Ansible Revisited

EDIT: Fixed some bugs identified in the comments

Note: I talk a lot about Gogs below. This weekend (10/4/2020 I gave up on Gogs and am now using GitLab)

I was asked to provide some more information on Ansible and using it with openHAB. To start, see A quick intro to Ansible and An Ansible 'Getting Started' Guide and for the basics of Ansible and getting started overall. This post isn’t going to rehash the basics and will assume some knowledge of Ansible.

Instead I’m going to go over my openHAB related roles, how they work, and the thought process behind them.

Overall Environment

My overall IT environment is much larger than just home automation. Those parts are out of scope for this post for the most part, though I might bring some roles in for discussion and example.

My overall hardware environment consists of a server class machine running VMWare ESXi and a number of Raspberry Pis of various models (1s, 0Ws, and 3s) connected to the same network either via ethernet, WiFi, or VPN.

On the ESXi machine I have four VMs:

Machine Name Purpose
huginn Virtual Desktop running Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop (if anyone has a recommendation for a good distro that performs well as a VM I’m open to suggestions)
fafnir NAS running OpenMediaVault sharing file systems using NFS and SAMBA in some cases
medusa Media server hosting stuff like NextCloud (and related services), Plex, and Guacamole
argus The home automation server
fenrir I’ve turned this one off but it used to run Nightscout and related services

The RPis include

Machine Name Type Purpose
manticore RPi 1B NUT server, sensor_reporter that pushes Govee BT Temp/Humi sensor readings to MQTT and various other odd jobs.
hydra RPi 0w Connected to door and window sensors that were left behind when the alarm system was ripped out before we bought the house, runs sensor_reporter to report the changes as MQTT
cerberos RPi 3 Connected to reed sensors and relays to control the garage door, has a Raspicam attached to verify the doors are open or not and monitor the garage. Uses sensor_reporter to publish and subscribe for commands to control and report the status of the doors.
norns RPi 3 Located over 100 miles away at my dad’s house, runs openHAB with a small Zwave network of devices; this openHAB is configured with MQTT 2.5 Event Bus to report the status of the sensors to the openHAB on argus.
hestiapi RPi 0w HestiaPi thermostat, this machine is not managed by Ansible (yet?), also running openHAB but limited to just the thermostat.

For a small business this isn’t so much but for a single person to establish and maintain in their spare time it would be pretty hard to manage manually. Enter Ansible.

Ground Rules

When working with Ansible there are a few ground rules to keep in mind.

  1. It only really works if everything possible that is done to configure the machines is done through Ansible. Don’t manually edit config files (openHAB is a special case, more on that later), install software, etc. Everything is done through Ansible.

  2. Make the playbooks and tasks idempotent. If there is no change required, no change should be made. This is important because it means that the playbooks make the minimum amount of changes required, which means the same scripts can be used to update/upgrade as are used to install everything in the first place.

  3. DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself). If you find yourself writing the same code over and over, create a new role out of it and import that into your other roles.

  4. Make liberal use of variables. Paths, user IDs, version numbers (when you don’t want latest) etc. should be in variables.

  5. Keep secrets safe. Ansible Vault is a good way to store sensitive information like passwords and API keys and the like. NOTE: I’m not yet using this but plan to move to it.


Unfortunately, Ansible can’t do everything. In particular:

  • ssh logins need to be enabled
  • python3 needs to be installed

Beyond that, because I’m lazy and/or haven’t figured out how to accomplish:

  • create user rich (mostly needed on the RPis as I always remove the pi user)
  • configure user rich with ssh certs
  • install tripwire (it uses a curses based UI during installation and I haven’t figured out how to interact with it from Ansible yet.

Especially with the RPis, if you have a lot of them you could grab a stock image and make these few small changes and thenresave the image. I just do them manually before running Ansible.


The Inventory is pretty straight forward.







This is where a given machine is given a job. You can also use this to tag machine types (e.g. sensor_reporter) and it’s a place where you can define host specific variables. The categories we care aboutare home-auto and pis.

The Playbooks

Next we have the playbooks. I have a separate playbook for each category so let’s look at the home-auto.yml file.


# Prerequisites:
# - install ssh
# - set up ssh for certificate only logins
# - install python3
# - all hosts added to the inventory under [homeauto]

# TODO set up root with ssh certs for git interactions

- hosts: homeauto
    - update: False
    - common
    - { role: vm, when: not update }
    - firemotd
    - mount-data
    - nut-client
    - msmtp
    - fail2ban
    - { role: multitail, openhab_logs: '/srv/openhab2/userdata/logs/' }
    - { role: docker, when: not update }
    - role: portainer
        - portainer_server: False 
        - pport: 9002
    - openzwave
    - mosquitto
    - influxdb
    - grafana
    - openhab
    - docker-prune
    - tripwire


  • I have a common role that does stuff like do an apt update and apt upgrade, install stuff like vim, install fish (my preferred shell) and, if my Gogs server is running checkout the fish configs.

  • There is an update variable set to False. When update is True some of the roles will be skipped. Those roles that are skipped are roles that pretty much just install stuff through apt, in which cases those will be handled by the apt upgrade that is already performed in common. This is primarily a time saver when running the roles to update the machines.

  • mout-data mounts the shares from fafnir as NFS mounts.

  • While some roles that have software that is just installed through apt like msmtp and fail2ban, they are still run during an update as the configuration might need to change during an update.

  • You will see in the multitail role that I don’t always follow my own advice. openhab_logs should be a variable.

  • The portainer role can be use to install either the server or the agent. I need to do this more for some of my other roles (e.g. calibre-desktop and calibre-docker, nut-server and nut-client, etc.)

Here is the pis.yml file.


- hosts: pis
    - update: False
    - common
    - firemotd
    - { role: min-writes, when: "inventory_hostname != 'norns-vpn'" }
    - msmtp
    - { role: nut-server, when: "inventory_hostname == 'manticore'" }
    - { role: sensor_reporter, when: "'sensor_reporter' in group_names" }
    - tripwire

Takeaways include:

  • There are a lot of the same roles. These are indeed the exact same roles as were used for home-auto.

