I will shortly perform a complete “resynchronisation” of the ZWave database and this will flow into the SNAPSHOT binding in the next day or so… What this means is I delete all the XML files that are created when the database is exported, and re-export everything. This ensures that any changes get flowed through and any removed entries finally get removed.
It has probably been about 6 months since the last full export like this - the weekly updates I do normally just add or update individual files, but over time this can cause duplications if (for example) a new version of the same device is added to the database, and the resync and full export is necessary to resolve this.
We now have just under 1000 files in the database, so there’s quite a lot of work to keep this all running and I’d like to thank @sihui and @Bruce_Osborne for the work they have put in over the past month or three to improve the quality of the data. Most people who add entries to the database add the minimum they can get away with as they want to get their device working (understandably) but the database is also used to generate our documentation, so by improving the information in the database, we improve the binding documentation.
Anyway… This resync may have the side-effect of removing database entries. Hopefully it won’t, but some thing-types may change, and possibly some devices might go missing if we miss the export on a few of the 1000 entries. If you spot any problems, just yell and we’ll try and resolve it quickly.
Most of the channels that are deprecated are not recommended (hence why they are being removed) - eg switch channels when there is a dimmer channel, or some older alarm channels where we have an improved option. In the longer term (probably for 2.6) we will probably look to remove some of these (this has been discussed a lot on the past).
I just updated to S1698. I had to restart several times because I kept getting the Queue Full message. I removed zwave from the addons.cfg, restarted again, waited for the load on the server to return to normal, and then added zwave back to the addons.cfg.
However, all four of my DZS15 devices came up really strange in Habmin (sorry, no pic). There was only a delete button available. I’ve seen this long ago… I think it was an XML issue. I deleted the Things and rediscovered, but the devices are no longer resolved.
2019-09-24 15:07:25.723 [WARN ] [org.openhab.binding.zwave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 7: Device discovery could not resolve to a thingType! 001D:1C02:0334::0.7
2019-09-24 15:07:25.737 [WARN ] [org.openhab.binding.zwave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 13: Device discovery could not resolve to a thingType! 001D:1C02:0334::0.7
2019-09-24 15:07:25.742 [WARN ] [org.openhab.binding.zwave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 14: Device discovery could not resolve to a thingType! 001D:1C02:0334::0.7
2019-09-24 15:07:25.891 [WARN ] [org.openhab.binding.zwave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 137: Device discovery could not resolve to a thingType! 001D:1C02:0334::0.7
The device db entry shows there is some information missing, but I am pretty certain that it was there previously. In looking into the binding jar, the device XML is missing. Is this related to the db resync?
I suspect the information was always missing and the device has just become unpublished and missed with the export. I’ve just re-exported and will do an update tomorrow.
I just updated to S1705 with zwave and the Thing xml for the DZS15 is still missing from the binding. Everything looks right in the device db, but the changes I made were done after the last export, so that would explain why it is still missing.