Chart will not show any value

Ok, are you familiar with the karaf konsole?
It is started with something like " ssh YourMachineIP@localhost -p 8101"

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I install openhab in my pc, macOS
should I use other command instead of this: " ssh YourMachineIP@localhost -p 8101"

I tried to look with you into the logs. You should be able to set the logging level for persistence.rrd4j to DEBUG. But Iā€™m not familiar with the way you are running openHAB.
Do you run it as a service or just by starting the

BTW The command would have been ā€œssh openhab@localhost -p 8101ā€ the ā€œYourMachineIPā€ part was WRONG!

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I run it by
ā€œssh openhab@localhost -p 8101ā€
Im in!

try: log:set DEFAULT org.openhab.persistence.rrd4j
that will set the logging for rrd4j to DEBUG
after that use log:tail and you will see the constant log!

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Wrong again (darned paste and copy
log:set DEBUG org.openhab.persistence.rrd4j

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You should be seing entries like:
20:16:00.380 [DEBUG] [sistence.rrd4j.internal.RRD4jService] - Stored 'E10_2' with state '1.258999999999999896971303314785473048686981201171875' in rrd4j database

look for entries with this ā€œ[DEBUG] [sistence.rrd4j.internal.RRD4jService]ā€ in your log

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tnx, i dont have it!
but this line:
[sitemap.internal.SitemapProviderImpl] - Filename home.sitemap does not match the name default of the sitemap - please fix this as you might see unexpected behavior otherwise.

is this a problem?

Not for the current problem!
Please leave the logging by hitting ā€œControl-cā€. Then ā€œbundle:listā€ and serch for a line that should looks like:
207 | Active | 80 | 1.9.0 | openHAB RRD4j Persistence Bundle
nad post yours in here.

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217 | Active | 80 | 1.9.0 | openHAB RRD4j Persistence Bundle

So your persistence is running!
Since you are already use practically my rrd4j.cfg and rrd4j.persist Iā€™m out of ideas!
Mine is working this way.
I would be rechecking all of them again:
Is the rrd4j.cfg in folder etc/openhab2/services?
Is the rrd4j.persist in folder etc/openhab2/persistence?
Are the persited items all numbers?
Are the item names spelled correctly?

Other then that, I cant do anything else.

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thanks a lot
rrd4j.cfg is in openhab/conf/services
rrd4j.persist is in openhab/userdata/persistance


can i use other method? what is your suggestion?
mysql or other things?

Your rrd4j.persist is in userdata?
Donā€™t you have a folder etc/openhab2/persistence?

yes, openhab folder in windows and mac are like this:

rrd4j.persist is in openhab/userdata/persistance folder

It shouldnā€™t be thereā€¦
the correct directory in your case would be: openhab/conf/persistence
Try to position the rrd4j.persist in there

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Are you sure, my windows system shows a folder ā€¦/conf/persistence !


thanks and im sorry :sweat:

now it is in log and rdd file is recreated, but chart does not show

That is the next thing to work on!
Show your sitemap file!

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You should be using the item name which you are persisting!
mine looks like:
Chart item=E10_1 period=D refresh=300000

so yours should read
Chart item=esp_dht22_t period=1h refresh=10000

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