Cant connect Eurotronic Spirit Zigbee to OH using BitronVideo Coordinator

It’s ok, I have one of these devices so I can take a look at this.



if it is possible, also provide

TRV Mode (0x40000x02 (MANU Mode) 0x30 (8-bit enum) R/W) and
Set Valve Position (0x40010x00 0x20 (int8u) R/W)

If TVR Mode is set to “Unknown2” (seen in Deconz), it is possible to set the valve Position. So we are able to pogram an own heating control with an external thermostat.

By now… thanks for the work… since 2.5.2 Snapshot the values for the available channels are send/received correct.


Please raise a request on the binding issues list in github for this.

Done in #554
Could someone mark it as enhancement?

Thanks - I’ve marked it as an enhancement although that’s less critical. Getting it on the list means it won’t get lost at least (although it doesn’t mean it will get done immediately :wink: ).


Thanks! Should be the same as in the Eurotronic ZWave Spirit.
In some Smart Home software it is possible to change do “manuel Mode” and set the valve position.
So it is possible to start/stop heating by comparing the temp from an external thermosat

Question about the implementation:
Is creating the chanels generic by reading the whole cluster?

Well, ZigBee is totally different, so while the function on the device might be the same, the actual implementation in the binding is 100% different.

I’m not sure I understand. The binding has a definition of channels, and a “converter” that it uses to translate the data between the OH world, and the ZigBee world. Once this is written, then the binding will create channels dynamically based on the clusters, commands and attributes that it detects in the device.


Ok, I thought it is similar. The same Hardware is also used by Rademcht, with another frequency and protocol.

Ok, thanks for explenation. I thought ther is a handshake between device and software. So the device says… look, her are all my possible clusters and in the culster you can use the following chanells. Seems that in Thermostat cluser the IDs > 0x002x are device/manufacture sepecific.

Maybe I will have a look into the implementation…

Found it… ok, now I understand

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Yes, fundamentally, this is what happens. The only difference here really is the “channels” part of you comment. The binding learns about the clusters, and then has to detect what “stuff” within the cluster is actually supported (ie knowing the cluster is not enough). The binding then needs to add a “channel converter” that handles any commands, or processes attributes that the device might send and make them available in the openHAB world.

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Thanks a lot… saw it in …/internal/converter/ and found the actually supported channels. When I find the time, I will look at the existing ones

Hi there, see there is something happened in between.
I switched to Z#a#e with Eurotronic Spirit Thermostats in meantime, they worked out of box for me.
But have a little problems with it also, sometimes some thermostats are falling back to “install mode” so i have to put out batterie and put them back in and press button of it to let it learn valve position again. Suggest? If its not a short answer i will add a new thread in z#a#e categorie. And yesterday something strange happend with thermostats in living room (two of them in same room), they were´nt back in setup mode and in openhab they were shown as online and setpoint was set to 22°C and mode to heat, but they did not close valve as they reached set point, but heating further more instead to around 27°C. Did the same trick to it like the other ones, by cycling battery and now seam to work again.

Back to Zigbee: Joining should work now? I kept my Zigbee Thermostats also, maybe reuse them at my families home. Is there a compiled package for redhat linux for 2.5.2-snapshot, so i may try if the problem really was an error of crowded radio around my place. If it works i think this thread can be closed.

ZWave thermostats are completely different to ZigBee - this thread is quite clearly about ZigBee so I think you should start a new thread.

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ok i am aware of this and i will do this if the problems will show up again.
Maybe we should wipe out the z#a#e word in this thread, so the search engine won´t bring the people to this thread.

What about my origin question? Cannot find where to get 2.5.2-snapshot for testing purpose. Are there binaries build, or docker container so i can validate function?

And hey, thanks a lot for your work, chris!

The official OH documentation tells you. Where did you look? We are here to help you solve your problems.

Hi i searched my repo for it, which indeed just shows up stable package.
So i gone deeper and looked up for the url which is listed as repo url.
So i got to, where in testing just 2.5.0.M2 can be found.
Also I tried to pull from docker openhab/openhab:snapshot what of course bring me 3.0.0-snapshot as it should do so (which doesn´t run at all on my machine, but this is another thing to go for).
Sorry if its a dumb question, but i am not much into package development things or how they are brought to people, usually i am fine with stable packages redhat or rpmfusion are serving me.

I was away when 2.5.1 was released so I am a bit behind. I would guess the addons snapshot may only be on Jenkins.
It looks like this may be the latest. I believe only addons are changed since 2.5.1

Hi @chris,
changing the system mode also seems not possible - At least I could not change the value neither via PaperUI nor in Basic UI. Changes to the …1_thermostatsystemmode channel seems to be ignored.

Is there a way I can implement #554 ? Could you please guide me?

Please provide a debug log and I’ll take a look. This in general has been tested on a number of wall thermostats.

Hi @chris,
Here is my debug log. openhab.log (5.6 KB)
In the Screenshot of the Paper UI control you see, there is no configuration at all for item System Mode. This was generate automatically when I added the thing.

Item Systemmode was created like this, to change the mode via Basic UI - but without success:
Number Radiator_Store1_systemmode "Systemmode [%d]" {channel="zigbee:device:0137F0E7:00158d0001922f6c:00158D0001922F6C_1_thermostatsystemmode"}

The channels look like this:

The log looks fine. The binding receives the command to set the mode to 0, and it sends this to the device and receives the response -:

What do you mean by “no configuration”? You mean there are no options? I can’t easily test this without trying to set up a new system, but I’m pretty sure this was tested in the past as a) I tested it, but also b) others were using this in the past at least.