ASTRO Binding - no more sunrise/sunset values shown

Hi, i’m on #1502 and recently have realized that my sunrise/sunset items do not show any data anymore. Did there something change recently…? Could not find any helpful log entries related to this issue at all…
My items look like this (binding v2.5 installed),

DateTime LocalSun_Rise_StartTime "Sunrise Miba [%1$tH:%1$tM]" <sunrise> { channel="astro:sun:local:rise#start" }
DateTime LocalSun_Set_StartTime "Sunset Miba [%1$tH:%1$tM]" <sunset> { channel="astro:sun:local:set#start" }

Just checked the thing for “Astro sun data” and it says uninitialized…i guess there is the issue but why? and what can i do…

I know the recent snapshots have problems caused by the transition of ESH over to OH. I’d run the 2.5 M1 version as the very latest version until that transition gets a little further along. I’m running that version and Astro seems to work just fine.

ok thanks…its worth a try. right now i’m at 1502 (no more risk to be taken going forward for now). but what build ID is 2.5 M1 (guess means milestone)? Regards Norbert

ok thanks. but how to address the milestone build with apt-get…
only find Version: 2.5.0~S1493-1…which seems PreM1 asudo apt-get install openhab2=2.5.0~S1501-1

Would like to switch something like…sudo apt-get install openhab2=2.5.0~S1506-1…
or do i have to change from Dev to “Normal” source to see it?
Would in this case be better to go for 1493 or is 1501 still “good” to go with…

It should be available through the testing repo:

I had the same issue, was working fine, then updated to 1504 which broke everything. Rolled back to 1500, made no difference.

Just decided to try the latest (1507) before fully throwing the toys out of the pram and Astro is back working again.

PaperUI now has a “SmartHome” branding also, presumably to do with the ESH merge.

I appreciate there’s still changes afoot so might be other things underneath that remain broken…