ZWave Device Sensitive Strip 11 01 011 not recognised

I’m really keen on your findings :thumbsup:

Since I have 4 of these strips, 2 are mounted but only 1 is running fine and I’m again and again struggling with these devices I hope that your analysis can bring light into the dark.

Chris - thanks a lot for your effort and support.


I’ve received the strip here and have it all working ok. The update I did last night works fine with the notifications, but I’ve made another change tonight that helps with initialisation and the polling of device status. I’ll update the binding tonight, so if you grab tomorrows snapshot, this should be included.

The strip initialised fine - I had to wake it up a couple of times, but it initialised pretty quickly. I was able to set the wakeup interval in HABmin, wake up the device, and it was set in the strip ok.

I should also add that the guys at Sensative AB have been really helpful and responsive so thanks also to them :slight_smile: .

Let me know how it looks - if there’s any problems let me know and we can work through it I’m sure.


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Thanks for your efforts, @chris.

I also recognized that the support of Sensative AB is very quick and helpful.
THIS is how to differentiate nowadays :slight_smile:

I will give your latest update a try, because my strip is still not operational.

I agree. It’s really great to see companies supporting their products.

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Used the newest binding version, deleted the thing and the xml, re-added it.

After that, I had to change the notification type back to Notification report (as Chris already said), but I also had to change the channel definition of my item (was binary_sensor before, now it is sensor_door).

And because of that, the item type has changed from SWITCH to CONTACT.

After I did all this, the sensor was functional again.


@chris, I’d like to point you to a question that I just raised:

Does your change fix my problem?

If I understand you correctly, the state is ok when openhab is running but not at startup? If so, this is correct for a battery device like the strip. The binding cant update the state until the device wakes. If you want the state to be correct on startup then you need to use persistence to do this.

No :slight_smile:
OH is losing the state of the devices (applies for all 5 devices). Means:

  • OH starts → no state, it is reported as “-” → but I understood that this can be resolved with persistence → no issue anymore

  • when I’m opening/closing a door the state is updated correctly BUT after a while (still don’t know how long this “while” is) the previously correct reported state changes back to “-” without any intervention (neither item updates, neither restart, neither any other intervention)

I guess when I use a persistence this will also not be visible anymore which doesn’t necissarily means that there is no issue anymore. So my question is whether I have a problem with the devices or if my configuration is wrong (didn’t change any of the default values) or if there is any other problem.

Thanks & Regards

This guess is wrong. You should configure the persistence to restore the latest value only on startup using mapdb. So when OH is running and then the item is loosing it’s state (for whatever reason), the persistence will not correct this.

I suspect that this might be something outside of the binding as I don’t ever set a state back to undefined. In oh1 if you updated configuration or items files then the state would be reset - I assume it is the same here… maybe it’s something like that that is causing the issue?

That finally solved my issue and the sensative strips works as expected after upgrading to OH2 release 2.0
Thanks a lot (again) Stefan! :wink:

That was interesting to read that there had been some updates to the binding of this device as well.

I installed one of these just about the same time that you guys were discussing that setting the door sensor parameter to Binary would work. That helped me getting this thing working back then.

Today I’m installing a new one and when I did like the previous time set the parameter to send binary and then set up a switch for the channel, the door didn’t work. (The channel had even suggested creating a contact but I manually chose a switch instead :rolling_eyes: )

Anyhow just before I got to this thread. I was doing trial and error and ended up with the parameter as Send notification and the item type as Contact. Now the door started to respond.
Then I got to reading this whole thread once more including your newer posts in it.

Right now what I did was also delete for my previous door sensor, I deleted the items, the thing and the xml file.
And now I’m waiting for it get fully initialized again. I hope it wasn’t a misstake to delete it, since it sits on a door fairly far from the controller. (not within the specified 1meter which is good for initializing this device). :cold_sweat:

I’m going to try to get it into the Send notfication mode like it should be. Although it has worked the whole time before.

I’ll report back here with how it goes. Always good to have this info on record for others who come later I guess.

Btw, I’ve too been thinking about these General Alarm channels. What are they good for? Maybe I should look for a seperate topic on that. :slight_smile:

Got it working now.
So in order to move from a Binary switch over to a Door Contact I had to do the following steps.

  1. Delete the Items
  2. Delete the Thing
  3. Delete the xml file
  4. Power down the Openhab solution
  5. Move the controller within 1 meter of the door where the Door Sensor i sat on
  6. Start up openhab
  7. Set the controller to Include mode and add the node
  8. Wake it up a few times until fully initialized
  9. Change the Parameter to “Notification report”
  10. Wake it up again for it to take affect
  11. Create new items (this time it should be a Door Contact)
    12 Test that its working. Now I could power down and move back the controller to its usual location

I’m running on a Rpi. Thinking about getting a PiJuice when they become available again. It would be nice to be able to move around the controller for times like this. :slight_smile:

Hi all.
I don’t know if this is the right place to ask, but since all expertise in Sensative seems to be gathered here… :slight_smile:

I have a Z-stick that I’ve previously used openzwave for, so all inclusions are already done, I’m “only” changing the software I’m using. This worked like a charm for all devices in my house except for one, a Sensative Strip. For the other devices I got items in my smarthome inbox which I just acknowledged and everything was ok, but the Strip never show up. I tried opening and closing the door and I see in the log that the controller is receiving stuff (log snippet here: What I’m reacting over in the log is the “Node is DEAD. Dropping message.”. It seems pretty clear to me the node isn’t dead since it’s sending…

Anyway, I tried to find the little round magnet, don’t know where I put it. Will any magnet do? And will it do any good?

I’ve had this issue also a couple of times (node was marked as dead). You should wake it up several times manually (an open/close is NO wakeup!) using the magnet. I think any magnet will do the job. You can easily check this when you put a magnet near the round edge of the strip. Then the LED on the other end of the strip should flash. For a correct wakeup you must do this three times in max. 10 seconds!! And you need to wakeup the device several times (sometimes up to 10 times).

And, nearly most important: You have to use a quite recent version of the zwave binding. On which version are you currently?

I’m on the latest version (2.0.0). It has showed up now (without me doing anything at all) but it says “The device initialisation is not complete”, guess I’ll need to try that magnet trick :slight_smile:


Yes. It only wakes up once a day if you don’t do anything else. And so it can take some days until the initialisation is fully completed. For whatever reason one wakeup is not enough to get the device initialised. So go get a magnet. :wink:

The sensative Strip takes a long time to initialize completely.
I had it lying on my desk for days (to play with, without actually opening the door to my garden), together with my Razbian device.
The battery indicator was not updated until after a few days, now showing 100%, which is correct for a new device.

I had to awakw he device several times, before connecting for the first time.


Ok. After finding a magnet and fiddling around with it it’s now recognized correctly. It doesn’t notice me opening the door though which makes it kinda worthless. This worked before (when I was using openzwave) so I know the hardware is positioned correctly. It also shows 100% for the battery, which I doubt since it’s over a year old (I got it november 2015). Anything anyone else recognizes?

Btw, the swedish manual says that “Om någon försöker manipulera Strips med en annan magnet, skickas en
alarmsignal (Tamper) till din Z-Wave controller.” which translates to “If anyone tries to manipulate Strips with another magnet a alarm signal (Tamper) will be sent to your Z-Wave controller”. The english manual doesn’t say the same thing. I tried manipulating it with another magnet whilst speaking swedish though and I got no alarm signal…

Make sure that the notification type is set to use ‘notifications’ and not the ‘binary sensor’ - this is the default value, but if you’ve used it with other software you might have changed it.

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