Cannot set custom position to Aeotec Nano Shutter

Chorus of “You are!” :wink:

Well, you can at least. Probable need advice about versioning though.

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This is a community project, so, the community :slight_smile:

I’m not exactly sure what “this” is though - if there is a new firmware, and it changes the functionality, then it will require a new database entry. If the functionality is still the same (no new parameters or channels) then it doesn’t need a change.

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Sadly folks, updating the database is quite far of my knowledge I’m afraid.
I’ve done the full communication with the Aeotec guys, the firmware is released, I did upgraded (hopefully with success), but the device is not recognized:
Window Covering Position/Endpoint Aware
Unknown: type=0003, id=008d (Node:2 Complete)

Hope to be able to access the button parameters soon with the db update, because my physical buttons are not working anymore…

That doesn’t sound like any of openHAB’s business?

Well, since the device is unknown and there is no parameter for the it, I cannot edit the parameters 85, 120, 121 for instance, to setup my buttons behavior.

It’s there:

you need to upgrade to a recent 2.5 snapshot binding:

First update, then include the device, then post your xml file.

Edit: okay, you don’t need to post your xml, the parameters are already in the database, please just upgrade to a recent snapshot zwave binding:

Truth be told, I’m not using anymore OpenHab, neither Hass or any similar.
I’m using Node-Red for all my “scripting” and Zwave2Mqtt to setup my devices parameters only.
Zwave2Mqtt relies on Open-Zwave but the zw141.xml one have not been updated since June (
Would downloading the updated xml be enough in my case?

Then you need to be posting to a zwave2mqtt forum. How are we supposed to help you with software we have written and no one here uses?


At least, I’ve kept any people using —OpenHab— informed of the situation about the Nano Shutter on this topic over the months… I thought that was a “community” spirit… but I guess simply telling the truth of my real use case was a mistake (obviously by the “community” definition).
One could have said: “OpenHab is not relying on Open-Zwave, so that’s the reason blabla…” but sure, I’ve posted on Zwave2Mqtt discussions.
Thanks for the reminder.

I’ve just run OpenHab last snapshot, from scratch:
Z-Wave Node 002 (0371:0003:008D:3.0) Unknown Device
Voilà :frowning:

No - it’s not… This is the wrong entry - there doesn’t seem to be an entry for this device in the database as far as I can see.

Aeon have changed manufacturer IDs…

These are the only info I can give you when I click “show properties” while editing the Thing:

zwave_beaming true
zwave_class_basic BASIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SLAVE
zwave_deviceid 141
zwave_devicetype 3
zwave_frequent false
zwave_listening true
zwave_manufacturer 881
zwave_nodeid 2
zwave_plus_devicetype NODE_TYPE_ZWAVEPLUS_NODE
zwave_plus_roletype ROLE_TYPE_SLAVE_ALWAYS_ON
zwave_routing true
zwave_secure false
zwave_version 3.0

Thanks. Do you have an XML file for this node - in the userdata/zwave folder? If so, we can generate a database record from this and then copy the configuration from the existing record.

Yes I do, should I copy it here?

Yes please. Just ensure you use code fences so that the formatting doesn’t get screwed (or paste it in, and use the </> button to format the XML should also work).

  <associationGroups class="concurrent-hash-map">
  <endpoints class="concurrent-hash-map">
        <supportedCommandClasses class="concurrent-hash-map">
  <lastReceived>2019-11-17 18:49:16.798 UTC</lastReceived>

Yes, now that he posted the manufacturer id for the first time I realized that, too.
@Tazintosh, thx for wasting my time :angry:

I’ve now added the new device -:

I’ll do a binding update shortly.


One of the reasons I moved here to OpenHAB was because of the pitiful device support in Home Assistant which also depends on Open-Zwave. I believe the also depend on volunteers for database updates but the one here appears much more complete.

It was proposed, a number of years ago, that we work together on databases but they refused the offer.

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