Zwave Jar download location?

It might be worth having a read through the first post in the ZWave testing thread…

The important part is below…

Firstly, you need to manually add the controller - in HABmin or PaperUI, you need to go to the add thing option (in HABmin, this is the Configuration | Thing Configuration menu, and click on the + at the top). Select the “Z-Wave Serial Controller” thing. You need to go to the port settings and set the COM port address.

You should soon see a bunch of new things being found - click on the ADD button, and hopefully things will work ok! If the node name isn’t a real name (e.g. instead of device name it shows the Type and ID) then it means the device isn’t detected in the database and we need to work this out… It should still generate the XML files, so we need to feed them into the database4. If you’re unsure about what to do here, then please discuss it so we can get this right - once this gets sorted for a device, hopefully everyone else will be able to use the device very easily…

Once the things are generated, the channels and items should also be generated automatically. If this doesn’t work as you expect, then we likely need to sort this out in the database.