Building Pages in the OH3 UI: documentation draft (2/3)

Can I find somewhere the code of a pre-made widget-components like ‘oh-image-card’ so that I can create a custom widget based on this code + further adjustments?

The cells have this functionality. You can configure an action on left click/short tap, but it will expand on right click/long tap/click on the 3-dot icon. You can configure what’s in the expanded card by placing additional controls in the default slot.

The default widgets are made with Vue, not YAML, so you can base yours on them (overriding CSS variables for example) but not modify them.

Thanks @ysc!

Sounds like you’ve just helped me to find something to do in the next couple of days :stuck_out_tongue:

For others:

Meawhile I found this:

This is really helping, this is what exactly I am trying to do. :slight_smile:

Is it possible to freeze somehow a widget (e.g image) on top of a layout page? So it’s not scrolling like other components?

Anyone able to point me in the right direction. I figured now that I have all my lights and such fully working via the Model that I would try my luck at creating a Widget for a universal remote. I started with the weather widget that is in the tutorials here and stripped it down to just a button but can not get this to trigger my RM3 broadlink IR which I have working via the Model and a test Page for controling my cable box, tv, receiver, etc… Im pretty sure Im just confused or not completely understanding some concept of this code. I thought it would have been as simple as issuing the same YAML code that was created for my button.

Screen Shot 2021-02-28 at 4.28.36 PM

uid: universalremote
tags: []
    - context: item
      description: Prefix for the items with the data
      required: false
      type: TEXT
  parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Feb 28, 2021, 3:52:22 PM
component: f7-card
  title: Universal Remote Control
    - component: f7-card-content
          - component: f7-row
                - display-flex
                - justify-content-center
                - align-content-stretch
                - align-items-center
                - component: oh-button
                    text: POWER
                    action: command
                    actionitem: BroadlinkRM3v1105719216810137_Command
                    actioncommand: CABLE_POWER
                      fontSize: 24px
                - component: f7-icon
                    f7: power
                    color: blue

Edit; I tried following a few other posts regarding this same idea but still cant make the widget trigger anything.

Edit: I figured it out. I had a spelling and punctuation mistake in multiple spots. :slight_smile: took about 12 hours too long to figure it out lol

Hello everybody,
how can i use the badge “1” as in example?
I didn’t find anything in the documentation.
Thank you in advanceSchermata 2021-03-09 alle 01.11.04

You can find it in the Framework7 documentation:

Thanks a lot

Hi! A short question here: Can I somehow react in a widget on whether light or dark mode is active? Is the background color available in some css variable for example?

Hey @BobMiles

if you want to somehow react on the theme color you could use =themeOptions.dark ? something : something else

If you just want to reuse the card background color that reacts on the used theme, you could use the css variable var(--f7-card-bg-color).


Rainer, thank you so much! As always!!!

I have a hyperion ambilight. There is one String item named Effect.
When I check the items page and click on the current value (in this case fire), I get a list of all available effects

Is there a possibility, to configure my own page with a list item or input item (or maybe something completely different) in that way that the items are also presented to the page and not in the item view?

Create a default list widget metadata for the Item. Select oh-label-item as the type and Command options as the Action. That will show a filed labeled “Command options” where you can provide the list of options and the command that will be sent when that option is selected.

You can also set the command options as item meta data (in case you need them more often)

I am using an oh-input-card like so

- component: oh-input-card
                          visible: =(props.rs1_closetime!=null)
                          sendButton: true
                          outline: true
                          inputmode: text
                          placeholder: hh:mm:ss
                          title: Schließzeit
                          type: time
                          validate: true
                          item: rs1_closetime

which results into a send-button on the next line


However, I would like to have the send button to be placed on the same line like the input like so (photoshopped :wink: ):


This is what vue renders

Does anyone have an idea how this could be achieved by providing a css style to the widget definition?


The button on the side of the input is actually the default setting because the two pieces are rendered in an f7-row in the input component:

  <f7-row no-gap v-else class="oh-input-with-send-button">
    <f7-input class="input-field col-90" ref="input" v-bind="config" :value="(config.type.indexOf('date') === 0) ? valueForDatepicker : value" @input="$evt => updated($" :change="updated" @calendar:change="updated" @texteditor:change="updated" @colorpicker:change="updated" />
    <f7-button class="send-button col-10" v-if="this.config.sendButton" @click="sendButtonClicked" v-bind="config.sendButtonConfig || { iconMaterial: 'done', iconColor: 'gray' }" />

The reason your button is below is just that your card isn’t wide enough.
These are from the exact same code just different widths

Doesn’t look like you can influence the wrapping of that f7-row from the OH yaml. You might get more control over the formatting if you build your own card from the separate pieces, but I doubt it because the f7-row is part of the oh-input component and not just the card. Alternatively, you can just ensure that your card is always a minimum width that allows the button to stay on the side.

Thanks for looking into it

The reason your button is below is just that your card isn’t wide enough.

Is there a way to make the card wider then?

That’s going to depend on the context. If you’re just adding the card directly to a page in the UI then the card’s width is simply going to be based on the column width (which is itself responsive to the screen width):

So if you can arrange your page so that the card is in a row with few enough columns you’ll get the result you want even in fairly narrow (e.g. mobile) screens.

If you are including the card in a custom widget then just setting the width of the container the card is in.

My widget is part of a page where enough space is available:

The component itself is embedded in a page

  label: Rollladen Planung
  sidebar: true
  - component: oh-block
    config: {}
        - component: oh-grid-row
          config: {}
              - component: oh-grid-col
                config: {}
                    - component: widget:rollladen_zeit

So maybe it is related how the widget is composed ?

uid: rollladen_zeit
tags: []
props: ...
component: f7-card
  title: title
    - component: f7-card-content
        width: 100%
          - component: f7-col
                - component: f7-row
                      - component: oh-input-card
                          visible: true
                          sendButton: true
                          outline: true
                          inputmode: text
                          placeholder: hh:mm:ss
                          title: Schließzeit
                          type: time
                          validate: true
                          item: item1
                      - component: oh-input-card
                          visible: true
                          sendButton: true
                          outline: true
                          inputmode: text
                          placeholder: hh:mm:ss
                          title: Öffnungszeit
                          type: time
                          validate: true
                          item: item2