  • We skip some some roles depending on which host it’s running against. This is probably not a best practice but it was simpler and made things simpler than trying to handle this in the inventory.

  • I skip the min-writes role for norns because I set up zram on that machine through openhabian-config.

Creating a role

As you should already know, an Ansible role follows a specific directory structure. I use ansible-galaxy to initialize a new role with a command like

ansible-galaxy init roles/new-role

This will create all the directors and populate them with initial yml files to be edited.

Every file and folder above was created for me. All I had to do was edit them.

Showing every single role here would be too large. If there are any roles you would like to see that I don’t show, let me know.


# tasks file for roles/mosquitto

- name: Create the mosquitto user
    name: create-user
    uid: "{{ mosquitto_uid }}"
    gid: "{{ mosquitto_uid }}"
    user_name: mosquitto
    create_home: False
    service: Mosquitto

- name: Create mosquitto data folders
    path: "{{ item }}"
    state: directory
    owner: mosquitto
    group: mosquitto
    mode: u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx
    - "{{ mosquitto_home }}"
    - "{{ mosquitto_home }}/config"
    - "{{ mosquitto_home }}/data"
    - "{{ mosquitto_home }}/log"
  become: True

- name: Copy the prepared mosquitto.conf folder
    src: mosquitto.conf
    dest: "{{ mosquitto_home }}/config/mosquitto.conf"
    mode: u=rw,g=rw
  become: True
  become_user: mosquitto

- name: check to see if the passwd file exists
    path: "{{ mosquitto_home }}/config/passwd"
  changed_when: False
  register: passwd_file

- name: Create an empty passwd file
    path: "{{ mosquitto_home }}/config/passwd"
    state: touch
    owner: mosquitto
    group: mosquitto
    mode: u=rw,g=r,o=r
  when: not passwd_file.stat.exists
  become: True

- name: Pull/update and start the Mosquitto service
    detach: True
      - "1883"
      - "9001"
      - "8883"
    image: eclipse-mosquitto
    log_driver: syslog
    name: mosquitto
      - "1883:1883"
      - "9001:9001"
      - "8883:8883"
    pull: True
    restart: False
    restart_policy: always
    state: started
    user: "{{ mosquitto_uid }}"
      - /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /usr/share/zoneinfo:/usr/share/soneinfo:ro
      - "{{ mosquitto_home }}/config:/mosquitto/config"
      - "{{ mosquitto_home }}/log:/mosquitto/log"
      - "{{ mosquitto_home }}/data:/mosquitto/data"
  register: mosquitto_pulled

- name: Wait if container restarted
    minutes: 1
  when: mosquitto_pulled.changed

- name: Check to see if we can log in
    cmd: docker exec mosquitto  mosquitto_sub -h localhost -u {{ mosquitto_user }} -P {{ mosquitto_password }} -t test -E
  register: mosquitto_sub
  changed_when: False
  failed_when: False

- name: Update the user and password if loggin in failed or the passwd file doesn't exist
    cmd: docker exec mosquitto mosquitto_passwd -c -b /mosquitto/config/passwd {{ mosquitto_user }} {{ mosquitto_password }}
  when: (not passwd_file.stat.exists) or 
        ('not authorized' in mosquitto_sub['stdout'])

- name: Restart mosquitto if password changed
    name: mosquitto
    restart: True
  when: (not passwd_file.stat.exists) or 
        ('not authorized' in mosquitto_sub['stdout'])

How it works:

  1. Create a user for the service to run under
  2. Create the mosquitto data folders
  3. Under roles/mosquitto/files I’ve a saved mosquitto.conf that contains the full mosquitto configuration. This get’s copied from where we are running Ansible to where we are deploying.
  4. Create an empty user/password file if one doesn’t already exist.
  5. Pull down and run the mosquitto image from DockerHub
  6. If the container restarted (only happens when the Image changed on DockerHub) we wait enough time for the container to come back up
  7. Try to connect to mosquitto using the configured username/password (configured in environment variables)
  8. If logging in failed, create/update the mosquitto user and password. Notice this is part of the idempotency. A non-idempotent way to do it would be to update the username/password every time whether or not it needs to be changed.
  9. Finally, if the username/password were updated restart the container to pickup the changes.


  • Actions are only performed when there is a change; idempotent
  • It’s a TODO of mine to deploy and use certificates for SSL/TLS connections
  • A lot of the fields listed in the docker_contianer task are not required as they are set to the default and/or are redundant. I keep them to document things about the container. For example, ports 1883, 8883, and 9001 are exposed by the Dockerfile and not required in the docker_container command


# tasks file for roles/influxdb

- name: Create the influxdb user
    name: create-user
    uid: "{{ influxdb_uid }}"
    gid: "{{ influxdb_uid }}"
    user_name: influxdb
    create_home: False
    service: InfluxDB

- name: Check to see if this is a new install
    path: "{{ influxdb_home }}/data"
  register: new_install

- name: Resotre from backup
    name: generic-restore
    service_name: influxdb
    service_home: "{{ influxdb_home }}"
    service_user: influxdb
    service_group: influxdb
  when: not new_install.stat.exists

- name: Create the needed directories
    path: "{{ item }}"
    state: directory
    owner: influxdb
    group: influxdb
    mode: u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx
  become: true
  register: dir_created
    - "{{ influxdb_home }}/config"
    - "{{ influxdb_home }}/data"
    - "{{ influxdb_home }}/logs"
  when: (not new_install.stat.exists) and (not 'tgz' in backup['stdout'])

- name: Populate the conf file
    create: True
    dest: "{{ influxdb_home }}/config/influxdb.conf"
    section: "{{ item.section }}"
    option: "{{ item.option  }}"
    value: "{{ item.value }}"
    mode: u=rw,g=rw
    owner: influxdb
    group: influxdb
    - { section: "meta", option: "dir", value: '"/var/lib/influxdb/meta"' }
    - { section: "data", option: "dir", value: '"/var/lib/influxdb/data"' }
    - { section: "data", option: "engine", value: '"tsml"' }
    - { section: "data", option: "wal-dir", value: '"/var/lib/influxdb/wal"' }
  become: True

- name: Pull and start InfluxDB container
    detach: True
      - "8086"
    hostname: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
    image: influxdb
    name: influxdb
    log_driver: syslog
      - "8086:8086"
    pull: True
    restart: False
    restart_policy: always
    user: "{{ influxdb_uid }}:{{ influxdb_uid }}"
      - "{{ influxdb_home }}/config:/etc/influxdb"
      - "{{ influxdb_home }}/data:/var/lib/influxdb"
      - "{{ influxdb_home }}/logs:/var/log/influxdb"
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro
  register: influxdb_pulled

- name: Sleep for a few to give the container a chance to come up
    seconds: 20
  when: influxdb_pulled.changed

- name: Install influxdb python module
    name: influxdb
    state: present
  become: True

- name: Create the admin user and grant permissions
    admin: True
    hostname: "{{ influxdb_ip_address }}"
    user_name: "{{ influxdb_admin_user }}"
    user_password: "{{ influxdb_admin_password }}"

- name: Install the backup script
    name: generic-backup
    service: influxdb
    service_home: "{{ influxdb_home }}"
    service_user: influxdb
    service_group: influxdb
    frequency: daily
    email: "{{ email_login }}"

How it works:

  1. Create the user
  2. Look to see if this is a new install or not. We determine this if the data folder exists. If not than we need to do a restore from backup.
  3. If the data folder doesn’t exist, restore the backup using a common restore role (see below)
  4. Next make sure the InfluxDB folder and subfolders exist and has the right ownership and permissions.
  5. Modify the cofig file as required by editing it in place instead of copying a premade file over like was done with Mosquitto.
  6. Pull the latest image from Dockerhub and if it’s changed run a new container.
  7. If the container was updated/restarted, give it time to come up.
  8. Install prerequisites and create the admin user and grant permissions.
    9 Finally, deploy the backup script using a common role.


  • The Ansible provided roles are idempotent but when doing actions using shell or command it’s up to you to make it idempotent.

Backup and Restore

The generic-backup role creates a script to automatically tgz up a given folder and save it to the mounted backups folder.

# tasks file for roles/generic-backup

- name: Make sure the backup folder exists
    path: "{{ backup_home }}/{{ service }}"
    state: directory
    owner: "{{ service_user }}"
    group: "{{ service_group }}"
    mode: u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx
  become: True

- name: Install the backup script
    dest: /etc/cron.{{ frequency }}/backup-{{ service }}
    mode: u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx
    src: backup-script
  become: True

A third way to deploy config files using Ansible is via templates. The template file backup-script in this case is

echo "Backing up {{ service }}"
file={{ backup_home }}/{{ service }}/{{ service }}-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M).tgz
cd {{ service_home }}
tar cfz $file .

email={{ email }}
to='To: '$email'\n'
from='From: '$email'\n'
subject='Subject: {{ service }} Backed Up\n\n'

echo -e "$msg" | $sendmail $email

The big difference between just copying the file like was done in the mosquitto role and a template is we can modify the file with Ansible variables before it’s copied. This script gets copied to one of the cron.* folders depending on the desired frequency of updates. When it runs it creates a tgz with the date and time in the file name.

In another thread I mentioned that I need to do more than just send an email indicating the backup ran and add some checks like the tgz file size and maybe a table of contents. When I do that, I’ll add that to this template file above and then the next time I run an update Ansible will deploy the changed file for all roles that use this common role.

For restoration I use:

# tasks file for roles/generic-restore

- name: Get the most recent backup, if there is one
  shell: ls -t {{ backup_home }}/{{ service_name }}/{{ service_name }}*.tgz | head -n 1
  register: backup
  changed_when: False
  become: True

- name: Print backup file
    msg: Restoring from {{ backup['stdout'] }} 
  when: ('tgz' in backup['stdout'])

- name: Create the home folder
    path: "{{ service_home }}"
    state: directory
    owner: "{{ service_user }}"
    group: "{{ service_group }}"
    mode: "u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx"
  become: True

- name: Restore the backup if it exists
    src: "{{ backup['stdout'] }}"
    dest: "{{ service_home }}"
    remote_src: True
  when: ('tgz' in backup['stdout'])
  become: True
  become_user: "{{ service_user }}"

These two roles assume the other one. The restore looks in the backup folder for the latest backup file and unzips it to the destination folder.


# tasks file for roles/grafana

- name: Create grafana user
    name: create-user
    uid: "{{ grafana_uid }}"
    gid: "{{ grafana_uid }}"
    user_name: grafana
    create_home: False
    service: Grafana

- name: Check to see if this is a new install
    path: "{{ grafana_home }}/grafana.db"
  register: new_install

- name: Restore from backup
    name: generic-restore
    service_name: grafana
    service_home: "{{ grafana_home }}"
    service_user: grafana
    service_group: grafana
  when: not new_install.stat.exists

- name: Pull/update Grafana docker container
    detach: True
      GF_USERS_ALLOW_SIGN_UP: "false"
      GF_RENDERING_SERVER_URL: http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:3001/render
      GF_RENDERING_CALLBACK_URL: http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:3000/
      GF_LOG_FILTERS: rendering:debug    
      - "3000"
    image: grafana/grafana
    log_driver: syslog
    name: grafana
      - "3000:3000"
    pull: True
    restart: False
    restart_policy: always
    user: "{{ grafana_uid }}:{{ grafana_uid }}"
      - "{{ grafana_home }}:/var/lib/grafana"
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro

- name: Start the image renderer
    detach: True
      - "8081"
    image: grafana/grafana-image-renderer
    log_driver: syslog
    name: grafana-image-renderer
      - "3001:8081"
    pull: True
    restart: False
    restart_policy: always
    user: "{{ grafana_uid }}:{{ grafana_uid }}"
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro

- name: Install the backup script
    name: generic-backup
    service: grafana
    service_home: "{{ grafana_home }}"
    service_user: grafana
    service_group: grafana
    frequency: daily
    email: "{{ email_login }}"

How it works:

  1. You might start to see a pattern here. First create the user.
  2. Check to see if we need to restore from backup
  3. Restore from backup if required.
  4. Pull the latest Grafana image from DockerHub and if it’s changed recreate the container.
  5. Pull the latest Grafana Image Renderer from DockerHub and if it’s changed recreate the container.
  6. Deploy the backup script.

