Building binding fixes/uddates for OH4

While OH 5 development started we’ll have OH4 users for a long time. Existing bindings need updates. Due to the fact that OH4 uses Java 17 and OH 5 Java 21 an OH5 jar file does not run on OH4. Therefore I need to support both versions.

How can I setup a OH4 environment? Using the Eclipse installer I could select an older Eclipse version (e.g. 2023-09), which supports Java 17, but when selecting the main branch of the OH projects it requires a Java 21 JDK.

@AndrewFG @wborn @Lolodomo Could you provide some advise?

Could review this thread. openHAB 5.x-SNAPSHOT requires Java 21 - Development - openHAB Community

Only note is that it for openhab-addons.

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finally I was able to fix the issue by fixing the bnd problem, but also adding mdns support to the dependencies (with OH 4.3 this was included in the base dependencies)