Chart will not show any value

change it this way, and even ungroup this item
but not showing anything
Chart item=esp_dht22_t period=1h refresh=10000

The timeframe should read “h” instead of 1h.
Have you installed more persistence services in this case you need to state the service in the sitemap as well .
Look Here

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Chart item=esp_dht22_t period=h refresh=10000 service=“rrd4j”

i change sitemap like this
and change item like this
Number esp_dht22_t “[%.1f]” { mqtt="<[mosquitto:openhab/temperature:state:default]" }

to have only number in ""
nothuung shows up!`

Good Morning.

I’m again out of ideas. :worried::worried::worried:

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Good Morning.
thanks, can I use other services for charting? what is your suggestion?

Do you have other sitemap files in the sitemap Directory?

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no, one sitemap and one item file

No more suggestions from me, I’m sorry.

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