This role posed a bit of a challeng for me. I probably could have made it work but gave up. the problem was if I used the docker’s hostname as the hostname for the container, it resolved it as localhost which made it so Grafana couldn’t reach the image renderer. That’s why they have different hostnames.

By this point you should start to see the rhythm of these roles. You should also start to see that everything is documented and to change the configuration is pretty simple; just edit the role.


The role you’ve all be waiting for! This one is a little more complicated because:

  • the openHAB configs are stored in Gogs
  • InfluxDB database and users need to be created

So why do I not use the same backup script as I do above? I’m strongly of the opinion that the openHAB configuration is more than just configuration. It’s fully fledged software development. Even if you do everything through PaperUI, I recommend using some sort of source control to keep and store your OH configs if you can manage it.

# tasks file for roles/openhab

- name: Create the openhab user and group
    name: create-user
    uid: "{{ openhab_uid }}"
    gid: "{{ openhab_uid }}"
    user_name: openhab
    create_home: False
    service: openHAB

- block:

  - name: Add openhab user to the dialout group
      append: True
      groups: dialout
      name: openhab

  - name: Create if necessary and set the permissions on the openHAB data folder
      path: "{{ openhab_home }}"
      state: directory
      owner: openhab
      group: openhab
      mode: u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx

  become: True

- name: See if config is already present
    path: "{{ openhab_home }}/conf"
  register: conf_present

- name: Check to see if Gogs is up
  shell: "nc -vz {{ gogs_host }} {{ gogs_port }}"
  register: gogs_running
  changed_when: False

- name: Checkout openHAB configs if this is a new install
    repo: "{{ openhab_conf_repo }}"
    dest: "{{ openhab_home }}"
    accept_hostkey: True
  when: (gogs_running['stderr'] is match(".* succeeded!")) and
        (not conf_present.stat.exists)

- name: Create missing folders
    path: "{{ item }}"
    state: directory
    owner: openhab
    group: openhab
    mode: u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx
    - "{{ openhab_home }}/userdata/cache"
    - "{{ openhab_home }}/userdata/logs"
    - "{{ openhab_home }}/userdata/persistence"
    - "{{ openhab_home }}/userdata/tmp"
  become: True

- name: Change ownership of openHAB configs
    path: "{{ openhab_home }}"
    owner: openhab
    group: openhab
    recurse: yes
  become: True
  when: (gogs_running['stderr'] is match(".* succeeded!")) and
        (not conf_present.stat.exists)

- name: Create the InfluxDB database
    hostname: "{{ influxdb_ip_address }}"
    database_name: "{{ openhab_influxdb_database_name }}"
    state: present
    username: "{{ influxdb_admin_user }}"
    password: "{{ influxdb_admin_password }}"

- name: Create the openHAB user and grant permissions
    user_name: "{{ influxdb_openhab_user }}"
    user_password: "{{ influxdb_openhab_password }}"
    login_username: "{{ influxdb_admin_user }}"
    login_password: "{{ influxdb_admin_password }}"
      - database: "{{ openhab_influxdb_database_name }}"
        privilege: 'ALL'

- name: Create Grafana user and grant read permissions
    user_name: "{{ influxdb_grafana_user }}"
    user_password: "{{ influxdb_grafana_password }}"
    login_username: "{{ influxdb_admin_user }}"
    login_password: "{{ influxdb_admin_password }}"
      - database: "{{ openhab_influxdb_database_name }}"
        privilege: 'READ'

# TODO check version numbers to determine if we need to restart

- name: Pull/update the openHAB docker image
    detach: True
      - "/dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0:rwm"
      - "/dev/ttyUSB1:/dev/ttyUSB1:rwm"
      CRYPTO_POLICY: unlimited
    image: openhab/openhab:{{ openhab_version }}
    log_driver: syslog
    name: openhab
    network_mode: host
    pull: True
    restart: False
    restart_policy: always
    tty: True
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
      - "{{ openhab_home }}/conf:/openhab/conf"
      - "{{ openhab_home }}/userdata:/openhab/userdata"
      - "{{ openhab_home }}/addons:/openhab/addons"
  register: openhab_pulled

- name: Wait a couple minutes if a new image was pulled
    minutes: 5
  when: openhab_pulled.changed

- name: Pull/update the openHAB docker image
    detach: True
      - "/dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0:rwm"
      - "/dev/ttyUSB1:/dev/ttyUSB1:rwm"
      CRYPTO_POLICY: unlimited
    hostname: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
    image: openhab/openhab:{{ openhab_version }}
    log_driver: syslog
    name: openhab
    network_mode: host
    pull: True 
    restart: False
    restart_policy: always
    tty: True
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
      - "{{ openhab_home }}/conf:/openhab/conf"
      - "{{ openhab_home }}/userdata:/openhab/userdata"
      - "{{ openhab_home }}/addons:/openhab/addons"
  register: openhab_pulled

How it works:

  1. Create the user
  2. Add the user to the right groups
  3. Create the folder
  4. Check to see if we needto restore from Gogs.
  5. If needed, checkout the latest configs from Gogs.
  6. Make sure all the needed folders exists and have the right ownership and permissions
  7. Create the InfluxDB database for openHAB
  8. Create the InfluxDB openHAB user
  9. Create the InfluxDB grafana user
  10. Pull the latest openHAB image and recreate the container if it changed
  11. If a new image was pulled, wait file minutes and restart the container

So why is there step 11? As of right now, OH causes a problem for some users, myself included, where when the cache is cleared OH comes back up without recognizing some Items. However, if you wait long enough and then restart the problem goes away. You may notice that this role is not purely idempotent. Step 11 is only required when the actual version of OH changes. The Image changes far more frequently than there is a new release of OH (unless you are running the snapshots). Consequently step 11 should only be performed is the version from before step 10 and after step 10 are different. It’s on my todo to add that. $OH_HOME/userdata/ can be looked at by the role to do this.


