Binding compatibility to OH4.3.0 developed with OH5.0

I made a update to my binding where I developed on the latest upstream OH5. However, I provided a version to the marketplace and was trying to install it on my productive OH which runs on OH4.3.0. I am able to install the binding, there is a new configuration field I added which is in OH4.3.0 not shown. I guess, as the binding is developed in OH5. How do I make it compatible with OH4.3.0?

You need put your binding code in a branch derived from the GiHub openhab-addons/4.3.x branch – see GitHub - openhab/openhab-addons at 4.3.x

And then locally bulid it with maven or do I need to make a pull request?
As said, I would like to provide the binding to the marketplace


See also openHAB 5.x-SNAPSHOT requires Java 21 - #5 by holgerf and [jdbc] Use switch pattern matching by jlaur · Pull Request #17928 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub for workflow inspiration when choosing the backport route.

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Thanks guys. However, I still think something is wrong. I followed everything, created a 4.3.3 jar file published it to the marketplace and still cant see the new functionality.
Is there any dependency with the instructions.xml I might missed?
Here is my 4.3.x merged code.
Here is the new Jar-file

The new binding has a charging power field in the configuration. The old one does not.

Just to close this topic. It seems to be a caching problem if you run two types of the same binding in my productive openhab instance.
I was able to run the new plugin in 4.3.0 coming from the marketplace in an isolated docker container.