I like meteograms for weather forecasts - I think they’re great to get the most information at a glance.
I’ve been looking into services which provide them and found two, so just thought I’d share my findings:
I just made an HABPanel widget for this one, but if you want it in a sitemap, just right click on the image and copy its URL to include it in your sitemap. They can be a little slow to render though, but you can customize them extensively.
This great service from Norway which I found very accurate offers meteograms as SVG or PNG files. Just search for a location and you’ll arrive to a page with an URL in the format place/(country)/(region or state)/(city) like this: https://www.yr.no/place/United_States/District_of_Columbia/Washington_D.C_/
Then, just append meteogram.png to the URL and you’ll get this image:
You can also append advanced_meteogram.png to get a more detailed meteogram with cloud cover and pressure:
Note: the SVG versions are at meteogram.svg and advanced_meteogram.svg respectively, but they can’t be displayed in sitemaps.
AFAIK you can’t customize the 48-hour forecast or the layout.
Example snippet to include in sitemaps
Frame label=Meteogram {
Image url="https://www.yr.no/place/United_States/District_of_Columbia/Washington_D.C_/meteogram.png" label="Meteogram" refresh=3600000