# tasks file for roles/min-writes

- name: Mount /tmp to tmpfs
    path: "{{ item.path }}"
    src: tmpfs
    fstype: tmpfs
    opts: defaults,noatime,nosuid,size={{ item.size }}
    dump: "0"
    state: mounted
    - { "path": "/tmp", "size": "100m" }
    - { "path": "/var/tmp", "size": "30m" }
    - { "path": "/var/log", "size": "100m" }
  register: mounted
  become: True

- name: Reboot if changed
    name: reboot
  when: mounted.changed

This one is pretty simple. Create tempfs and mount them to places where the RPi commonly writes out stuff. This takes the writes off of the SD card and puts it in memory. It’s quick, dirty but effective.


# tasks file for roles/reboot

- name: Restart the machine
  shell: sleep 2 && shutdown -r now "Ansible updates triggered"
  async: 1
  poll: 0
  become: True
  ignore_errors: True

- name: Wait for machine to come back from reboot
  local_action: wait_for host={{ ansible_hostname }} state=started delay=30 timeout=300

I include this role here because it shows an interesting capability. We restart the remote machine and then wait for it to come back online before continuing.


# tasks file for roles/sensor_reporter

- name: Create sensor_reporter user
    name: create-user
    uid: "{{ sensor_reporter_uid }}"
    gid: "{{ sensor_reporter_uid }}"
    user_name: sensor_reporter
    create_home: False
    service: sensor_reporter

- name: Check to see if the gpio group exists
  shell: grep gpio /etc/group
  register: rpi_groups
  failed_when: False
  changed_when: False

- name: Add the sensor_reporter user to the gpio group
    append: True
    groups: gpio
    name: sensor_reporter
  become: True
  when: ('gpio' in rpi_groups['stdout'])

- name: Install the prerequisites
    name: [libglib2.0-dev, bluetooth, bluez, python3-bluez, libgpiod2, net-tools]
    update_cache: no
  become: yes

- name: Install python libraries
    name: [bluepy, bleson, RPI.GPIO, adafruit-blinka, adafruit-circuitpython-dht, paho-mqtt, scapy, requests, sseclient-py]
  become: True

- name: Create the home folder
    path: "{{ sensor_reporter_home }}"
    owner: sensor_reporter
    group: sensor_reporter
    state: directory
    mode: u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx
  become: True

- name: Checkout sensor_reporter from github
    accept_hostkey: True
    ssh_opts: -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
    dest: "{{ sensor_reporter_home }}"
    repo: "{{ sensor_reporter_repo }}"
    update: True
  register: checked_out
  become: True

- name: Change ownership of checked out files
    path: "{{ sensor_reporter_home }}"
    state: directory
    owner: sensor_reporter
    group: sensor_reporter
    recurse: True
  become: True
  when: checked_out.changed

- name: Install the start script
    src: "{{ sensor_reporter_home }}/sensor_reporter.service"
    dest: /etc/systemd/system
    remote_src: True
    mode: a+rwx
  become: True
  when: checked_out.changed

- name: Make sure the service uses the user, home directory, and .ini file
    dest: "/etc/systemd/system/sensor_reporter.service"
    regexp: "{{ item.regex }}"
    line: "{{ item.value }}"
    state: present
    - { "regex": "^User=.*", "value": "User=sensor_reporter" }
    - { "regex": "^WorkingDirectory=.*", "value": "WorkingDirectory={{ sensor_reporter_home }}" }
    - { "regex": "^ExecStart=.*", "value": "ExecStart=python3 {{ sensor_reporter_configs_home }}/{{ ansible_hostname }}.ini" }
  become: True

- name: If this is manticore, run it as root
    dest: "/etc/systemd/system/sensor_reporter.service"
    regexp: "^User=.*"
    line: "User=root"
    state: present
  become: True
  when: ansible_hostname == "manticore"

- name: Create the sensor_reporter config folder
    path: "{{ sensor_reporter_configs_home }}"
    owner: sensor_reporter
    group: sensor_reporter
    state: directory
    mode: u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx
  become: True

- name: Checkout the sensor_reporter configs from Gogs
    dest: "{{ sensor_reporter_configs_home }}"
    repo: "{{ sensor_reporter_configs_repo }}"
    update: True
  register: configs_checkedout
  become: True

- name: Change the ownership of the checked out configs
    path: "{{ sensor_reporter_configs_home }}"
    state: directory
    owner: sensor_reporter
    group: sensor_reporter
    recurse: True
  become: True
  when: configs_checkedout.changed

- name: Enable and start sensor_reporter
    name: sensor_reporter
    state: started
    enabled: True
    daemon_reload: True
  become: True

- name: Restart sensor_reporter if there was a change
    name: sensor_reporter
    state: restarted
  become: True
  when: (checked_out.changed) or (configs_checkedout.changed)

This is a little python script I wrote almost five years ago and have kept up since then and in fact just finished a rewrite recently to make it run in Python 3, improve it’s overall structure and maintainability, and make it support openHAB two-way communication (previously it only supported push data to openHAB) in addition to MQTT. I include it here as it shows how you can create and deploy your own services.

How it works (Ansible, not sensor_reporter):

  1. Create the user
  2. Add the user to the gpio group if it exists
  3. Installs requires software and Python libraries (need to make this work on non-RPis)
  4. Create the home folder and make sure the ownership and permissions are correct.
  5. Checkout the code from github
  6. Deploy the systemd service file to start it as a service
  7. Modify the systemd service. This shows yet another way to handle configs. Copy a default copy and then modify as necessary.
  8. Create the config folder and check out the configs from the private Gogs server. The service file will look in that configs folder for a <hostname>.ini file. As is clear from above, I’ve several hosts running sensor_reporter, each with a different configuration.
  9. Finally, if there wasa change that requires a restart, restart the service.


We all should know about editing our openHAB configs using VSCode. What if you could access VSCode through a browser? code-server provides just that capability. I include this role because many openHAB users can find this pretty handy for remote access and editing of openHAB configs.

# tasks file for roles/code-server

- name: Get {{ default_user }} uid
    database: passwd
    key: "{{ default_user }}"

- name: Create coder user
    comment: "code-server user"
    createhome: no
    name: coder
    shell: /usr/sbin/nologin
    state: present
    system: no
    uid: "{{ item.value[1] }}"
    group: "{{ default_user }}"
    non_unique: yes
  with_dict: "{{ getent_passwd }}"
  become: True

- name: Make sure config voulmes exist on the host
    path: /home/{{ default_user }}/.local/share/code-server
    state: directory
    owner: "{{ default_user }}"
    group: "{{ default_user }}"

- name: Install/update code-server
    detach: True
    log_driver: syslog
    image: codercom/code-server:{{ code_server_version }}
    name: code-server
      - "8080:8080"
    pull: True
    restart: False
    restart_policy: always
    state: started
    user: coder
      - /home/{{ default_user }}/.local/share/code-server:/home/coder/.local/share/code-server:rw
      - /home/{{ default_user }}/code:/home/coder/project:rw
      - /home/{{ default_user }}/.gitconfig:/home/coder/.gitconfig:rw
      - /home/{{ default_user }}/.ssh:/home/coder/.ssh:rw 
      - /etc/passwd:ro 

- block:
  - name: Add code-server to fail2ban's jail.local
      path: /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
      state: present
      insertafter: EOF
      block: |
        port = 8080
        enabled = true
        backend = auto
        logpath = /var/log/syslog
    register: jail_changed
  - name: Create/update the filter for fail2ban
      create: True
      path: /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/code-server.conf
      state: present
      block: |
        # Fail2Ban filter for code-server
        failregex = ^.*: Failed login attempt\s+{\"xForwardedFor\":\"<HOST>\"
        ignoreregex =
        datepattern = ^%%b  %%d %%H:%%M:%%S
    register: filter_changed
  - name: Restart fail2ban if there were changes
        name: fail2ban
        state: reloaded
    when: (jail_changed.changed) or (filter_changed.changed)
  become: True

How it works:

  1. Inside the container everything runs as a coder user. So we create a coder users and give it the same uid as the login user.
  2. Then we make sure the code-server config volumes exist and have the right permissions.
  3. Pull and run the code-server Docker image. For a long time the latest tag was not working with their images so I set the version using a varaible and subscribe to the release announcements on github.
  4. This task assumes that fail2ban is installed and adds to the fail2ban config so it bans IPs when users appear to try to brute force the login to code-server.


This isn’t as important for openHAB now, but when OH 3 comes out with login support, it will become more useful, especially for those who choose to expose their openHAB directly to the internet (not recommended).

# tasks file for roles/fail2ban

- block:
  - name: Install fail2ban
      name: fail2ban
      update_cache: no
  - name: Copy the prepared jail.local
      src: jail.local
      dest: /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
      mode: u=rw,g=r,o=r
  - name: Restart fail2ban
      daemon_reload: yes
      enabled: yes
      name: fail2ban.service
      state: started

  become: yes

When I write the OH3 role, I’ll add tasks to deploy filter and configs to block failed logins for openHAB to that role similar to the code-server rolde above.


Guacamole is actually pretty awesome! It is a web based RDP/VNC/SSH service. It lets you log into a web page and then select one of your machines and interact with them right through the browser. In my use of it, especially since 1.2 was release, it’s much more responsive than tunneling VNC through SSH. I leave this here as it might be useful for those who want a way to remotely administer their machines.

NOTE: adding guacamole to fail2ban is on my TODO list but I’m not too worried about security as it supports ToTP 2FA (i.e. you have to enter a code from Authy or Google Authenticator or the like as a second factor in addition to your login).

# tasks file for roles/guacamole

- name: Create the guacamole user
    name: create-user
    uid: "{{ guacamole_uid }}"
    gid: "{{ guacamole_uid }}"
    user_name: guacamole
    create_home: False
    service: Guacamole

# uses port 4822 but we don't need to expose it
- name: Pull/update guacd
    detach: True
    image: guacamole/guacd
    log_driver: syslog
    name: guacd
      GUACD_LOG_LEVEL: "info"
    pull: True
    restart: False
    restart_policy: always

- name: Install psycopg2
    name: psycopg2-binary

- name: Create guacamole PostgreSQL database
    login_host: "{{ postgresql_host }}"
    login_password: "{{ postgresql_password }}"
    login_user: "{{ postgresql_user }}"
    name: "{{ guacamole_db_name }}"

- name: Create guacamole PostgreSQL user to database
    db: "{{ guacamole_db_name }}"
    login_host: "{{ postgresql_host }}"
    login_password: "{{ postgresql_password }}"
    login_user: "{{ postgresql_user }}"
    name: "{{ guacamole_db_user }}"
    password: "{{ guacamole_db_password }}"

- name: Give guacamole_user permissions on tables and sequences
    database: "{{ guacamole_db_name }}"
    grant_option: True
    login_host: "{{ postgresql_host }}"
    login_password: "{{ postgresql_password }}"
    login_user: "{{ postgresql_user }}"
    objs: ALL_IN_SCHEMA
    privs: "{{ item.privs }}"
    roles: "{{ guacamole_db_user }}"
    schema: public
    state: present
    type: "{{ item.type }}"
    - { "privs": "SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE", "type": "table"}
    - { "privs": "SELECT,USAGE", "type": "sequence"}
  register: db_changed

# Untested, assumes this is running on the same host as PostgreSQL
- name: Initialize the dataabse
    - name: Create initdb.sql script
      shell: docker run --rm guacamole/guacamole /opt/guacamole/bin/ --postgres > /tmp/initdb.sql
        creates: /tmp/initdb.sql

