Berlin meetup

Who would be interested in a Berlin meetup? IMHO it would be great to arrange a get together, perhaps with someone presenting what they are working on in OpenHab and some hack-time.

I’d be happy to arrange a space at SoundCloud’s offices (Mitte), and a Meetup page. But would first like to get a read on:

  • how many people would be interested (add your name below)
  • a preference for weektime evening or a dedicated weekend day?

cc: @holger_hees

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Yes, i am interested even if i am from Hamburg, but on weekends i will come over to Berlin


Sounds great, thanks for your initiative!

Please tell me, if you need any kind of support - the foundation will happily help, where possible - like adding it on our new events page, tweeting about it, sending you openHAB stickers for the attendees etc.!

I personally won’t be able to join in Berlin, though :frowning: .

I’m interested too.

I’m inclined to plan this for a Saturday kicking off around 11am, wrapping up sometime in the afternoon.

But if you think something makes more sense midweek, here’s a poll. Once we can fix a date I’ll make arrangements and setup a meetup page/eventbrite etc.

Please fill out this: Doodle Poll

Based on the feedback, it looks like Sunday 17 June will be best. I’ve also reserved the “Classroom” area at SoundCloud and arranged for lunch to be delivered.

I suggest we kick off around 11am with an open ending (probably 3pm-ish unless anyone wants to hack longer).

Topic wise, I was hoping that @holger_hees could do a show-n-tell of his tablet solution and his air quality monitor. Would anyone like to present something they are working on?

Is there an existing Meetup/eventbrite group for OpenHab, otherwise I’ll get one setup?

No, we don’t. Meetup is tight to a location, so those could not be reused. Probably best to create an event on Eventbrite for it. And you can create a PR against website/about/events at main · openhab/website · GitHub to have it added on our website (ends up on Events | openHAB).


One wish: Please spell it our project correctly as “openHAB” :slight_smile: .

feel free to choose any topic of my home automation project where you are interested and I can present it.

Here you can find a short overview about different parts.

I would prefer to present it in german but I can try it in english too.

at the same time I’m also looking forward to meet people in person which I normally only know from blog posts :slight_smile:

And we have sign-up page:

@holger_hees: my personal preferecne would be your air quality > KNX system. But I’m sure other’s also have ideas based on your smarthome website.

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Did some marketing, let’s hope that we can reach a few people!

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Thanks for setting up this meetup @imaginator! I’ll join as well :slight_smile:

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Excellent. We’re up to 13 people now. Should be fun.

@pfink: Would you be able to give us a 5 minute intro into the openhab project team?

plus one from Hamburg :slight_smile:

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@imaginator: openHAB is a community project, so everybody contributing to it is part of the team :slight_smile: As all members of the community, I have just my perspective which is limited by my personal fields of activity. So there is no special team which is leading this project - there is just Kai and some people who are contributing a little bit more than others, each of them in very different ways.

That said, of course I can make a short introduction of myself and how this project works, including some of the major players (without any guarantee of completeness :wink: ).

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See you guys soon :wink:

We’re all good to go. If you haven’t already signed up, then please do. This will help to manage numbers.

We currently have an agenda that involves

  • Roundtable “What interests me about openHAB/what I’m working on in openHAB”
  • Patrick Fink talking about how the openHAB project is structured.
  • Holger Hees talking about his Air Quality Monitor and how that is connected to KNX.
  • Lunch (Pizzas should arrive at 1pm)
  • General hacking

Ping me with any talk suggestions.

If you want to join remotely, we’ll be running a live feed on

And when you arrive, press the button for “Classroom” per this photo and you will be buzzed in.

Oh and Kai has also sent some openHAB stickers.

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Just to be clear, the address for this is

Rheinsberger Str. 76, Berlin.

See you all on Sunday @11.

Hey Simon,

could you give some advice how to reach the location startin from Berlin main station?


M10 tram / Google maps is accurate.