Alexa Smart Home Skill - No devices found - Solution

I have this

Number forhaven_sensor_temp “Garden Temperature” [ “CurrentTemperature” ] {ihc=“>0x202114”

But when i ask Alexa for “Garden temperature” i get the temperature of a place called garden ?

Try other item labels…

in my case Alexa can’t find new devices anymore but existing devices are still working.

When I delete an existing device it’s not discovered by Alexa again too. I already try to disconnect OpenHAB skill from MyOpenHAB and reconncect it succesfull again by deactivating and activating the skill.

here is a new item:

Switch  FibaroSwitch    "LichtTest" [ "Switchable" ] {channel="zwave:device:15e95d63afd:node15:switch_binary2"}

The device is listed under :

link	""
state	"OFF"
type	"Switch"
name	"FibaroSwitch"
label	"LichtTest"
0	"Switchable"
groupNames	[]

but the switch isn’t discovered by alexa??
Maybe it’s up to the version of the alexa app (client-version1.24.3004.0 / bridge-version2.2.191.12)? In this version it’s not possible to delete devices by using the app anymore it’ only possible to to delete devices by using

@nibi79 I have to test this behavior this evening. I currently didn’t add/delete any item/device… I also have Alexa APP client-version 1.24.3004.0 / bridge-version

EDIT: I tested right now. And it is running with a new item/device!!

ok than the it’s a problem only on my side.
Have you an idea why the old items work and new devices are not discovered anymore?

Did you follow this up? Link

and also this? Link

Did you install new bindings? Did you enable “automatic item linking”?

hi Alex,
yes I have followed your instructions before but I don’t have deleted all my 365 items to get it clean. I only checked the combination of label and tag. After your reply I looked over it again and found my mistake. There was one missing label from a test that I overlooked.

I’m so sorry for wasting your time. Thank you for your support.

Because it takes more than one try to read and get things right, how can I clean up all the old mistakes I made and use what works?

I currently have

Number HVAC_Temperature "House Temperature [%.1f F]" <temperature> (gHVAC) [ "CurrentTemperature", "Fahrenheit" ] {channel="zwave:device:1608131a9e2:node2:sensor_temperature" }
Number HVAC_HeatSetPoint "House Heating [%.0f F]" <temperature> (gHVAC) [ "CurrentTemperature", "Fahrenheit"] {channel = "zwave:device:1608131a9e2:node2:thermostat_setpoint_heating" }
Number HVAC_CoolSetPoint "House Cooling [%.0f F]" <temperature> (gHVAC) [ "CurrentTemperature", "Fahrenheit"] {channel = "zwave:device:1608131a9e2:node2:thermostat_setpoint_cooling" }

I had been “Deleting items and events” in and deleting the items in the Alexa app but now have gotten to a point where she tells me I have more than one Thermostat and can’t tell me the House Temp any more.

I do have “item linking” “Simple Mode” OFF

When I ask for the House Temperature she says that a few things share that name, yet I only see “House Temperature” “House Heating” and “House Cooling” in the app

I do now see that all three are listed as “CurrentTemperature” but they do each have unique names
Where is she seeing the duplicates from?

The only 3 items that have Tags are the ones listed above.

what am I missing?



“House Temperature” “House Heating” and “House Cooling” are the labels of your taged items.

You will see them (labels) all as a device in Alexa APP with the corresponding name.

It is not necessary (makes no sense) to tag a “thermostat_setpoint_heating”-item and a “thermostat_setpoint_cooling”-item as [ “CurrentTemperature” ]. Delete both tags from your item file.


When you label an item “House Temperature”, then you have to ask “Alexa, what is the temperature of ‘House Temperature’?”

You better put your Alexa-Device “House Temperature” in an Alexa-Group e.g. “House”.

Then you have to ask “Alexa, what is the temperature of ‘House’?”

Ok I have it working now, I even switched to using the Thermostat structure.

Where is the language documented that can be used to access each field?

Target Temperature, Heating/Cooling mode

I may need to use a internal tag for the Target Temp, since my thermostat (CT100) has a heating setpoint register and a cooling setpoint register and have rules update the proper register based on the heating/cooling mode

I live in Florida, so the Heating setpoint is mostly fail safe, the cooling we do change from time to time…


Here you can see all utterances:

And here is a complete Openhab Alexa Skill documentation:

That helps, but is might be better if we could have the supported voice commands paired up with example item definitions (with proper tags etc) so we can look in one place.

Maybe added to the Openhab Alexa Skill docs?


I am now trying to add my Door sensors and no new device is discovered.

Contact zone1          "Front Door [MAP(]"  (gContact) ["Lighting"] {alarmdecoder="REL:12,01#contact"}

I first tried the “Switchable” tag

I looked at the rest items and they looked ok

{"link":"","state":"CLOSED","transformedState":"closed","stateDescription":{"pattern":"","readOnly":false,"options":[]},"type":"Contact","name":"zone1","label":"Front Door","tags":["Lighting"],"groupNames":["gContact"]},




As I written one post above, in first Link you can see all utterances supported in OH2. (see in brackets [supported in OH2]).

In my second Link you can see also some examples, how to configure your items and tags.

And you also should read 1st post here: Link3

That’s all I can do for you. I am neither a maintainer nor do I make the documentation here. Sorry! :slight_smile:

Contact is not supported. What do you want Alexa to do or ask?

I guess: “What is the state of Front Door?” This is not supported, neither Alexa Smart Home Skill nor the OH2 skill.

Yes - more specifically “Alexa is the Garage Door open?”

Since you are not a maintainer, etc I will stop bugging you on this thread…

Seems you do have a decent understanding of the way it works…
Maybe you could become a contributor… :slight_smile:


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I have a lot that look like this, is this ok or must the empty tags completely being removed?


Does Alexa find your device(s)? Did you test it with at least one tag, e.g. [ “Switchable” ] ?

If Alexa doesn’t find this [ “Switchable” ] device , then you better should remove your blank tags…

So I can’t get Openhab to work with either Alexa or Google. I have a fairly complex setup and I believe I have tagged this things I needed and they all have labels but I maybe doing something stupid of missing something so to remove all possible issues with my install I started from nothing again and have something that can be reproduced.

  1. Completely clean install of docker version of Openhab-2.2 (Latest version)
  2. Install openHAB Cloud Connector
  3. Create new account with this uuib/secret on myopenhab
  4. Add one single item Switch testswitch2 "Light" <light> [ "Lighting" ] in items/test.items
  5. Link Alexa to this Openhab and try to discover lights (

I get the error

There was an error discovering your devices.

And this is the error returned from the discover call from the web version of Alexa. (XXX is an id that I’ve hidden as I’m not sure if it’s sesitive or not)

{"message":"Customer XXX does not have any devices that supports home automation"}

I don’t think I have any way of diagnosing this as it is all happening out of my control somewhere else.

What is it that I’m doing wrong or missing?




Can you see your testswitch2 under the following link: (login to first!)

Is this the only one? Or are there even more tagged items visable?

Search for tags":[" on above site… Are there tagged items WITHOUT labels?