The note write it as big as a house, many will do the same my mistake, you can not do the “2” automatically? Do you conflict with the where for CEN?
I modified the .things file by putting the “2” in front of it.
But you have to press the physical button if it does not appear in the paperUI
Can not you do it automatically?
I performed the test 6 times.
The first 3 nothing, the 4 found me only one CEN +, 5 and 6 the second does not recognize it.
It’s important to do that during the Scan process:
start Scan from Inbox , wait 15 sec
press one of the CEN/CEN+ buttons (eg button2)
it should appear a new CEN thing in Inbox
confirm the new thing to add in the list of things
IMPORTANT at this moment no item is shown yet in PaperUI>Control page
press again the same CEN button (its’ not important that Scan is still running now)
refresh PaperUI>Control page
You should have now a new Thing in PaperUI with 1 channel: button2.
It works for me (in my simulator) and it works for others here (Julian_Divett, see above), so the CEN/CEN+ discovery by activation should work for you as well.
If it does not work all you have to do is set debug level to DEBUG (see README how), repeat the discovery process, send me the openhab.log file via PM.
Hello Massi,
Thanks for a very good job.
The CEN and CEN+ button works and the rules works.
rule “Volet_Knx_1_Down”
Item VoletKnx1D received update “PRESSED”
sendCommand(Volet_Knx1, DOWN)
rule “Volet_Knx_1_Up”
Item VoletKnx1U received update “PRESSED”
sendCommand(Volet_Knx1, UP)
rule “volet_Knx_1_Stop”
Item VoletKnx1D received update “PRESSED_EXT”
Item VoletKnx1U received update “PRESSED_EXT”
sendCommand(Volet_Knx1, STOP)
rule “Volet_Gen_Down”
Item VoletKnx2D received update “PRESSED”
sendCommand(gRollladen, DOWN)
rule “Volet_Gen_Up”
Item VoletKnx2U received update “PRESSED”
sendCommand(gRollladen, UP)
rule “volet_Gen_Stop”
Item VoletKnx2U received update “PRESSED_EXT”
Item VoletKnx2D received update “PRESSED_EXT”
sendCommand(gRollladen, STOP)
rule "Da CEN 10-02"
Item iLR_scenario changed
switch(iLR_scenario.state ) {
case "PRESSED": {
case "RELEASE": {
case "PRESSED_EXT": {
sendCommand(Luce_sala, ON)
case "RELEASED_EXT": {
sendCommand(Luce_sala, OFF)
The new version beta9-1 has been released, it should close all the requirements and issues with CEN/CEN+.
Note that there are some changes from the previous beta9 version in the support for CEN/CEN+:
CEN/CEN+ things are now separated:
channels are now named button_X where X is the button number on the Scenario Control device
for discovered things, button channels appear in PaperUI after the first time the corresponding button is activated from the physical device. Refresh the PaperUI/Control page if needed
when creating CEN/CEN+ things using manual/file configuration, use the new buttons config parameter to define a comma-separated list of buttons numbers [0-31] configured for the scenario device, example: buttons=1,2,4
sending commands: PRESSED, RELEASED, etc. will simulate a virtual short/long pressure of the corresponding CEN/CEN+ button, enabling the activation of MH202 scenarios on the BUS from OpenHab
Channel Type ID (channel ID)
Item Type
scenarioButton (button_X)
Events or virtual pressure for CEN/CEN+ scenario buttons: PRESSED, RELEASED, PRESSED_EXT, RELEASED_EXT
// long pressure on CEN+ button will switch off dimmer
rule "CEN+ dimmer off"
Item iLR_scenario_btn1 received update "RELEASED_EXT"
sendCommand(iLR_dimmer, OFF)
sorry i can´t get this work, i see the cen/cen+ functionality now first time but if i think right i´m afraid this may be not what i was waiting for.
what i don´t have is a 4-button cenario-control device
i use an mh200n and i wrote a lot of cenarios there.
actually i start this scenarios either with normal physical switches that are coded to send cen/cen+ commands or i even can start them on my mobile with the domotica app.
a cen command consists an “ambient” (0-10), a “pointlight” (0-15) and a button nr (0-99)
a cen+ command consists an “cen-plu” (0-2047), and a button nr (0-31)
for example to switch several lights on i start cen a=2, pl=1, btn=5 and i have to integrate installation niveau (#4#01). best would be a kind of “pushbutton”
clicking on the buttons as in the animation are sent on the BUS of the virtual command CEN / CEN + equivalent to short pressure (PRESSED) or long press / release (PRESSED_EXT / RELEASED_EXT) of the scenario buttons.
@gozilla01 is correct, the binding beta9-1 now supports sending virtual pressure events on the BUS, replicating what happens when you press CEN/+ physical buttons.
You can do that by sending commands to button channels (for example using OH2 rules), or if you want to use sitemaps and oh2 apps you can define buttons like in the example above.
Activating CEN from PaperUI is more complicated because PaperUI does not support simple pushbuttons (at least not in a simple way).
The only thing you have to pay attention from example above you should change the Thing definition to CEN (and not CEN+).
Try to define it , if it does not work copy here your thing/item/sitemap conf and we will give a look.
switching light off that works with both, domotica and openhab. but switching on does only work in domotica, so i suppose it might be the missing “0” at openhab at the button number?
problem with disappearing things:
here is my things (i added the installation-niveau “#4#01” there):
as you see the name “AAA_CENNNNN” thats because very often if i change something in my things-file, the entry disappears in paperui/things. i have to give a new name then thing is back again. its enough to add a single letter and the thing is back.
CORRECT : it’s a bug. Feel free to file a new issue: it will be corrected in the next release/patch.
Do you have another thing (light?) with the same WHERE address 21#4#01 as the CEN?
Does the log show some error when it happens that the CEN thing disappears ?
hello all,
i successfully added contacts now an just want to post a little example for everyone that is interested in:
this is the (manually managed) things-file:
(here i added contact nr 52, don´t forget to prefix a “3” - so it will become “352”)
this is the items-file:
Switch iLR_contact "my contact" { channel="openwebnet:bus_dry_contact_ir:myGateway:LR_contact:sensor" }
this is the sitemap-file (state will only be displayed if contact state = ON):
Text item=iLR_contact label="my contact" labelcolor=["red"] icon="error" visibility=[iLR_contact=="ON"]
and this is an additionally rule file that sends an email when state changes to ON (of course mail has to be configured in folder “services”):
rule "iLR_contact"
Item iLR_contact changed to ON
sendMail("","email subject info", "email text")
logInfo("email an", "text to log")