Aeotech Doorbell 6

I am sure user will appreciate this. I got bogged down with the new database entries because the work is tedious & exacting. I no longer use OH and have never owned these devices.

This device was the first i tried entering into the database, years ago. i mainly did the Z-Wave work as thanks for the developer’s tire;ess work & support. I find little personal incentive to push on & “finish” the entries, especially since full support is still not in the binding.

I have one of these Siren 6 devices and have been looking forward to native OH3 support for it. (I’m currently using it via Smartthings which is a bit ugly).
However, the link in @sbholmes post above to the xml file seems to be broken. Has it now been included in the library? It doesn’t seem to show up in my Inbox of discovered devices - I’m at 3.3.0 Snapshot = Build #2860

I don’t have the device, but noticed from something else I’m doing that the device is in a modified state, but no review has been is requested. That means it was removed from the DB, it looks like around 2/20/22.

I have a copy from Feb3 that you will need to modify as above and follow the other directions of @sbholmes. Obviously it will be missing what was trying to be modified (don’t know if that is important, since the Sound CC is still not in the binding.

zw164_0_0.xml (67.5 KB)



Unfortunatly there is still no native support for the doorbell or siren and you can not change take with an XML update. I made a pull request that will add support this, but @chris has not commented on it. So if you want it to work you will need to use my build. See the post above.

Apologies - things have been pretty hectic here for the past little while. I will try and take a look at this in the next few days as from a very very quick look I had it looks fine.

Thanks Chris, that would be great.

I tried to make a change to the XML file to better support the doorbell functionality - mainly renaming of the endpoints to match what they actually do - unfortunately the site crashes whenever i press ‘request review’. Tried reverting my changes completely but no luck. So someone (maybe @chris or @Bruce_Osborne ?) needs to figure out why the site is crashing for that file. I believe as a result of this, the device has been removed from the OH 3 build completely :frowning:

Note if you just want to use the siren as a doorbell - ie you have 1 (or 2 or 3) bell pushes, and you want notifications whenever the bell pushes are pressed - you don’t need anything other than the normal OH build (and a fixed XML file)

If you want support to make the siren sound programatically (ie based on some rule), you need to use @Kennet 's fork (see my earlier post)

This is correct.

I’m not an expert on the DB, but the only thing that looks odd is that there is no “Initial Approval” date. I was also not able to get the Opensmarthouse site to provide a “Diff”, so I’m thinking that (missing initial approval file for comparison) is the cause of the error when 'Request Review" is clicked. I tried to click it myself and got the same error. Maybe @chris can resolve.


This should be working now - it was just an issue with memory and I increased that last week. Let me take a look when I get home tonight.

@chris any luck? Just tried pressing “request review” again on the ZW164 but I just got the same error I’ve been getting for the last 2 months.

@apella12 pressing “show diff” just doesn’t seem to do anything - it just hangs. I can only guess it’s due to something I did when I attempted to edit the file back on 14th Feb - but I still have no idea what. Possibly I pasted a special character in by mistake? Like I said, I attempted to fully back out all the changes I made on that day but the site still crashes every time I press “request review” and without a stacktrace I’ve no idea what it is I’ve done…

Maybe, maybe not. I ran the “show diff” because the initial approval file appears missing.

My thinking (could be wrong) is that as part of the “request review” a “diff” is created. If I was @chris I would just want to review changes, not have to search the whole device configuration for what had been changed. Since the “show diff” will not run on its own, I suspect that is also what is holding up the “request Review”


The problem is/was that this device is huge and it was using too much memory for PHP. I increased the memory a week or two back and it was working - maybe something reverted.

No - the problem is that the export doesn’t work (well, it did last week). If the export doesn’t work, then the diff doesn’t work, and the approval doesn’t work.

So the problem is that diff is using too much memory on this device as it’s really large. I’ve tried increasing the memory even more, but it still doesn’t help. I’ve now removed the diff from the “request review” so that now works as well.

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Thanks @chris. I’ve made the changes again but I can’t seem to find the request review button now!
Pressing “show diff” just seems to hang, too.

Any change you made previously should not have been removed - nothing was reverted.

That’s because it has already been requested for review.

As above, this is the cause of the problem - it uses too much memory so doesn’t work on this device as it has too large a configuration.

Understood - I had previously reverted them myself as I originally thought my changes were the source of the problem!

Also I just noticed you’ve merged @kennet 's fork to add support for sounding the siren - do you want me to update the file with the extra channels as well? Can do that now.

Ah no, I can’t until you’ve done the magic to add “sound_tone_play” and “sound_volume” to the list of channel types, and possibly more that I don’t fully understand. Will leave with you!

These should already be available in the database as I did that a week or so ago, but I’ve not added to the exporter yet. I’ll try and do that today.

@chris thanks! Found them in the list of channel types and have added all the new channels. When you’ve approved the changes and done the database export and a new OH zwave snapshot build has been created I’ll pull it down and see if everything works.

Out of interest, if you come across a channel for a thing that seems to have been created in error and doesn’t function or make any logical sense, is it OK to delete it? For example in ZW164, I don’t believe the “alarm_power” channels make any sense or do anything. Obviously one can just ignore them, but it must be a bit confusing for people who have just bought the device and are trying to figure out which channels to link their items to.


Should the sound_tone_play and sound_volume not be added to a command class called COMMAND_CLASS_SOUND_SWITCH ?