2.5 Milestone 6 Issues

@stfn82 Just a somewhat side note. I see you’re using network UPS Tools. There is an openHAB 2 version now.



java version "1.8.0_201"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_201-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.201-b09, mixed mode)


START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
 ID β”‚ State  β”‚ Lvl β”‚ Version                 β”‚ Name
 19 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚      β”‚ OSGi JAX-RS Connector
 20 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.8.2.v20180104-1110    β”‚ Gson: Google Json Library for Java
 21 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 18.0.0                  β”‚ Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java
 22 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 27.1.0.jre              β”‚ Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java
 23 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.0.1                   β”‚ Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures
 24 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.0.0.v201312141243     β”‚ Google Guice (No AOP)
 25 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.8.35.v20190528-1517   β”‚ ClassGraph
 26 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.18.1.GA               β”‚ Javassist
 29 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.5.5                   β”‚ JmDNS
 31 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.0.0                   β”‚ Units of Measurement API
 33 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.1.0.Final             β”‚ Bean Validation API
 35 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.0.1                   β”‚ javax.ws.rs-api
 36 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.9.2                   β”‚ Joda-Time
 37 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 0.5.8                   β”‚ Jollyday
 38 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.2.0.v201101311130     β”‚ ANTLR Runtime
 40 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.1                     β”‚ Commons Exec
 41 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.2.0                   β”‚ Commons IO
 42 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.6                     β”‚ Commons Lang
 51 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.2.7                   β”‚ Apache Karaf :: OSGi Services :: Event
 66 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚                 β”‚ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xstream
 69 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.14.0                  β”‚ Apache XBean OSGI Bundle Utilities
 70 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.14.0                  β”‚ Apache XBean :: Classpath Resource Finder
 71 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247   β”‚ EMF Common
 72 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247   β”‚ EMF Ecore
 73 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.11.0.v20160420-0247   β”‚ EMF Change Model
 74 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.12.0.v20160420-0247   β”‚ EMF XML/XMI Persistence
 75 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.10.400.v20190516-1504 β”‚ Common Eclipse Runtime
104 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 0.8.0.v20190822-0801    β”‚ org.eclipse.lsp4j
105 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 0.8.0.v20190822-0801    β”‚ org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc
106 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.19.0.v20190902-0728   β”‚ Xtend Runtime Library
107 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.19.0.v20190902-0728   β”‚ Xtend Macro Interfaces
108 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.19.0.v20190902-0737   β”‚ Xtext
109 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.19.0.v20190902-0952   β”‚ Xtext Common Types
110 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.19.0.v20190902-0737   β”‚ Xtext IDE Core
111 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.19.0.v20190902-0737   β”‚ Xtext Utility
112 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.19.0.v20190902-0952   β”‚ Xbase Model
113 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.19.0.v20190902-0952   β”‚ Xbase Generic IDE Services
114 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.19.0.v20190902-0728   β”‚ Xbase Runtime Library
129 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.9.6                   β”‚ MIME streaming extension
131 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 7.1.0                   β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.commons
132 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 7.1.0                   β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.tree
133 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Core
134 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Audio
135 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: OAuth2Client
136 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Binding XML
137 β”‚ Active β”‚  90 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Boot
138 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration Core
139 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration Discovery
140 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration mDNS Discovery
141 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration Dispatcher
142 β”‚ Active β”‚  75 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration XML
143 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Ephemeris
144 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: ID
145 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Console
146 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Console for OSGi runtime Karaf
147 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: HTTP Interface
149 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Monitor
150 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Network I/O
151 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: REST Interface
152 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Audio REST Interface
153 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: REST Interface :: Core
154 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: REST mDNS Announcer
155 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: REST JAX-RS Optimizations
156 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Sitemap REST Interface
157 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: SSE Interface
158 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Voice REST Interface
159 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: mDNS Service
160 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Karaf Integration
161 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Core
162 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Items
163 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Item IDE
164 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Items Runtime
165 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Language Server
166 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Persistence
167 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Persistence IDE
168 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Persistence Runtime
169 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Rules
170 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Rule IDE
171 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Rules Runtime
172 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Script
173 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Script IDE
174 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Script Runtime
175 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Sitemap
176 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Sitemap IDE
177 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Sitemap Runtime
178 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Thing
179 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Thing IDE
180 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Thing Runtime
181 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Persistence
182 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Scheduler Service
183 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Semantics
184 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: JSON Storage
185 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Thing
186 β”‚ Active β”‚  75 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Thing XML
187 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Transformation Service
188 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: UI
189 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: UI Icon Support
190 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Voice
191 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB UI :: Bundles :: Dashboard UI
200 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.4.0                   β”‚ ThreeTen-Extra
201 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.0.3                   β”‚ Units of Measurement Common Library
202 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.0.10                  β”‚ Units of Measurement Implementation for Java SE
205 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.15.0.OH2              β”‚ nrjavaserial
206 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.9.2                   β”‚ Jackson JSON processor
207 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.9.2                   β”‚ Data mapper for Jackson JSON processor
208 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.10.0                  β”‚ Apache Commons Codec
209 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.2.1                   β”‚ Commons Collections
210 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.3.0                   β”‚ Commons Net
211 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.2.3                   β”‚ Apache HttpClient OSGi bundle
212 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.2.3                   β”‚ Apache HttpCore OSGi bundle
213 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚                 β”‚ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-httpclient
214 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.2                   β”‚ JUPnP Library
215 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.14.0.M6               β”‚ openHAB Telegram Action
216 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Astro Binding
217 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: HP Printer Binding
218 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: NTP Binding
219 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: OpenWeatherMap Binding
220 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Rfxcom Binding
221 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Sonos Binding
222 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: UniFi Binding
223 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding
224 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Automation
225 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Automation Media Modules
226 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Automation Script Modules
227 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Automation Script RuleSupport
228 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Automation REST API
229 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: 1.x Compatibility Layer
230 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration UPnP Discovery
231 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration USB-Serial Discovery
232 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration USB-Serial Discovery for Linux using sysfs scanning
233 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration Serial
234 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Serial Transport
235 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Serial Transport for RXTX
236 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Serial Transport for RFC2217
237 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: UPnP Transport
238 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Extension Service :: Eclipse IoT Marketplace
239 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: IO :: Java Sound Support
240 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: IO :: Web Audio Support
241 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.14.0.M6               β”‚ openHAB InfluxDB Persistence bundle
242 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.14.0.M6               β”‚ openHAB MapDB Persistence Bundle
243 β”‚ Active β”‚  75 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Transformation Service :: Map
244 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB UI :: Bundles :: Basic UI
245 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB UI :: Bundles :: HABmin UI
246 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB UI :: Bundles :: Icon Set :: Classic
247 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB UI :: Bundles :: Paper UI
248 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB UI :: Bundles :: HABPanel UI
249 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Voice :: Mary Text-to-Speech
250 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M6                β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: hue Binding

