Habmin

The controller should be visible again with the OH4.3 release (A PR with a slight change was accepted by the developer). Note that since the controller still can’t “heal” itself the arrows will be one way from a node to the controller, but if the node “sees” the controller, the controller is sure to “see” the node. Also note my caution above

This is what it looks like on my small test system.
network map 2024-12-11 094950