Binding for Sensibo Sky available

@seime nice work. I have this up & running on 2.5.0.M1 with 2 x Sensibo Sky units. Everything seemed to function correctly on install and I’m now getting data and can control the units from OpenHAB sitemaps and rules. Just what I was looking for - thanks!

@seime after a few days my sensibo things report they are offline (api and sky things) but the items continue to work. I don’t see anything particularly interesting in the openhab.log - any thoughts / suggestions?

FYI Sensibo had server issues yesterday that was probably the issue

Out of curiosity, what is the level of ambition here? It seems quite far progressed, so are you (@seime) considering making a push to get the binding officially part of 2.5? :slight_smile:

Not sure… they’re still showing that way - but also still functioning correctly.

There is a pr, so it might be included in the 2.5 release.

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Let us know if you need anything from the rest of us! I will do everyone a favor and not touch the code, but if I can assist in anything else, I can sure try. :slight_smile:

Good luck and many thanks to all of you involved!

I am seeing some flaky behaviour here; I have two Sensibo Sky installed, both present in the binding. I used Paper UI to define bridge and then detect the units. Items are declared in file. I can see that the channels have activated in Paper UI afterwards, for both things. However, one of them is apparently switching back and forth between reporting its own values - and those of the other unit! I.e., the log shows it jumping from 22.3 degrees (unit downstairs) and 26 degrees (unit upstairs).

Is this a known issue…?


2019-05-17 15:02:22.332 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AC_Office_Temp changed from 26.1 °C to 22.3 °C

2019-05-17 15:02:22.344 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AC_Office_Humidity changed from 27.9 % to 30.3 %

2019-05-17 15:02:22.350 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AC_Office_Fan_Level changed from auto to strong

2019-05-17 15:02:52.549 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AC_Office_Temp changed from 22.3 °C to 26.1 °C

2019-05-17 15:02:52.564 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AC_Office_Humidity changed from 30.3 % to 27.9 %

2019-05-17 15:02:52.577 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - AC_Office_Fan_Level changed from strong to auto


Group gClimateAC                "Both ACs"          <heating>
Group gClimateAC_Up             "AC Upstairs"       <heating>       (gClimateAC)
Group gClimateAC_Down           "AC Downstairs"     <heating>       (gClimateAC)
Group gClimateAC_Target_Temp    "AC Target Temp"    <temperature>  
Group gClimateAC_Power          "AC Main Power"     <fan>

//AC in Office
Number:Temperature AC_Office_Temp "Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gClimateAC_Up) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebaf1d61:currentTemperature"}
Number:Dimensionless AC_Office_Humidity "Relative humidity [%.1f %%]" <humidity> (gClimateAC_Up) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebaf1d61:currentHumidity"}
Number:Temperature AC_Office_Target_Temp "Target temperature [%d °C]" <temperature> (gClimateAC_Up, gClimateAC_Target_Temp) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebaf1d61:targetTemperature"}
String AC_Office_Mode "AC mode [%s]" (gClimateAC_Up) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebaf1d61:mode"}
String AC_Office_Swing_Mode "AC swing mode [%s]" (gClimateAC_Up) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebaf1d61:swingMode"}
Switch AC_Office_MasterSwitch "AC power [%s]" <switch> (gClimateAC_Up, gClimateAC_Power) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebaf1d61:masterSwitch"}
String AC_Office_Fan_Level "Fan level [%s]" <fan> (gClimateAC_Up) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebaf1d61:fanLevel"}

//AC in Kitchen
Number:Temperature AC_Kitchen_Temp "Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gClimateAC_Down) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebae822c:currentTemperature"}
Number:Dimensionless AC_Kitchen_Humidity "Relative humidity [%.1f %%]" <humidity> (gClimateAC_Down) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebae822c:currentHumidity"}
Number:Temperature AC_Kitchen_Target_Temp "Target temperature [%d °C]" <temperature> (gClimateAC_Down,gClimateAC_Target_Temp) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebae822c:targetTemperature"}
String AC_Kitchen_Mode "AC mode [%s]" (gClimateAC_Down) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebae822c:mode"}
String AC_Kitchen_Swing_Mode "AC swing mode [%s]" (gClimateAC_Down) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebae822c:swingMode"}
Switch AC_Kitchen_MasterSwitch "AC power [%s]" <switch> (gClimateAC_Down, gClimateAC_Power) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebae822c:masterSwitch"}
String AC_Kitchen_Fan_Level "Fan level [%s]" <fan> (gClimateAC_Down) {channel="sensibo:sensibosky:ec5bec1e:84f3ebae822c:fanLevel"}

EDIT: Got my code formatting wrong. ^^

@andre @denominator I found the issue where the thing would go to OFFLINE and correctly report it’s new status, but when the thing came back the thing status was not updated to ONLINE again (the channels and corresponding items were updated with new values).

Could you check inside PaperUI that only ONE thing channel is linked to each of the items you experience changing values for?

@rkrisi @denominator @andre @MrPetter

New version:

Thanks! Will test it soon

Haven’t tried the new version yet, but I have checked for possible double items and that’s a negative; all channels are connected to one item respectively, which is true for both things. I rechecked channel IDs as well, and they seem correct.

Do you want anything from me prior to picking up the new build?

Could you turn on DEBUG log level on the ROOT logger and let it run for a few minutes? (should catch at least one update cycle).
Take care to remove auth HTTP headers from the log.


I changed to alpha3 an hour ago and I have had no problems. I even noticed the pods go offline and back on again by the lights in the sensbo’s blinking 3 times.

Could you turn on DEBUG log level on the ROOT logger and let it run for a few minutes? (should catch at least one update cycle)

.Sure, I will try to get the time tonight after work.

Fail, for a good reason; the behavior is normalised. Not sure why - I did try a cold reboot yesterday, but apparently something changed overnight. I will keep an eye out to see if it re-presents and if so I’ll get you a log dump.

Would it be possible to add the timer to the binding as well? Channel which reports the current timer and also allows to set (API support this if I’m right). Also would be great a manual Refresh channel (which refreshes the states of all channels, ie. polls the data) and a timestamp with the last update.

Hi Kristif, I will look into it within a few weeks (busy days atm). Arne

No hurry, thank you!