I have deactivated the hue things for the hue remote.

My java & bindings causing java CPU hog on ubuntu x64:

omr@shs2:~$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_201"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_201-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.201-b09, mixed mode)

openhab> list | grep -i binding
137 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Binding XML
204 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Nanoleaf Binding
205 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ β”‚ Exec Binding
239 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Astro Binding
240 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Dresden Elektronik deCONZ Binding
241 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.14.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Expire Binding
242 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: HarmonyHub Binding
243 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 1.14.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB HTTP Binding
244 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: hue Binding
245 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Kodi Binding
246 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Mail Binding
247 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Network Binding
248 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Onkyo Binding
249 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: SamsungTV Binding
250 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: SqueezeBox Binding
251 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Systeminfo Binding
252 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: TRΓ…DFRI Binding
253 β”‚ Active β”‚ 80 β”‚ 2.5.0.M5 β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding

thanks everyone for bindings and java version

But Mats, you are continuing to use M6? Everyone else had to downgrade back to M5 to keep things working.
Hate to say it but the zwave binding seems to be the only common factor I can see
different platforms, different java versions

Thanks @Andrew_Rowe for looking into this.

Just to recap:
I was on M5 and decided on Monday 2. December in the evening to take M6 for a spin.
After the apt-get update/upgrade the CPU hogged without me really noticing.
Usually things act up after an upgrade and I often have to do a power-cycle after some minutes to get up and running.
This time, after a power-cycle, M6 came back up with all my paperUI added things missing.
Downgraded to M5, things still missing.
So, before adding the 100+ things in the Inbox, I upgraded to M6 again.
Back on M6, I then started adding things, but the first thing I did, was manually re-adding my ZWave stick. After doing that, all ZWave things also appeared in the inbox.
This is were I was not paying enough attention. I was re-adding my things in paperUI (simple mode with auto linking) and I was almost half way through when the things view in paperUI became unresponsive and I noticed the CPU was hogged.
I then downgraded to M5 again, and was able to re-add the rest of my inbox.
I attach my log from that evening in case you are able to see something interesting. Good luck!
(ftr: I’m still on M5)


Yet I have zwave running on a Pi & M6 with no issues.

Do you have XMS and XMX values set on your java or is it all just stock?

Yes, I am still on M6, because after disabling 5 hue things, everything else works just fine, including zwave. Both Paper UI and Sitemap, in phone,works with no lag and no spaming of log file!

My log right now:

