Zwave with Razberry2 Unkown Device

Agreed - I missed that this would happen. As above, I’m not sure how to resolve this. It doesn’t seem to be possible to set the UID and the thing type separately when creating the thing. In the past, this happened as we set the thing type to device then changed it later - the thing type remained the same throughout, but the type changed.

I’m not keen on having the “Unknown device” label on every device though.

For now, I think this should be reverted. To resolve this, I suspect we need a changed in the core which may not be easy :frowning: . Alternatively, we will have to live with the change.

In fact, I think there is no easy way around this. The inbox API only allows setting of the thing type UID - not the thing UID. It creates the thing UID from the thing type UID - in the past, the two were the same, but this link was changed a couple of years back and now they can be different. I have a bad feeling it would be quite a large change to update the inbox API :frowning: .

That’s why I think the change makes sense.

Personally, I’m ok with it. It’s a one time thing to rediscover the nodes and edit the channel IDs in the items file.

I can’t think of any other downside.

Maybe revert the change, then post on the forum to warn everyone what’s going to happen.

Already done…

I’ve put this change back into the latest version - hopefully I’ve managed to retain the UID :wink: