ZWAVE - NODE NOT INITALIZED (But not one of my nodes?)

So I am taking some time to go through my OH install and to try and clean up all errors I can before the introduction of OH3.

In looking at my zwave log file I noticed 7 warnings of a node not getting initialized…they were all for NODE 152 of which I do not have. My current list of nodes ends at 42.

Any idea of where this could be coming from? Am I picking up a neighbors node by chance?

Very curious.


03-Dec-2020 00:00:41.657 [WARN ] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 152: Not initialized (ie node unknown), ignoring message.
03-Dec-2020 00:00:42.217 [WARN ] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 152: Not initialized (ie node unknown), ignoring message.
03-Dec-2020 00:00:42.351 [WARN ] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 152: Not initialized (ie node unknown), ignoring message.
03-Dec-2020 00:00:42.689 [WARN ] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 152: Not initialized (ie node unknown), ignoring message.
03-Dec-2020 00:00:42.989 [WARN ] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 152: Not initialized (ie node unknown), ignoring message.
03-Dec-2020 00:00:43.159 [WARN ] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 152: Not initialized (ie node unknown), ignoring message.
03-Dec-2020 00:00:43.220 [WARN ] [ng.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 152: Not initialized (ie node unknown), ignoring message.

I get these all the time. Somewhere in the forum or GH @chris explained it to me. Z-Wave does not do much error checking and it is RF, so bits get flipped. If you want a surprise, look into your XML files and chances are you will find a bunch of inaccuracies, like command classes that do not belong to that device. These show up from legitimate communications that have gone awry and added to the wrong XML. I don’t think this causes much of an issue, but I periodically wipe them out to start fresh.


Thanks for the info…I anticipated it could be something like that.
So you are saying the XML files get recreated if you wipe them out? I have one mains powered node that has become unidentified after an upgrade and can’t get it to be recognized…maybe killing the xml file will help it get reidentified? I’ve removed it from OH with the hope it would get recognized…but it always comes back unidentified and stays that way.


Absolutely, just do it with OH not running. Everything in $OPENHAB_HOME/userdata/zwave/ can be deleted and it will be rebuilt. as the devices initialize.

That sounds like a ghost node. Search the forum. You can try getting rid of it through Habmin, but may need to use PC Controller (replacement for Zensys Tools) from SiLabs. But if your nodes end at 42, then this wouldn’t be possible. I never noticed XMLs created for the nodes reported in these warnings.

It’s not a ghost…it’s physically connected to the mains…just won’t get recognized.

I’m confused :slightly_smiling_face:. When I start OH, I get warnings like you posted. You also posted…

This sounds exactly like my experience.

So, this is a separate issue? Deleting the XML will not help. Deleting the Thing (not excluding) and rediscovering may help, if the binding was updated. If not, post the xml, as it may not be in the database or it may have a newer firmware than what is in the database. What is the make/model of the device… or screenshot the Attributes section from Habmin.

Sorry about that…I added a second issue in there.

Yes, I have a node that did not come back after an OH upgrade. It’s one of two identical devices on my network (dry relay)…so I know the device is in the database.

The device that will not get recognized looks like this in Habmin

Another one of the same physical devices does get recognized and it looks like this

I have deleted the thing and it always comes back unrecognized.

The Attributes section provides the type:id (useful to look it up in the db) and firmware version. But if you have another, then you know that is not the problem! Unrecognized mains powered device… hmmm… my advice is to power cycle it. If that doesn’t work, reinitialize it. If that doesn’t work, exclude and reinclude.

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