Busch-Jaeger Zigbee Light Link control element stops working

Is firmware 1.2.0 latest or has someone managed to get newer from BJ?

@ISO-B 1.2.0 is the latest.

Hi @Wilbert_Maximus, would be interesting to see if the firmware upgrade solved the issue entirely. I run 1.2 on all my 16 BJ devices but still do see disconnects and sometimes even failures of the BJ devices where unplugging/plugging or even a reset is required. This happens every few months though.

Fear @Falk, many of may issues are solved nowā€¦
I also still see sometimes Hue leds not swithing.
By pressing a second time is sometime works and some other times I need to walk to te nexr switch to get the configured leds on. Switching off is much more stable.
I have configured my switches as dimmers.
That works perfect.
The swithes work all perfect from the hue app. Here I never have any issues. It more that some leds are not switching on although they are programmed and other days they switch one without any issue. Iā€™m not sure what reason is behind this.

I have to omit it that this version 1.2 is at least much more stable than the previous one.

FWIW, Iā€™m running relays and dimmers with the zigbee binding without any issues whatsoever.


Most issues are solved.
Sometimes some hue light does not react, but if I press a second time on the button it works.

I also see this happens if the a lot of air traffic is there and or if one of my children activated hue entertainment.

I would love if hue came with multiple bridge solutions where I can decide hue lights over more bridges.
I think the issue is on the bridge site and the reading speed.

Nevertheless, the issues are much less and not as boring anymore.
For me it works almost perfect now.
It does not loose its settings at least, it just misses some led spot sometimes.
But as said, it is occasionally.

I dear to say, the update did work for me.


Hello. Is anyone on this thread still using this setup. Last year I rewired my whole house to use BJ switched - approx 30 switches, connected to hue. At first I tried one bridge but that really didnā€™t work so now I use 3 hue bridges.

Iā€™m experiencing the exact issues described above. At least 1-2 of the switches fails every week and becomes unreachable in Hue. I then need to go and physically take it out and put it back in, and often need to actually re-pair. Itā€™s not a particularly pleasant experience as the system canā€™t just be set up and left alone. The FW on the switches is 1.2 and they were purchased in 2021.

Has anyone been able to get a fully stable system working? Or to find an alternative zigbee hue compatible switch to control normal dumb light circuits via Hue?

Hi, yes, I am still using this setup (BJ Zigbee switches with FW1.2 and hue bridges) and I would call it ā€œstableā€. I havenā€™t seen this behaviour since a long time.

I do operate more than a dozen BJ switches with approx. 70 Zigbee devices connected to hue bridges.

However, these are my lessons learned:

BJ Zigbee switches seem to have a very weak hardware platform that is not capable to handle large amounts of datagrams at once. BJ said to me that no more than 24 devices within a network could be handled by the switch. Therefore the strategy is to limit the amount of datagrams within a network.

This is what I have done:

  1. Make sure all devices have the latest firmware installed. The situation definitely improved over time with new firmware. This seems to lead to less load on the network with devices being not that ā€œcommunicativeā€.

  2. I have split my Zigbee network into 3, therefore I am now running 3 hue bridges (each on a different channel).

In case you are not running a large network, it may be worth trying to change the Zigbee channel in case your neighbour is running the same setup with their devices flooding your switches with (useless) datagrams.

Hope that helps somehow.

Super helpful thank you for responding. That was also my thinking, and I am also running 3 hue bridges for that reason (plus one smartthings hub). So I have 4 separate zigbee networks running in my house. Which channels are you using for your 3 bridges, and do you know if there is any chance that the channels can interfere with each other?

Zigbee channels are all on different frequencies, but within the same band. In general, they will not interfere with each other, however if you have devices very close to each-other then itā€™s possible that a transmitter will raise the noise floor (ie desensitise) a nearby receiver when it transmits which may prevent it receiving other traffic.

Mostly this shouldnā€™t matter, but if you have multiple gateways, I would separate them by a foot or two if possible.