So, I stopped the service, cleared the cache and restarted the service. No changes.
Next, I rebooted the complete system. No changes.
In the openhab.log I found suddenly:
2017-11-24 15:20:58.681 [INFO ] [g.discovery.internal.PersistentInbox] - Added new thing 'astro:sun:local' to inbox.
2017-11-24 15:20:58.698 [INFO ] [g.discovery.internal.PersistentInbox] - Added new thing 'astro:moon:local' to inbox.
Checking the inbox in the PaperUI, nothing there to approve.
I restarted the service again, to check if the inbox messages appears again, yes it does.
Checking the inbox via karaf revealed nothing different to the paperUI: no new items.
Is there a way to update the astro-binding? For installation I used the PaperUI.
And do I need to define a things file for the astro binding, or should the integration via PaperUI be sufficient?
karaf is listing the following things, which looks ok to me.
openhab> smarthome:things list
astro:sun:local (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=Local Sun, Bridge=null)
avmfritz:FRITZ_DECT_200:b213cab3:087610053251 (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=Warmwassersteuerung, Bridge=avmfritz:fritzbox:b213cab3)
astro:moon:local (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=Local Moon, Bridge=null)
avmfritz:FRITZ_DECT_Repeater_100:b213cab3:116570057984 (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=FRITZ!DECT Rep 100, Bridge=avmfritz:fritzbox:b213cab3)
ntp:ntp:2bbc6b72 (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=NTP Server, Bridge=null)
avmfritz:fritzbox:b213cab3 (Type=Bridge, Status=ONLINE: FRITZ!Box online, Label=FRITZ!Box, Bridge=null)