Zwave Device unknown, no channels - MP21ZD

Hi All.
I am having an issue with a z-wave device MP21ZD single switch that I was able to add, but within the binding there are no channels and the ThingType is “unknown device”.
I have a second one, same smart plug, bought at the same time, that works fine and shows up as “MP21ZD Z-Wave Mini PLug Dimmer”.

So I am wondering what is wrong and if I could tell the unknown device what it is.

I am using OpenHab 4.0.3, on a raspb4
(updated from 3.4 this morning, since it wasn’t working with 3.4 as well).
using the Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5

Any ideas pls.

Thanks, Jesterle.

Are the TYPE:ID the same? Look on the UI page like this:

Also what zstick are you using?

Thats not listed…

using the Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5

Ok., but I got what I was looking for. More than you want to know: Zwave devices are identified MFG and by Type:id. Yours are 786:44033:151. In hex (if my conversions are correct) is 0312:AC01:0097. The DB entry for MP21ZD is here. OpenSmartHouse Z-Wave Device Database and is 0312:FF01:FF0D. What does the device that was identified look like? Is it 786:65281:65293?

If I am looking at the right device, and they appear identical in your manuals the TYPE:ID AC01:0097 needs to be added to the DB for your second device to be recognized.

Thanks a lot for your help.

I double-checked with the “same” device I bought at the same time and that is working.
The manufacturer seems to be the same, but the type id is different.
When I read you correctly, this needs to be added to the z-wave database.

Thanks for your help.

No problem. You can just add the type:id (in hex) with a comma after the other type:id if all the parameters, etc. look the same. The blog describes how to get write access, if you do not have that already.