I suggest you activate the official OpenWebNet client by BTicino in event mode: there you are able to see all messages sent on the BUS. If nothing is seen on the bus when your scenario is run, then there is no way for the binding (or any other software) to know about the scenario activation
Completely agree with you and I have exactly the same approach in my home plus OH controls and manages the energy stuffs monitored by F520.
@m4rk ok that makes sense. I only went with the lighting element of bticino so the mh202 was not much use. As massi says it would be interesting to see if the bus snooper picks up any commands issued by it.
I agree that the stability of Openhab is my one fear after going down the route of converting many of my switches to CEN+. If Openhab fails none of them will work. I am setting up a second pi as a backup just in case. In reality I have a couple of DIY pi projects with temperature light sensors and actuators for lights and these have been bullet proof for years. So I think the hardware is fine it is more a software consideration. I envisage having a fall back system with minimal automation, even better if I could automate the reprogramming of the CEN switches back to Lighting through myhome suite.
@massi if we are redoing the CEN to work as triggers instead of channels would this be closer to creating a generic bus reader. From my point of view I just want to have a fast trigger on which to build rules.
Hi @massi,
I was wondering if you have any information if the OpenWebNet protocol is still officially supported by Bticino. I cannot find it mentioned anywhere on their web site. They seem to promote exclusively the works-with-legrand cloud based API.
Do you know of any official protocol specification doc?
Thanks, Ondrej
Sorry I didn’t know about these pools, probably many other openwebnet users like me don’t know about this post, I discovered this post because I have to rebuild my system, looking for some news about new version plugins etc. Anyway… If it is not possible to vote anymore I would be interested to give my virtual vote for thermostat standard features. Thank you to for this binding and for your precious work.
After a reboot it does not connect any gateways. Is it expired again? I answered the pool, tried to understand the problems about old and new versions, but I am a retired old programmer who joined the opensource software idea at very beginning and i cannot understand this way to manage applications. The owner may also decide to retire or to sell his future software, but what is done and given freely should remain as is. I do not write sw in java, i never accepted this “brave” new world, but I helped many friend to install and use open source software and i do not like to find myself in the situation of telling them “it’s no more available”. I can accept " we should pay for new functions or for mantainining it" but the source should remain freezed and free. This is my opinion, also if I can understand that BTICINO is not clear about the future of OWN and this can stop many to work on it.
I have the same problem… But the version seem not expired. I don’t understand
Hi all,
after upgrading to 2.5.11 openwebnet the CEN starting from MH202 “bus_cen_scenario_control” is nto working anymore in my configuration. had previously installed 2.5.0M3 which worked fine.
Any changes to consider?
After looking in my configs and the documentation of the binding, I found no mismatch.
Someone can help please?
thanks in advance
kind regards,
hi christian,
surely only cen does not work? please check in paperui if your bticino bus-gateway is online. i suppose it could be offline.
as the two posts before you already wrote it seems the binding is expired - at least for me it does not work any longer.
best, stefan
Hi Stefan, I’m using the latest installed via paperui. Gateway is online, shutters and switches are working.
Only cen not. Gateway rebooted, still not working
aah, if you have installed the latest official 2.5.11 - this is the “new” binding that supports oh3 - but here only works light and automation, nothing else.
as i said it seems the “old” binding is expired so you will not be able to use this, at least not for the moment.
Ok, thanks - was not aware of this.
Hi massi,
The last beta version is expired, can you give us the version without time limit? (and no support).
Actually I use your beta binding for lights, shutters, thermo regulation, power consume, Windows contacts.
I hope that in the future update of the official version these features will be implemented.
I‘m using the 2.5.0M3 from last year, working perfectly fine with 2.5.11 and CEN, no timebomb up to now…
Also my binding expired and I fixed with 2.5.0M3 as well, which was hacked, but also this will expire soon (if I’m not wrong it will expire end of March).
Can’t rememver who hacked it so if he does explain the hack we could probably replicate and postpone again…
Just downloaded 2.5.0M3 but it’s expired too. Where is the hacked version?
Is there any programmer who wants to work on this? I would support him whith hosting and I’m sure that many guys here would help too. We cannot have troubles at unknown expiration date!
org.openhab.binding.openwebnet-2.5.0.M3.jar.pdf (177.0 KB)
I’ve attached my version, please rename the file to.jar (no idea how to attach normal binary files)
I will publish today the final testing version (with all the bug fixes already included) without expire date.
Just have to find the time!
Will put the link here.
Same problem for me.
Grazie Massi!
TY to all! I fixed the openhab2 versions too because with 2.5.11-1 the hacked binding was not working
openhab2.5.10-1 with hacked binding from your link is OK again.
I freeze my installation here now!