    - name: Create the databases from initdb.sql
      shell: docker exec -i postgres psql -d {{ guacamole_db_name }} {{ guacamole_db_user }} < /tmp/initdb.sql
  when: db_changed.changed

- name: Create the guacamole folder
    path: "{{ guacamole_home }}"
    state: directory
    owner: guacamole
    group: guacamole
    mode: u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx
  become: True

- name: Get the version of guacamole
  shell: docker run --rm guacamole/guacamole sh -c 'ls /opt/guacamole/postgresql/guacamole*.jar'
  register: guacamole_version_cmd
  changed_when: False

- name: Extract the version
    guac_version: "{{ guacamole_version_cmd['stdout'] | regex_replace('^/opt/guacamole/postgresql/guacamole-auth-jdbc-postgresql-(.*).jar', '\\1') }}"

- name: Get the current installed TOTP extension name
  shell: ls "{{ guacamole_home }}/extensions/guacamole-auth-totp-*.jar"
  register: totp_file
  changed_when: False
  failed_when: False

- name: Extract the totp version
    totp_version: "{{ totp_file['stdout'] | regex_replace('^{{ guacamole_home }}/extensions/guacamole-auth-totp-(.*).jar', '\\1') }}"

- name: Debug
    msg: guac version = {{ guac_version }} totp version= {{ totp_file['stdout'] }}

- name: Delete old and download new if totp version doesn't match guacamole version

    - name: Make sure extensions exists
        path: "{{ guacamole_home }}/extensions"
        state: directory
        owner: guacamole
        group: guacamole
      become: True

    - name: Delete the old jar file
        path: "{{ totp_file['stdout'] }}"
        state: absent
      become: True

    - name: Download and extract the TOTP extension
        src:{{ guac_version }}/binary/guacamole-auth-totp-{{ guac_version }}.tar.gz
        dest: "{{ guacamole_home }}/extensions"
        remote_src: True
      become: True
      become_user: guacamole

    - name: Copy the jar file to the right location
        src: "{{ guacamole_home }}/extensions/guacamole-auth-totp-{{ guac_version }}/guacamole-auth-totp-{{guac_version }}.jar"
        dest: "{{ guacamole_home }}/extensions"
        remote_src: True
      become: True
      become_user: guacamole

  when: guac_version != totp_version

- name: Start guacamole
    detach: True
      - "8080"
    image: guacamole/guacamole
      - "guacd:guacd"
    log_driver: syslog
    name: guacamole
      GUACAMOLE_HOME: /etc/guacamole
      POSTGRES_HOSTNAME: "{{ postgresql_ip }}"
      POSTGRES_PORT: "5432"
      POSTGRES_DATABASE: "{{ guacamole_db_name }}"
      POSTGRES_USER: "{{ guacamole_db_user }}"
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "{{ guacamole_db_password }}"
      - "9999:8080"
    pull: True
    restart: False
    restart_policy: always
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - /etc/timezone:/tec/timezone:ro
      - /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts:ro
      - "{{ guacamole_home }}:/etc/guacamole:rw"

It should look pretty familiar be now how it works:

  1. Create the user
  2. Pull and start the guacd container (I don’t know why it has two separate services)
  3. Create the guacamole PostgreSQL database and user and permissions
  4. It’s awkward but there is a script inside the container that needs to be run on PostgreSQL to initialize the database. Get the script and then execute it on PostgreSQL. These tasks assume Guacamole and PostgreSQL are running on the same host.
  5. Create the guacamole folder to store the addons.
  6. Find out the current version of Guacamole and download the ToTP addon for that version. Delete the old addon as it won’t startup if the wrong version is present.
  7. Finally pull the latest image from DockerHub and restart the container if it’s changed.

Lessons Learned

  • If you create a lot of users like I do, put the uids for them all in the global all file so that you can ensure that each and every one has a unique UID. That way you will always know the UID for these users and there will never be a conflict if more than one has the same UID.

  • It takes a lot of work to write idempotent roles. For example, I use Calibre with the DeDRM plugin. For Calibre I build my own docker image. To make it idempotent I need to check the online URL for the latest released version, call calibre --version to determine the currently installed version, and only rebuild the Docker Image when they are different. Then I need to do it all over again with the DeDRM plugin. As a result, the container is only restarted or otherwise changes when there is a reason to.

  • Preparing a host and deploying a docker container is way less work most of the time compared to installing the software natively. But sometimes it makes sense to install natively. For particularly complicated stuff (e.g. something where you have to checkout and compile code) doing that through Ansible means you only have to figure that out once.

  • Periodically check back for new Docker images for things that didn’t have one before (I’m still surprised there isn’t a good Calibre image on DockerHub that just runs it to provide web access which is all I really need).


Just throwing out info as I used to leverage ESXi as a solution, but as the systems that run them are pushing 15+ years I have run into a problem and that is VMware is no longer supporting the hardware making newer versions impossible (may be possible if you can put in the needed drivers[?], however this seems like a ton of work for little reward).

I did however come across ProxMox and while it did present me with a steep learning curve (compared to ESXi) I am running a host on a Dell Optiplex 7010 and one of the VMs on it is pfsense (minus DNSBL-dev as I can’t provide enough RAM to that app). This solution also allows for containers (LXC) and I’ve ported some of my apps (pihole, Emby) and also are running well.

I am running my tiny production openHAB system in a Debian VM on my son’s Hyper-V server. We are using the windows drivers for my Z-Wave stick and mapping the resulting serial port to the VM.

I probably will move to KVM when the time comes. There are some things I like about it and it will give me some skills that will benefit me professionally. I know ESXi 7 is out now and I don’t know if my machine supports it or not, I suspect not. I might look into ProxMox and other options too at the time but I’m hesitant to rely on too many services that do too much for me. Then again it’s really nice to just have something else do the work.