2019-12-06 06:06:21.886 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - astro_moon_local_position_azimuth changed from 335.9097347240755 to 337.3227453122973
2019-12-06 06:06:21.887 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - astro_moon_local_position_elevation changed from -33.23811348448288 to -33.47460736851912
2019-12-06 06:06:22.642 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - astro_sun_local_position_azimuth changed from 105.1242003528871 to 106.13293835990552
2019-12-06 06:06:22.646 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - astro_sun_local_position_elevation changed from -17.107970842958316 to -16.47411296729548
2019-12-06 06:06:30.421 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntpDay changed from 2019-12-06T06:05:30.421+0100 to 2019-12-06T06:06:30.422+0100
2019-12-06 06:06:30.423 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2019-12-06T06:05:30.421+0100 to 2019-12-06T06:06:30.422+0100
2019-12-06 06:06:30.423 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntpDate changed from 2019-12-06T06:05:30.421+0100 to 2019-12-06T06:06:30.422+0100
2019-12-06 06:06:30.424 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntpTime changed from 2019-12-06T06:05:30.421+0100 to 2019-12-06T06:06:30.422+0100
2019-12-06 06:06:30.425 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_string changed from 2019-12-06 06:05:30 CET to 2019-12-06 06:06:30 CET
2019-12-06 06:06:39.307 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64712 to 64713
2019-12-06 06:06:39.312 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node23_sensor_power changed from 0.6 to 0.5
2019-12-06 06:06:39.313 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Jul2_power changed from 0.6 to 0.5
2019-12-06 06:06:40.308 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64713 to 64714
2019-12-06 06:06:40.312 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node23_sensor_power changed from 0.5 to 0.4
2019-12-06 06:06:40.313 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Jul2_power changed from 0.5 to 0.4
2019-12-06 06:06:41.307 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64714 to 64715
2019-12-06 06:06:41.313 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node23_sensor_power changed from 0.4 to 0.5
2019-12-06 06:06:41.313 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Jul2_power changed from 0.4 to 0.5
2019-12-06 06:06:43.308 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64715 to 64716
2019-12-06 06:06:43.311 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node23_sensor_power changed from 0.5 to 0.6
2019-12-06 06:06:43.312 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Jul2_power changed from 0.5 to 0.6
2019-12-06 06:06:44.308 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64716 to 64717
2019-12-06 06:06:44.311 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node23_sensor_power changed from 0.6 to 0.7
2019-12-06 06:06:44.312 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Jul2_power changed from 0.6 to 0.7
2019-12-06 06:06:57.569 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64717 to 64718
2019-12-06 06:06:57.575 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - PlugV2MBdrmWinLamp_watts changed from 0 to 0.521
2019-12-06 06:06:57.576 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node3_meter_watts changed from 0 to 0.521
2019-12-06 06:07:00.570 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64718 to 64719
2019-12-06 06:07:00.575 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - PlugV2MBdrmWinLamp_watts changed from 0.521 to 0
2019-12-06 06:07:00.576 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node3_meter_watts changed from 0.521 to 0
2019-12-06 06:07:02.163 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - MatsMobilUptime changed from 33523 to 33583
2019-12-06 06:07:02.164 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - MatsMobilLastSeen changed from 2019-12-06T06:06:00.000+0100 to 2019-12-06T06:07:00.000+0100
2019-12-06 06:07:02.170 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - MadeleinesMobilUptime changed from 22889 to 22949
2019-12-06 06:07:02.171 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - MadeleinesMobilLastSeen changed from 2019-12-06T06:06:00.000+0100 to 2019-12-06T06:07:00.000+0100
