A chromecast audiogroup Thing gets pointed to an ip address of one of the group members, which is the “elected leader” for that audiogroup. However, it seems that this elected leader keeps changing from one member to another. So when it changed, my audiogroup Thing stopped working.
This behaviour has also been observed by the home-assistant people here
I created multiple audiogroup things, one for each member of the audiogroup
I created rules to keep track of which one is online, then update a virtual item to save the name of the active one
Use that virtual item in say/play
Thing chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_1 "All Google Home 1" [ ipAddress="", port=42351 ]
Thing chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_2 "All Google Home 2" [ ipAddress="", port=42351 ]
Thing chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_3 "All Google Home 3" [ ipAddress="", port=42351 ]
Thing chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_4 "All Google Home 4" [ ipAddress="", port=42351 ]
from core.rules import rule
from core.triggers import when
from core.actions import Things
@rule("Track Online Audiogroup", "Keep track of which audiogroup is online")
@when("Thing chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_1 changed")
@when("Thing chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_2 changed")
@when("Thing chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_3 changed")
@when("Thing chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_4 changed")
@when("System started")
@when("Time cron 0 */5 * * * ?")
def init_audiogroup(event):
# find the current active audiogroup
audiogroup = ''
for i in range(4):
chromecast_uid = "chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_{}".format(i+1)
if Things.getThingStatusInfo(chromecast_uid).toString() == "ONLINE":
audiogroup = chromecast_uid
if audiogroup != items.Chromecast_Audiogroup.toString():
init_audiogroup.log.info("Audiogroup ONLINE: {}".format(audiogroup))
postUpdate("Chromecast_Audiogroup", audiogroup)
@cweitkamp, my suggestion would be to allow the audiogroup thing to specify multiple ip addresses, and the binding can automatically pick whichever one that’s online. What do you think?
Thing chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all "All Google Home" [ ipAddress1="", ipAddress2="", ipAddress3="", ipAddress4="", port=42351 ]
Thanks for catching up with this topic. Just want to let you know that I saw your message. I recently added another Google Home device to my setup and will create a group for testing as soon as I find some time for it.
I like your proposal to add a list of potential IPs for the groups. But not as configuration parameters rather introduce meta tags for them. Maybe it is possible to populate the list automatically to simplify the users life.
hi Jim, i created new rule file “chrome.rules”, its giving me below error when i save the rule file:
2020-02-26 08:53:41.661 [WARN ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'chrome.rules' is either empty or cannot be parsed correctly!
can u help with this… i have two google mini’s, so its two groups only, below is the rule code:
from core.rules import rule
from core.triggers import when
from core.actions import Things
@rule("Track Online Audiogroup", "Keep track of which audiogroup is online")
@when("Thing chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_1 changed")
@when("Thing chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_2 changed")
@when("System started")
@when("Time cron 0 */5 * * * ?")
def init_audiogroup(event):
# find the current active audiogroup
audiogroup = ''
for i in range(2):
chromecast_uid = "chromecast:audiogroup:gh_all_{}".format(i+1)
if Things.getThingStatusInfo(chromecast_uid).toString() == "ONLINE":
audiogroup = chromecast_uid
if audiogroup != items.Chromecast_Audiogroup.toString():
init_audiogroup.log.info("Audiogroup ONLINE: {}".format(audiogroup))
postUpdate("Chromecast_Audiogroup", audiogroup)
There is a chance to solve the problem. I use the groups to carry out alarms (doorbell, X Y calls on the cell phone, open windows …) throughout the house. But this only works sporadically at the moment. I would also be available as a tester, I have 10 Google Home, a Chromecast and an Android TV in my network.
Sry for coming back to you with such a delay. During my recent work on the binding I tried to figure out a solution for this problem. I did not find a solution yet but I found a workaround. In the beginning I added all my audiogroups via textual configuration file. And after a short time I experienced the same issue. I setup a separate test environment and again added all my audiogroups but this time using the auto discovery feature of the binding. And this time it was working nicely. The discovery automatically changes the IP address of my audiogroups. That is one of the supported discovery features. On the opposite the discovery is - of course - not allowed to change configuration of manually defined things.
Thanks for the tip, @cweitkamp. Is it possible to rename the thing id of the discovered audiogroup? I’d like to call it something like chromecast:audiogroup:all_speakers instead of chromecast:audiogroup:dd9d8644-c6e2-4edf-b336-51b992c4d844?
For auto discovered things it is not possible to change the thing id. What I did not test is adding the thing manually via Paper UI. I am not sure if the same discovery feature is applied for them. But then you have the change to rename the thing id.
I know that it is easier for humans to have a meaningful thing id but the framework does not care. Rule and Item files can be change by find & replaced in a second.
Unfortunately the autodiscovered audiogroup isn’t working reliably for me.
