Broadlink binding for RMx, A1, SPx and MP. Any interest?


If you have a RM Pro there should be a temperature channel for you to choose. If if its not here let me know and I work with you to get it working.


Hi Cato, thx for fast reply. No temperature channel, only command channel available.

Have you clicked " Show More"?, sometimes not all channels are directly shown is my experiance…

could you let me know where the binding is? I cant find download link…

same question

its not this post

Here’s the RM Pro Plus Temperature channel:

As I said: I still have to click “Show More” to make it visable…

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Hello all. A few days ago, I was able to control my tv and AC with my RM2 and Cato’s binding. After one or two days, my openhab started with the Offline error. And this morning, didn’t touch anything, ant it started with the CONFIGURATION_ERROR message.
Does anybody knows how could I make it work again? Even after restart (raspberry and broadlink), it keeps giving that error.
Thanks in advance.

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Have you tried to add the IV & KEY again?, this should’nt happen, but maybe thats what the config error means…
Also if that doesn’t help, i’ would remove the “thing” and let it rediscover in inbox, add iv&key, and channels again.

There is a link some posts after the official announcement.

Hello Ray. Thanks for your answer.
I’ve tried to add the IV & KEY again, and no results.

After that, I tried removing the thing and rediscovering it. It came online for like 10 secs, and then:


Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

PS: I do not see the temperature channel either.

Hello Andres,
Hmmm if that didn’t help and as you indicated it worked fine before, i’m afraid i’m out of ideas, The RM2 and your raspberry are on the same subnet ( 10.0.1.x) I suppose?
Than its probably a bug! :space_invader: and we have to wait for Cato, he has been working very hard and made good progress with the Broadlink MP1’s , the A1’s and the SP’s among others.
And he is a bit busy with some private business i understand in the moment, so we have to be patient!

Ok Ray. I’ll wait for Cato then. Thank you again. :handshake:

I’ve got it all working Cato, great job!!! Can’t wait to integrate it into HABPannel.

Hi @Cato_Sognen Can you provide a link to the latest version if any new has been released?

mine does the same sometimes, but if I leave it a while it comes back on and stays on.

Thanks Neil. Hope in futures updates, Cato will fix it.
Today mine is working… so I’m going to keep turning my tv on and off all day long. :smile:

Just to be sure: Do you have set up fixed IP address for the Broadlink in your router?

Yes I did set a specific ip to my Broadlink on my router.

Just setup this binding with my MP1, using paper UI and have some interesting behavior.
For me, I can only command each switch on, then it wont respond, the off will toggle in the UI but no change on the MP1 sockets.
I also noticed when i refresh paper UI after turning on sockets it shows the state as OFF even though it is on.
If i physically press the button on the MP1 it will turn the sockets all off, i can then again send the on command and they will turn on from OH.

Have unbound and bound a few times, and always the same, on works but off does not.
Has anyone else experience similar?

If I control through the Broadlink app it works fine.

Is the beta 2 still the latest or is there a newer one?