Battery Level Status

Nice Widget, just for fun i modified for dynamic icon. But now i do´nt have colored icon any more. I did´nt change the Code behind iconColor:

dynamic Icon´s in generall do´nt have colors? Or any chance to get them colored by iconColor:?

The icons were already dynamic. It shows a full green icon over 75%, orange partial icon between 25% and 75% and red empty under 25%.

These are not OH icons though. If you are using oh icons, the color is what ever the color is in the image file.

OK, in your widget you use F7 Icons. I have modified the F7:Iconfile to more segments/steps. But since i have to save them in openhab/icon folder and in code they have to be used like oh:icons :man_facepalming: they lost the ability to be colorized like F7.

OH will only colorize f7 icons - i have learned know, thanks

In the end i have also lerned, no need to make dynamic battery icons meself, OH allready have :wink:
just learning OH-UI

I found the solution, thanks to nikos7179

badge: "=(items[].displayState === undefined) ? loop.item.state : items[].displayState"

Now, my displaystates are showed!

@rlkoshak I have another (maybe more general) question about a function I would like to add.

Let’s say I setup the variables so that it only shows battery levels below 50% (props.max). I would to like to be able to click somewhere in the widget so it shows all values, so it actually ignores the filter. This click can be on the title, oh-repeater component or footer (I use a footer in all my list widgets). I know there is a accordion component, but don’t know how to integrate this. Or maybe there is another better solution to show ALL items on demand, without setting up a different widget.

I’m sure something like that might be possible but I’m not wizard at UI Widgets and wouldn’t know how to make it happen.

Accordion will be 100% manually defined based on my experience. You can’t use it with a repeater and you have to manually add each Item to the list.

But you could create a container card that contains both the repeater and the accordion elements.

I guess you could create a switch item for that purpose and add a link or button to toggle it on or off. Based on this items state you may then show or ignore items on the list.

Continuing the discussion from Battery Level Status:

I am not a code expert but enjoy learning and I’ve reached a stop wall. A hand would be more than welcome. I have an accordion list with battery status, but I am not being able to remove the “null” state next to the badge that shows the right battery remaining.

This is the code for each battery element:

component: oh-list-card
  accordionList: true
  simpleList: false
  outline: true
  footer: estado de baterías..
    - component: oh-list-item
        title: BATERIAS
        icon: =(items.gBatteries.state>20)?items.gBatteries.state>50?"f7:battery_100":"f7:battery_25":"f7:battery_0"
        iconColor: =(items.gBatteries.state>20)?items.gBatteries.state>50?"green":"orange":"red"
        iconUseState: true
        badge: =items.gBatteries.state+' %'
        badgeColor: =(items.gBatteries.state>20)?items.gBatteries.state>50?"green":"orange":"red"
        listButton: false
          - component: oh-list-card
              accordionList: true
              noBorder: true
              noShadow: true
              outline: true
                - component: oh-list-card
                    accordionList: true
                    noBorder: true
                    noShadow: true
                    outline: true
                      - component: oh-label-item
                          title: Planta Alta
                          icon: =(items.ZWaveNode009PAZW100Multisensor6_BatteryLevel.state>20)?items.ZWaveNode009PAZW100Multisensor6_BatteryLevel.state>50?"f7:battery_100":"f7:battery_25":"f7:battery_0"
                          iconColor: =(items.ZWaveNode009PAZW100Multisensor6_BatteryLevel.state>20)?items.ZWaveNode009PAZW100Multisensor6_BatteryLevel.state>50?"green":"orange":"red"
                            color: =(items.ZWaveNode009PAZW100Multisensor6_BatteryLevel.state >
                          badge: =items.ZWaveNode009PAZW100Multisensor6_BatteryLevel.state+' %'
                          badgeColor: =(items.ZWaveNode009PAZW100Multisensor6_BatteryLevel.state>20)?items.ZWaveNode009PAZW100Multisensor6_BatteryLevel.state>50?"green":"orange":"red"


Set the state description pattern to a space and that will suppress showing the state.

