[BUG] Hydrawise Binding - Scheduled runnable ended with an exception

I just sent the trace log via PM.
best, Kai

Hi can you try the Jar located at Release Hydrawise Last Contact NP fix · digitaldan/openhab-addons · GitHub and let me know ?

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That’s looking great! Haven’t checked every single item yet but will let you know if there’s something looking wrong.

Thanks a lot!

Hi @digitaldan ,
thanks for your work - I installed the JAR and it looks great again.
Bridge and Hunter X2 are back online - and we can irrigate again! :heart_eyes:
Best, Kai

I still do not have a “last update” item?!?!

do you mean lastContact ? If so, it looks like this is no longer available for some setups, it still populates for me, but others (the source of the issues directly above :point_up: ) do not have this now. I don’t know if its version or region or something else.

Hi Dan,

thanks for your answer, i already expected it like this. That’s not
good, my controller sometimes loose the connection, so this would be a
nice feature to see when the last connection was online.

Hi Michael, as a workaround:
I am running a ping and last-seen check using the Network binding. The “last seen” item shows when it was reachable the last time.
Just an idea… maybe it helps you to create some rules with that?
If some important devices lost network connection I am sending myself a message (openHAB push, telegram, mail, … there are lot of possibilities).

regards, Kai

If the cloud service reports the controller as offline then the binding will make the controller thing offline, so your system should know within the polling period (defaults 60 seconds) when your system is offline, so you could have a rule to notifiy you like:

rules.when().thing('hydrawise:controller:account:12345').changed().from('ONLINE').to('OFFLINE').then(e => {
    actions.NotificationAction.sendNotification('you@foo.com', 'Controller Offline');
}).build('Hydrawise Controller Offline');

You could also update an item with the timestamp, persist time to DB, etc…

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Thank’s for this tip, never used the thing triggered rules, but a great idea to fix this.
Could you adjust your example in the binding documentation, there ist still the version with the “last update” in, which will not exist anymore.

Thank’s as well for your great job !

Have a great new year 2023

As I mentioned, it does exist for some, including myself, i’m not sure why its not consistant, updating the docs on such a small thing is not top of my list of things todo right now.