2019-12-06 06:07:02.176 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AlmasMobilUptime changed from 9370 to 9430
2019-12-06 06:07:02.177 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AlmasMobilLastSeen changed from 2019-12-06T06:06:00.000+0100 to 2019-12-06T06:07:00.000+0100
2019-12-06 06:07:02.178 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AlmasMobilRSSI changed from 19 to 21
2019-12-06 06:07:07.308 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64719 to 64720
2019-12-06 06:07:07.311 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node23_sensor_power changed from 0.7 to 0.5
2019-12-06 06:07:07.312 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Jul2_power changed from 0.7 to 0.5
2019-12-06 06:07:08.308 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64720 to 64721
2019-12-06 06:07:08.313 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node23_sensor_power changed from 0.5 to 0.6
2019-12-06 06:07:08.313 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Jul2_power changed from 0.5 to 0.6
2019-12-06 06:07:10.308 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64721 to 64722
2019-12-06 06:07:10.312 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node23_sensor_power changed from 0.6 to 0.5
2019-12-06 06:07:10.313 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Jul2_power changed from 0.6 to 0.5
2019-12-06 06:07:11.308 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64722 to 64723
2019-12-06 06:07:11.313 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node23_sensor_power changed from 0.5 to 0.6
2019-12-06 06:07:11.314 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Jul2_power changed from 0.5 to 0.6
2019-12-06 06:07:16.307 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64723 to 64724
2019-12-06 06:07:16.312 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node23_sensor_power changed from 0.6 to 0.5
2019-12-06 06:07:16.313 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Jul2_power changed from 0.6 to 0.5
2019-12-06 06:07:21.569 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64724 to 64725
2019-12-06 06:07:21.575 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - PlugV2MBdrmWinLamp_watts changed from 0 to 0.528
2019-12-06 06:07:21.576 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node3_meter_watts changed from 0 to 0.528
2019-12-06 06:07:24.570 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_serial_zstick_d844b98a_serial_sof changed from 64725 to 64726
2019-12-06 06:07:24.575 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - PlugV2MBdrmWinLamp_watts changed from 0.528 to 0
2019-12-06 06:07:24.575 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zwave_device_d844b98a_node3_meter_watts changed from 0.528 to 0
2019-12-06 06:07:30.425 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntpDay changed from 2019-12-06T06:06:30.422+0100 to 2019-12-06T06:07:30.424+0100
2019-12-06 06:07:30.426 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2019-12-06T06:06:30.422+0100 to 2019-12-06T06:07:30.424+0100
2019-12-06 06:07:30.427 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntpDate changed from 2019-12-06T06:06:30.422+0100 to 2019-12-06T06:07:30.424+0100
2019-12-06 06:07:30.428 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntpTime changed from 2019-12-06T06:06:30.422+0100 to 2019-12-06T06:07:30.424+0100
2019-12-06 06:07:30.429 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_string changed from 2019-12-06 06:06:30 CET to 2019-12-06 06:07:30 CET
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Just stock setup by openHABian.

Since my update to M6 (Raspbian on SD-card of a Pi 3), I also get a β€œSystem Started” event caused by my system started rule. It appears at approx. 03:15 in the morning.
Nothing else, no complete system restart.
Any ideas?

This can happen when you modify or some automatism β€œtouches” a rules, items or thing file. β€œTouching” includes all changes, but also to e.g. change file permissions or the last modified date of a file (only).
Behavior shouldn’t have changed since M5 but it could be some change in an underlying library or similar to go unnoticed. Or you skipped installing the interim version this was introduced in. Or it has been there for some time already without that you noticed.
Hope this hint helps you in tracking down what’s running on your box at those times to cause such file changes.