I’ve just tried adding the autodiscovered audiogroup thing. At first, it was online, and all was good. Then I tried removing it, then re-discovered it and re-added it as a thing. I did this a few times. Then eventually I stumbled on a problem. The autodiscovered audiogroup, once added as a thing, is OFFLINE. Its ip address is pointing to the offline member indeed.
I have 4 google home devices that are all members of the “All Speakers” audiogroup:, .203, .208 and .165. The one that seems to be elected most of the time is the .208.
However, the discovered audiogroup when added as a thing, kept having the ip address of .200 and hence it is OFFLINE. I tried deleting this autodiscovered thing and re-adding, and it now kept reverting to that .200 and therefore stays OFFLINE. I have not changed its ip address manually.
I have been observing this problem with OH 2.x for quite some time. I assign a fixed IP address for my Chromecasts and the port for the audio group changes from time to time. It is not understandable for me.
Apps like BubbleUPnP, Audials or PowerAmp have no problem to work with the changed port of the Chromecast audio group. This is a very very annoying thing …
Easy guys… make a simple rule to track which channel is online and this will be the group ip address… i did this long time and its working perfectly… im abt to sleep now… ill post the rule tomorrow
hi guys, below example for two google mini, u can add as much as u want… please set fixed ip for the google mini’s from the router… google it… fixed ip per mac address
Thing chromecast:chromecast:Ghome_LR "Google home Livingroom" [ ipAddress="", port=8009]
Thing chromecast:chromecast:Ghome_BR "Google home Bedroom" [ ipAddress="", port=8009]
Thing chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group1 "Audio group 1" [ ipAddress="", port=42648]
Thing chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group2 "Audio group 2" [ ipAddress="", port=42648]
Player ChromecastAudioControl_LR "Google mini livingroom Control" {channel="chromecast:chromecast:Ghome_LR:control"}
Dimmer ChromecastVolume_LR "Livingroom Volume [%d %%]" {channel="chromecast:chromecast:Ghome_LR:volume"}
Player ChromecastAudioControl_BR "Google mini Bedroom Control" {channel="chromecast:chromecast:Ghome_BR:control"}
Dimmer ChromecastVolume_BR "Bedroom Volume [%d %%]" {channel="chromecast:chromecast:Ghome_BR:volume"}
Player ChromecastAudioControl_Group1 "Google mini group Control" {channel="chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group1:control"}
Dimmer ChromecastVolume_Group1 "Google mini group Volume [%d %%]" {channel="chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group1:volume"}
Player ChromecastAudioControl_Group2 "Google mini group Control" {channel="chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group2:control"}
Dimmer ChromecastVolume_Group2 "Google mini group Volume [%d %%]" {channel="chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group2:volume"}
Number music_track "Track [%d]" <player>
Number music_control "Music control [%d]" <player>
String audio_sink "Speaker [%s]" <player>
String audio_sink_v "Speaker [%s]" <player>
Dimmer ChromecastVolume_Group_v "Group Volume [%d %%]"
rule "check things online"
Thing "chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group1" changed or
Thing "chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group2" changed
var Ghome_Group1_status = getThingStatusInfo("chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group1").getStatus()
var Ghome_Group2_status = getThingStatusInfo("chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group2").getStatus()
if (audio_sink_v.state == "Ghome_G1") {
if(Ghome_Group1_status.toString() == 'ONLINE') audio_sink.postUpdate("chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group1")
else if(Ghome_Group2_status.toString() == 'ONLINE') audio_sink.postUpdate("chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group2")
rule "Select Active audio group"
Item audio_sink_v received command
var Ghome_Group1_status = getThingStatusInfo("chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group1").getStatus()
var Ghome_Group2_status = getThingStatusInfo("chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group2").getStatus()
switch(receivedCommand) {
case "Ghome_LR" : {
case "Ghome_BR" : {
case "Ghome_G1" : if(Ghome_Group1_status.toString() == 'ONLINE') {
else if(Ghome_Group2_status.toString() == 'ONLINE') {
rule "google home group volume"
Item ChromecastVolume_Group_v received command
if (audio_sink.state == "chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group1") ChromecastVolume_Group1.sendCommand(ChromecastVolume_Group_v.state.toString)
else if (audio_sink.state == "chromecast:audiogroup:Ghome_Group2") ChromecastVolume_Group2.sendCommand(ChromecastVolume_Group_v.state.toString)
rule "music control"
Item music_control received command
switch(receivedCommand) {
case 0 : playStream(audio_sink.state.toString, null)
case 1 : sendCommand(audiocontrol, PAUSE)
case 2 : sendCommand(audiocontrol, PLAY)
rule "Select music track"
Item music_track received command
switch(receivedCommand) {
case 3 : playStream(audio_sink.state.toString, "")
case 4 : playStream(audio_sink.state.toString, "")