Yes, this can easily be done, even without a specific binding for Blue Iris.
If you want Blue Iris to act as a motion sensor in Openhab:
In Blue Iris, go into the alerts tab for a camera, open the the Configure Web Alert screen you have pasted, and enter the following:
When Triggered
Check off “Request again when trigger is reset” (turn off motion sensor)
IP Address for openhab =
Openhab port = 8080
Item Name = MotionSensorItem
If you want OpenHAB to control Blue Iris (i.e. change profile):
Install http binding for OpenHAB
In your rules file, you can write something like this:
//Start BI profile #7
IP Address for Blue Iris =
Blue Iris port = 8030
Blue Iris Profile = 7
(user:password@ can be omitted if you are not using authentication for your Blue Iris web server)
FYI, the entire list of Blue Iris web server commands which can be controlled via http is also in their help file. Here is a pasted copy of that:
/image/{cam-short-name}?q=50&s=80 A single JPEG image from a specific camera or group, with optional quality (q) and scale (s) parameters. Quality is a percentage from 1-100, and scale may be any number >0.
/image/{cam-short-name}?h=100 You may also specify a specific height (h) or width (w) instead of scale.
/mjpg/{cam-short-name}/video.mjpg An M-JPEG stream. This stream is compatible with "Blue Iris MJPEG stream request."
/file/clips/{filename}&mode=jpeg&speed=100 An M-JPEG stream of a clip from your New clips folder. You may include additional subdirectory names in the filename. The speed parameter is optional, a percentage of normal playback speed.
/thumbs/{filename} A thumbnail image from a specific file in the New clips folder.
/alerts/{filename} A JPEG image from the Alerts folder.
/admin?profile=x Temporarily change the active profile to x. Use x=-1 to toggle the lock status.
/admin?camera=x&trigger Trigger camera x (short name)
/admin?signal=x Changes the traffic signal state and returns the current state. x=0 for red, x=1 for green, x=2 for yellow. This requires admin authentication.
/audio/{cam-short-name}/temp.wav Pull a raw audio stream (MIME type audio/x-wav).
/cam/{cam-short-name}/pos=x Performs a PTZ command on the specified camera, where x= 0=left, 1=right, 2=up, 3=down, 4=home, 5=zoom in, 6=zoom out
/cam/{cam-short-name}/pos=100 Causes a snapshot image to be captured from the specified camera.
/h264/{cam-short-name}/temp.h264 Pull a raw H.264 stream (MIME type video/H264). This stream will play in a tool like VLC, and may be used in future versions of the ActiveX control.
/h264/{cam-short-name}/temp.ts Pull an MPEG-2 transport stream (MIME type video/MP2T).
/h264/{cam-short-name}/temp.m or .m3u8 Pull a virtual M3U8 file (MIME type application/ This will play in QuickTime, iPad and the iPhone using the iPhone Live Streaming format.