The buienradar widget makes use of the following web service URI:
When manually fetching the forecast info, I noticed that the web service redirects to (lat, lon) coodinates with 2-digit precision, i.e.:
This may explain why the buienradar binding frequently misses out on fetching forecast info.
I recommend that the buienradar binding converts the (lat, lon) coordinates provided for the binding to 2-digit precision when constructing the URL to eliminate one HTTPS request.
As a work-around I now stored the (lat, lon) coordinates with 2-digit precision for the Buienradar binding via Paper UI, but this isn’t 100% water proof as floating point numbers may automagically be stored with a higher precision due to floating point conversion.
The only fix is to edit the URI and replace "%.8f"
with "%.2f"
for lat
and for lon
See also: