3rd Party Bluetooth Binding. Beta testers needed

How do you know that it is only 30 secs? I’ve got two different iTag devices, and they both are available to be connected any time.

It is quite likely the device changes its MAC address when it is rebooted/switched off/on again. But normally BLE devices stay in standby mode all the time ready to be connected any second, so you don’t have to reset them…

I know this, because after 30 seconds my newly added thing went OFFLINE and stays there all the time.


This is strange. It is not what I see with my iTag devices. Just to make sure we’ve got the same devices… what mobile app are you using with your device?

iTracing2. But normally it’s recommended to use iSearching. But this APP (iSearching) wanted too many authorizations on my mobile (nearly everything granted!).

The address on the screen is invalid (59a613c9). BT address has XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX form, e.g. it is 6 pairs of hex number. How have you added that device on the screenshot?

Sorry. I’m NOT at home. I’m at work. (and at work, I don’t have my BlueGiga and my iTag!!) :wink: I tested it many times at home. And surely I have XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX when I added my iTag. (the above screenshot should only demonstrate the OFFLINE state). I know this by heart. But after adding it went OFFLINE after 30 seconds.

EDIT: I’m going to test it once more this evening! Linking the “Connection Control” immediately.

Hi @Celaeno1, I think I found a bug in the BlueGiga transport. Basically, when connecting to a device, BlueGiga adapter requires to know what type of bluetooth address is provided (public or random). This differs from TinyB transport, where you don’t have to specify address type, it somehow figures out by itself. Funny thing that it has been fixed already and the fix is sitting in git master. Please be patient, I’m preparing for the next release where lots of defects will be fixed (and lots of other defect will be introduced :slight_smile: ).


Hi @vkolotov, many thanks for your work on the bluetooth binding. I’m moving back for HASS as this was wasn’t working in OH.

I’ve followed your instructions to install Bluez 5.47 and have added the Tiny B transport.

Detection works great but I am also struggling with my devices being shown as offline after a short time. I’m currently running Openhabian on a RPi3 with a bluetooth USB dongle. My two devices are a Samsung Galaxy S7 and a Samsung Galaxy S8.

Both of these were working fine on HASS using the same hardware (was actually a Openhabian install with HASS loaded) without having to be paired or set to being constantly discoverable. I think that I just had to provide HASS with the BT MAC address and a friendly name.

Is this just a limit of the current implementation or have I missed something?

Again, many thanks for your work.


Hi @peterclark4, this is a known issue for the devices that change their mac addresses. This issue is on our roadmap, stay tuned please.

Does anyone know if it is possible to add a BLE dongle to a seperate raspberry pi for other rooms. I’m struggling to find a reference to this or how to do it if it is supported.

I currently have BLE on my openhab pi, and i have two other pi’s running kodi which also have BLE doggles in them.


Hi @chriscolden, I’m not aware of any way to make a “OH cluster”. However, the binding supports running multiple adapters, so you could use USB extender cables. There are passive cables that give you extra 5m active cables that give you +30m.

Thanks, That doesn’t really help, as it will be over a 30 meter run to each room by the time i’ve had to drop into lofts ect to run the cables. I’m not sure how others are using them for room detection i wouldn’t have thought they would be doing the usb extentions.

Maybe run OH (or some other tool) on each additional RPi just for detecting BLE presence. Then send the presence state to your central OH instance for further processing.

@chriscolden have looked at ser2net + socat configuration to share those dongles over ethernet?

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@gitMiguel no ive not seen that. Do you have any examples of this in use with openhab? Dont worry if not, I’ll certainly need to look at that. I’d like to get to the point that a tablet will switch the view in habpanel.

Here’s a good tutorial about it. Just replace z-wave with your bt dongle.

I have used this kind of configurations with multiple usb devices and works like a charm.

I have a Harbor Breeze bluetooth fan control (Same as this device: https://www.fan-light.com/product.php?id=231). I’ve successfully added it, but it doesn’t have any of the fan/light controls.

How could I go about getting it to work with this binding? For what it’s worth, I have the UUID info from a BLE scanning app and also an opensource homekit bridge made for this device.

Hi, I actually tried that excellent tutorial. Everything goes as excpected and I get a device, but i cannot make it work with bluez, hciconfig or anything, I want it to show up as my HCI1 adapter in hciconfig but nothing happens. I cant find anyone who has actually done this with a bluetooth adapter. Anyone has any more info on this? Im trying to share a RPI3s bluetooth.

Can’t think any reason why it shouldn’t work serial wise. Just guessing here but could it be something with permissions?

Sorry but can’t help you any further.

I did a lot of testing yesterday, I couldn’t find a solution to the ser2cat alternative. I’m absolutely no pro but I did a lot of research and I could not find anyone who had succeeded.

Maybe a Bluegiga adapter is more likely to succeed because it actually shows up as a device (/dev/ttyUSBx) and the binding can point to such thing.

It would had been so awesome if I could use my 4 piZero to be my adapters. Right now I’m going back to my old solution with Node-RED and sending the data over MQTT to openHAB.
Awesome binding overall. This is needed. More things are going bluetooth nowadays!