Thanks a lot Rich,

In the end, changing the oh-label to oh-list in the header made the trick and stopped showing the state outside of the badge. Thanks!

I’m struggling a bit to show my items with this.
When I add the widget, and fill in the group_items, I see my batteries.

But looks like I can’t save the page? I’m just loosing all info.
When I save, go to the code tab, and return, the group_items are gone in the settings?
Guess I miss something, but not sure what.

  label: Batterijen
  sidebar: false
blocks: []
  - component: oh-masonry
        - component: widget:rlk_battery_status
          config: {}
grid: []
canvas: []

Some item examples:

 grep ALL_bat items/*
items/default.items:Group:Number:MIN 		ALL_bat 			"Batterijen [%d %%]" 		<battery>

items/gardena.items:Number		GardenaS1Battery 			"Grondsensor Moestuin [%s %%]" <battery> (ALL_bat, BU_bat) { channel="gardena:sensor:73f46e562b:92eb53ac-96c2-4193-a7c9-df1c4d8a578c:common#batteryLevel"}
items/ikea.items:Number 		Gordijn_AT_Bureau2ControlBat "Gordijncontrole Venster [%s %%]" <battery>     (ALL_bat, AT_bat) 	{ channel="tradfri:0203:gwd44da43c1dd9:65543:battery_level" }
items/netatmo.items:Number 		na_Outdoor_BatteryLevel		"Weerstation Buiten [%.0f %%]"     	<battery>   (ALL_bat, WO_bat)	{ channel = "netatmo:NAModule1:068acca6:0200003cf822:BatteryVP" }
items/netatmo.items:Number		na_Rain_BatteryLevel		"Regenmeter"				<battery>   (ALL_bat, WO_bat) 	{ channel = "netatmo:NAModule3:068acca6:05000005f2b0:BatteryVP" }
items/shelly.items:Number		Shelly001_Batterij			"Patio bewegingssensor [%s %%]"	<battery> (ALL_bat, WO_bat) 		{ channel = "shelly:shellymotion:39e03af21b:battery#batteryLevel" }
items/shelly.items:Number		Shelly006_Batterij			"Voordeur bewegingssensor [%s %%]"	<battery> (ALL_bat, WO_bat)	{ channel = "shelly:shellymotion:22145547c4:battery#batteryLevel" }
items/zwave.items:Number		Water_Kelder_Batterij		"Kelder Watersensor [%s %%]"		<Battery>		(ALL_bat, WO_bat)			{ channel = "zwave:device:30038385:node117:battery-level" }
items/zwave.items:Number		Water_Bureau_Batterij		"Bureau Water [%s %%]"  		<Battery>		(ALL_bat, AT_bat)			{ channel = "zwave:device:2f4ef5d0:node100:battery-level" }

ctrl-s usually will save your progress. But that before going to the code tab or exiting the layout page.

What ever is going on is genetic to MainUI and not specific to this widget.

OK, found it!

Seems I was edeting the wrong data.

  • I clicked the icon for ’ Edit Repeater’.
    I inserted the data over there in groupitem, and nothing was saved.

  • When I click the main widget icon (?), I arrived on ‘Edit rlk_battery_status’.
    Not so much options in here, and it works. :wink:

Great widget!

is it possible?

Maybe i have a Item like this

Group groupA "LabelA" (location) [Equipment]
Number ItemName "LabelB" <batterylevel> (groupA, groupB) [...] {channel="...}

and in Widget the item is just “loop.item”

          - component: oh-list-item
              title: = loop.item.label

loop.item.label = “LabelB”
but how to get “LabelA” of “groupA” of Item? i have tried loop.item.groups[0].label did´nt work

any clue?

You can find a discussion about how to get the equipment group of a point item in a widget here:

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I’m diving into the world of widgets since a couple of days and played with the filter.
I added an ‘eye’ button to display all battery levels. Pressing again will hide them again.
A different approach I tried was to open the battery levels group wel clicking on the icon, but I thing this is nicer.