Anyway, the above tutorial is in no way limeted to ESXi or any other virtualization service. It could just as easily apply to a single physical server or a dozen RPi 4s. I only mentioned it to orient the reader to the environment I’m working in which drove some design and impelmentation decisions.

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Thanks for this great post - with the Covid19-based freetime over I still haven’t found the time to write a play for openHAB :sweat_smile:

A quick remark:

My Getting Started Guide might help a little bit with the prerequisites for Raspys:

Prepare your Raspberry Pi

  • download Raspbian Lite
  • write image on SD card> /
    • touch /Volumes/boot/ssh 5 enable SSH by writing an empty file called ssh on the boot partition6
    • eject & insert SD card into your Raspi
    • connect your Raspberry Pi to LAN and power
  • if missing, generate ssh public key on your Ansible machine: ssh-keygen -o
  • if you are repeating the setup process delete old host keys
    • delete old host key (name): ssh-keygen -f "/home/<username>/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "raspberrypi"
    • delete old host key (IP): ssh-keygen -f "/home/<username>/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ""
  • copy ssh public key to your Pi (password raspberry): ssh-copy-id pi@raspberrypi
  • my role rename-user takes care of renaming the default Raspy user
  • the role weareinteractive.users takes care of ssh key management
  • I’m pretty sure that you will be able to find an abundance of roles to install python3
  • no idea about tripwire :sweat_smile:
1 Like

Thanks for posting the additional roles!

Here’s my python 3 role:

# tasks file for roles/python3

- name: Install and make Python3 the default
    - name: Install Python3
        name: [python3, python3-setuptools, python3-pip]
        update_cache: no

    - name: Check default Python
      shell: python --version
      register: python_version
      changed_when: false

    - name: Update Python2 defaults
      shell: update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python $(which python2) 1
      when: python_version['stdout'] is not match("Python 3.*")

    - name: Update Python3 defaults
      shell: update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python $(which python3) 2
      when: python_version['stdout'] is not match("Python 3.*")

    - name: Upgrade pip
      shell: python -m pip install --upgrade pip
      register: pip_upgrade
      changed_when: pip_upgrade['stdout'] is not match("Requirement already up-to-date")

    - name: Output from pip upgrade
        msg: "{{ pip_upgrade['stdout'] }}"

  become: true

This task installs Python3 and sets it as the default python.

Though this one too has a small bug. The task that updates pip doesn’t always match the “Requirement already up-to-date” so the role will indicate a change when there wasn’t one.

1 Like

Great sum up of your ansible roles! I just started with ansible and will surely take a lot of ideas from this post - thanks for sharing!

One task in the mosquitto role that made my head scratch is this:

But the previous task ended with “register: mosquitto_pulled” and the task where passwd_file is set has “changed_when: false” in it. As far as my very limited ansible understanding goes, the wait will never be executed.

There is a typo somewhere. That should be minutes.

I did test these but somehow this one must have escaped testing. That task should be

- name: Wait if container restarted
    minutes: 1
  when: mosquitto_pulled.changed

I don’t care what passwd_file is at that point. I only need to wait if the Mosquitto container restarted which is indicated by the mosquitto_pulled variable. And as Bruce points out, I misstyped minutes.

The intent is to only wait for Mosquitto to come back up when the container changed or was restarted for some reason.

1 Like

Shouldn’t that be:

  - { role: docker, when: not update }

(I added a colon after when)

Yep, I wonder how that isn’t throwing a syntax error when I run it. I run this playbook about every couple of days to update. Good catch!


You might be interested to know that the OH3 logins have a basic built-in progressive delay mechanism to counter brute force attacks. IIRC it adds 1 second to a global lockout delay where nobody can login - it’s not account-based - after every failed login. You’ll see a message in the log when this happens (but not on the login page):

[WARN ] [tp.auth.internal.AuthorizePageServlet] - Authentication failed: Too many consecutive login attempts

If you get locked out for too long out after a number of failed attempts, the solution is to restart openHAB -or the “HTTP Interface Authentication” bundle responsible for logins.

Great article btw!

1 Like

Its there any documentation or hints to help me here?

How are you installing your bindings? By hand?
There was a tutorial by @ads where I can use the rest api to install bindings which I used for ansible with openhab2. But with openhab3 I am not able to do this because I need to authenticate first. Do you already have a role for this one?
Is it also possible to create a configuration file to create my admin user after the installation process or automate the admin creation within the ansible script as well? Otherwise I would need 2 Ansible playbooks. One for the server setup and the openhab installation and one for the openhab configuration with all the bindings and so on.
Maybe @ysc can tell something regarding my second point with the user creation.

Thank you in advance.

I haven’t found time to look into OH3, unfortunately.

That is an excellent way to create a Denial of Service - for everyone.

You have 2 choices for that. I think the best is to generate and use an api token. If you enable it basic authentication is also available. I use an api token with HABapp.

Yes. What bindings get installed is configuration (see /var/lib/openhab/config/org/openhab/addons.conf I think). All configuration gets saved to the git repo. So when I restore the config from git, it also installs the bindings. Actually creating openHAB configuration from Ansible feels a lot like writing a program to write a program. An interesting exercise but ultimately a waste of time. But that’s just my opinion.

There is a chicken and egg problem. You can’t generate the token until you have an admin login. You don’t have an admin login until after the first time you go to MainUI after installation.

I recently saw mention that a you can define users in /var/lib/openhab/etc/users.cfg but don’t know anything more than that. But it might be an avenue for research.

I think @ysc developed the new UI. So maybe he has more information if the timezone and the admin user can be configured by cfg files

It’s not really an UI problem. Well, it can have consequences in the UI but in short, the users obey the provider/registry pattern that we have for things, items, rules and so on.

So you have a UserProvider interface and right now the only implementation of it is the ManagedUserProvider which will source the users from the JSONDB.
If someone ever makes another UserProvider, say from a CSV file, then the resulting users as exposed by the UserRegistry will be the union of all these users provided by all UserProviders.

(but disclaimer, I believe there will be problems, there were shortcuts to assume all users come from the ManagedUserProvider, but it doesn’t mean it has to stay that way).