1 Like

I am on M6, and no issues with z-wave.
My only issues are with broadcomm binding, which is still 3rd-party, and for whom M6 had some breaking changes. But z-wave seems pretty stable


Same thing here :slight_smile: No issues at all

1 Like

I can confirm the hue issue in M6 release. I get an unuseable system after upgrading. If I remove the hue things it becomes normal again, but after including only one hue thing, logfile will be spammed with hue events and CPU consumption is 100% an memory is increasing over 5GB.

I am using openhab with docker and I also started a test with new conf, addon and userdata folder, but got the same behavior after only installing hue binding and including one hue thing. After removing the one hue thing the cpu consumption stays at 100 percent but log spamming stopped.
First I will switch back to M5 release and will still watch this forum for new informations about this topic.

Please open an issue on GitHub.


Yes I know. But since I only use that binding for cosmetic purposes the need to update is somewhere at the bottom of my TODO-list.

For openHABian Xms/Xmx defaults are 250/350 which is fine for a 1GB ARM system and on x86 or ARM boxes with more mem probably not more harmful than the defaults.

Actually, on this recent install on a Pi 3B+ the OPTS is blank. I inslled Java using openHABian, used apt to install Milestone 5 and then used openHABian to set the defaults. I specifically wanted Milestone 5 because I was testing the upgrade from 5 to 6.


Made a quick dirty fix for the Broadlink binding for M6: Broadlink binding for RMx, A1, SPx and MP. Any interest?

I’ve seen Java go to 100% and stay there, too.
First I’ve seen a number of
2019-12-08 14:40:19.398 [WARN ] [me.core.internal.events.EventHandler] - Dispatching event to subscriber 'org.openhab.core.events.internal.EventBridge@ffb7f8' takes more than 5000ms.

until I restarted.

Now this time (and only this time) I got

2019-12-08 14:39:33.351 [WARN ] [mmon.WrappedScheduledExecutorService] - Scheduled runnable ended with an exception:
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    2019-12-08 14:39:33.373 [DEBUG] [nal.provider.AbstractCallbackServlet] - Post message received from OwnTracks tracker: {"_type":"location","acc":16,"alt":0,"batt":78,"conn":"w","lat":XX.XXX,"lon":XX.XXX,"t":"p","tid":"XX","tst":1575812344,"vac":0,"vel":0}

and quickly after that

2019-12-08 14:40:09.039 [WARN ] [WaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread] - Exception during ZWave thread.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Queue full
        at java.util.AbstractQueue.add(AbstractQueue.java:98) ~[?:1.8.0_222]
        at java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue.add(ArrayBlockingQueue.java:312) ~[?:1.8.0_222]
        at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager.processReceiveMessage(ZWaveTransactionManager.java:417) ~[bundleFile:?]
        at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController.incomingPacket(ZWaveController.java:1072) ~[bundleFile:?]
        at org.openhab.binding.zwave.handler.ZWaveControllerHandler.incomingMessage(ZWaveControllerHandler.java:411) ~[bundleFile:?]
        at org.openhab.binding.zwave.handler.ZWaveSerialHandler$ZWaveReceiveThread.run(ZWaveSerialHandler.java:331) [bundleFile:?]
2019-12-08 14:40:19.398 [WARN ] [me.core.internal.events.EventHandler] - Dispatching event to subscriber 'org.openhab.core.events.internal.EventBridge@ffb7f8' takes more than 5000ms.

So the prime candidate I believe is the gpstracker binding (pinging @gbicskei), the following ZWave error (pinging @chris) may or may not be a followup problem.

Will raise -Xmx java limit but I would think that should not be the cause as I believe the whole JVM should crash if that limit is hit, shouldn’t it? Which it does not. Memory usage also was pretty constant i.e. no visible leak.

I’ve also been thinking of a relationship to VScode because I’ve only been seeing this since I recently started to use that, but I haven’t been able to verify or falsify yet. At least it does not touch the dir or files which would cause that 100% due to a recompile of many rules or items.