The code of the button is added twice in the code, with the ony difference the icon… When I tried this whith iconF7: "=vars.filterOn == false ? eye_slash_fill : eye_fill", the icon dissapears completely. So this is a workaround.

uid: battery_status
tags: []
    - context: item
      description: Group:Number:MIN Item that aggregates all the battery levels
      label: Minimum Battery Level Item
      name: minLevel
      required: true
      type: TEXT
        - value: Group
          name: type
    - default: "100"
      description: Maximum percentage to show in the widget
      label: Max Percent
      name: max
      required: false
      type: INTEGER
      min: 0
      max: 100
    - default: "60"
      description: The percentage above which green is used
      label: Green Level
      name: green
      required: false
      type: INTEGER
      min: 0
      max: 100
    - default: "30"
      description: The percentage above which orange is used
      label: Orange Level
      name: orange
      required: false
      type: INTEGER
      min: 0
      max: 100
  parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Dec 4, 2021, 11:29:59 AM
component: f7-card
  title: Battery status
    noShadow: false
    padding: 0px
    border-radius: var(--f7-card-expandable-border-radius)
    box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
    margin-left: 5px
    margin-right: 5px
    - component: f7-block
          position: absolute
          top: 0px
          right: 0px
          flex-direction: row
          display: flex
          - component: oh-button
              iconF7: eye_fill
              outline: false
              round: true
              color: white
              visible: "=vars.filterOn == false ? false : true"
              action: variable
              actionVariable: filterOn
              actionVariableValue: "=vars.filterOn == false ? true : false"
                width: 50px
                margin-top: 5px
                margin-right: -10px
          - component: oh-button
              iconF7: eye_slash_fill
              outline: false
              round: true
              color: white
              visible: "=vars.filterOn == false ? true : false"
              action: variable
              actionVariable: filterOn
              actionVariableValue: "=vars.filterOn == false ? true : false"
                width: 50px
                margin-top: 5px
                margin-right: -10px
    - component: oh-list
          - component: oh-repeater
              fragment: true
              for: item
              sourceType: itemsInGroup
              groupItem: =props.minLevel
              filter: 'vars.filterOn == false ? true : Number.parseFloat(items[].state) <= props.max'
                - component: oh-list-item
                    icon: '=(Number.parseFloat(loop.item.state) > ? "f7:battery_100" : (Number.parseFloat(loop.item.state) > ? "f7:battery_25" : "f7:battery_0"'
                    iconColor: '=(Number.parseFloat(loop.item.state) > ? "green" : (Number.parseFloat(loop.item.state) > ? "orange" : "red"'
                    title: =(loop.item.label).replace('Battery level ','')
                    badge: "=(items[].displayState === undefined) ? loop.item.state + ' -' : items[].displayState"
                    badgeColor: '=(Number.parseFloat(loop.item.state) > ? "green" : (Number.parseFloat(loop.item.state) > ? "orange" : "red"'
    - component: f7-card-footer
          - component: Label
              text: '=(items[props.minLevel].state) > props.max ? "Battery levels are OK!" : "Minimum Battery Level: " + ((items[props.minLevel].displayState === undefined) ? items[props.minLevel].state : items[props.minLevel].displayState)'

The primary issue here is the two result options - you need quotes around them. When you start with = it’s an expression so the parser thinks that eye_slash_fill and eye_fill are variables (which are, of course, empty). If you use

"=vars.filterOn == false ? 'eye_slash_fill' : 'eye_fill'"

You should be able to get it back down to just one copy of the icon code without the visible workaround.

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Fantastic! 15 lines less code :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: Help with a battery widget

@jebro, to maximize the utility of this thread and in accordance with the rules of the marketplace I want to keep it strictly on topic. I would like to ask that you move your post to a new thread in the Addons-UI category or the Tutorials and Solutions category. If there is something specific you want to recommend to change in the original post, please send me a PM or make a suggestion as a reply to this thread.

@adm105, to maximize the utility of this thread and in accordance with the rules of the marketplace, I’ve moved your post to it’s own thread since it is asking for help with a widget you’ve written yourself and not the original posted widget.