Zwave Jar download location?

that’s exactly what I’ve done and what got me the 1.9. I am using OFFLINE distro though, which may the problem. Will try ONLINE.

I must admit that I don’t do this as I’m just using the addons folder due to doing a lot off development, but I gather others are using this ok (??).

Ok, the online distro lists two zwave extensions and I’ve installed the V2.

However, now the HABMIN2 does not start, also, I do not see any zwave messages in the log. Any hints?

openhab> list |grep ZWave
166 | Active    |  80 |    | ZWave Binding

Use the version here for the OH2 binding -:

This will all be merged in the coming week so that the master contains the binding for OH2…

ok, progress - got the new HABMin to work, looks amazing!

However, it does not seem that I have any information about zwave in the log:display, even though it is listed as active:

166 | Active    |  80 |    | ZWave Binding

I’ve added zwave into conf/services, is that correct location? Contents are:

# The Z-Wave controller port. Valid values are e.g. COM1 for Windows and /dev/ttyS0 or
# /dev/ttyUSB0 for Linux

# Z-Wave nightly heal time. This is the hour (eg 2AM) at which the automatic nightly
# network heal will be performed.

It might be worth having a read through the first post in the ZWave testing thread…

The important part is below…

Firstly, you need to manually add the controller - in HABmin or PaperUI, you need to go to the add thing option (in HABmin, this is the Configuration | Thing Configuration menu, and click on the + at the top). Select the “Z-Wave Serial Controller” thing. You need to go to the port settings and set the COM port address.

You should soon see a bunch of new things being found - click on the ADD button, and hopefully things will work ok! If the node name isn’t a real name (e.g. instead of device name it shows the Type and ID) then it means the device isn’t detected in the database and we need to work this out… It should still generate the XML files, so we need to feed them into the database4. If you’re unsure about what to do here, then please discuss it so we can get this right - once this gets sorted for a device, hopefully everyone else will be able to use the device very easily…

Once the things are generated, the channels and items should also be generated automatically. If this doesn’t work as you expect, then we likely need to sort this out in the database.

My apologies - did not see that thread! Will read before asking any further questions.

Got it working - in my test bed of raZberry + fibaro smoke sensor, I could see the smoke sensor as a “thing” in my inbox after triple-clicking the button to speed things up.

I am still unable see anything in the zwave log reader:

Or to see the network and be able to add/remove devices:

Is the above link still correct?

This isn’t a live log display - you need to manually load the log - there’s a button in the top right of the window.

In OH2, to add devices you go to the device discovery (In HABmin, it’s the little search icon on the top of the Thing Configuration screen. To remove devices, select the controller, and look in the tools menu on the right side of the window.

Got it - found both of the options!

I almost have a full picture now, only section I am not 100% sure about is the association groups - in my case, they seem to be simple textboxes, not dropdowns as they were in oh1

Is this expected behaviour / still work in progress?

They should be either multi-select dropdowns, or single select dropdowns depending on the number of nodes the group can be set to.

If you have problems, I would suggest trying a different browser - I use Chrome for development - I’ve seen some problems in Firefox and Safari that I need to look at when I get time…

That’s what I am trying - latest Chrome & using the Paper UI:

This is the markup of the field:

<input ng-init="focus=false" name="group_3" ng-model="configuration[]" ng-required="parameter.required" type="text" ng-focus="focus=true" ng-blur="focus=false" class="ng-pristine ng-valid md-input ng-valid-minlength ng-valid-maxlength ng-valid-required ng-touched" id="input_2000" aria-invalid="false">

I do see dropdowns in HABMin though - is that the correct behaviour then?

Ah - if you’re using PaperUI - I can’t comment on what it does in the case of select boxes, let alone multi-selects…

Yes, I can see the dropdowns properly in HABmin.


Is the safari thing fixed? im on rpi…also, was speaking to you about my issue in another post. my wall switches are in the database, i jave the xml files, but they dont show up when adding new things. only thing that shows up is the zwave controller. i dont think i have the serial transport, the link in your post, first post give a 404. only jars in my addons folder are habmin2 and zwave2.0xxxxx. what to do?

I’ve not tried every function, but Safari seems to work. If you find any issues, please report them and I can take a look…

Correct - other devices are hidden from the manual thing adding wizard.

Have a look at this getting started guide

ok, thx. what about the serial transport? sjould i have this jar in the addons folder?

If you install as recommended in this thread (is using PaperUI) then it will automatically install the dependencies. If you install manually for some reason, then yes, you’ll need to take care of the dependencies yourself.

so where can i find the serial transport jar? do you have a link?

No. I guess it’s in the distribution files somewhere, but I’ve never needed to look for it. If you really want to install it this way, then you’ll need to dig into the distribution files to find it. As above, I’d suggest not doing it this way, but up to you of course.