core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller error after update


Running in an RPi4 with latest OS updates (Raspbian)
I did an update of the OS packages (and OH) and since then my OH install stopped working.

My OH version is now: openHAB 2.5.4 Release Build

I’ve been looking for a solution and did:

  • clear caches sudo openhab-cli clean-cache
  • sudo rm -rf /var/lib/openhab2/tmp
  • sudo rm -rf /var/lib/openhab2/cache
  • sudo rm -rf /var/lib/openhab2/config/org/openhab/addons.config

After all this I select the expert UI again and then everything just hangs and hangs…

The only error I see in the logs is:

2020-05-05 01:03:39.946 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing ‘openhab-transformation-javascript, openhab-transformation-regex, openhab-ui-habpanel, openhab-transformation-jsonpath, openhab-transformation-xpath, openhab-ui-restdocs, openhab-transformation-map, openhab-ui-basic, openhab-ui-classic, openhab-ui-habmin, openhab-transformation-xslt, openhab-transformation-exec, openhab-ui-paper, openhab-transformation-scale’: No such file or directory

Thanks for any help!


That is the file where openHAB keeps its addon list! Perhaps you should restore it from your backup & try again.

Hi Bruce!

Did that too and no cigar :wink: In many posts I read to delete that one since it gets rebuild anyway. Mine indeed got rebuild too. Not everything was in it because I guess some ‘features’ are unable to install

I had not heard of is getting rebuilt.
If that is the case shut down OpenHAB and edit the file to remove the probleM addons. Restart OpenHAB and then reinstall those addons.


That’s the problem. They are kinda ‘basic’ stuff like openhab-ui-basic, openhab-ui-classic…They get added when I select Expert mode in the start screen (which you get once you delete the config)

The part after the dot is config not cfg. Some people have posted their file contents here for advice.

EDIT I do not log in to my openHAB install much but here are my files.

# The installation package of this openHAB instance
# Note: This is only regarded at the VERY FIRST START of openHAB
# Note: If you want to specify your add-ons yourself through entries below, set
the package to "minimal"
# as otherwise your definition might be in conflict with what the installation p
ackage defines.
# Optional. If not set, the dashboard (https://<yourserver>:8080/) will ask you
to choose a package.
# Valid options:
#   - minimal  : Installation only with dashboard, but no UIs or other add-ons.
Use this for custom setups.
#   - simple   : Setup for using openHAB purely through UIs - you need to expect
 MANY constraints in functionality!
#   - standard : Default setup for normal users, best for textual setup
#   - expert   : Setup for expert users, especially for people migrating from op
enHAB 1.x
#   - demo     : A demo setup which includes UIs, a few bindings, config files e
# See for a detailed ex
planation of these packages.
#package = minimal

# Access Remote Add-on Repository
# Defines whether the remote openHAB add-on repository should be used for browsi
ng and installing add-ons.
# This not only makes latest snapshots of add-ons available, it is also required
 for the installation of
# any legacy 1.x add-on. (default is true)
#remote = true

# Include legacy 1.x bindings. If set to true, it also allows the installation o
f 1.x bindings for which there is
# already a 2.x version available (requires remote repo access, see above). (def
ault is false)
#legacy = true

# A comma-separated list of bindings to install (e.g. "binding = sonos,knx,zwave
#binding =

# A comma-separated list of UIs to install (e.g. "ui = basic,paper")
#ui =

# A comma-separated list of persistence services to install (e.g. "persistence =
#persistence =

# A comma-separated list of actions to install (e.g. "action = mail,pushover")
#action =

# A comma-separated list of transformation services to install (e.g. "transforma
tion = map,jsonpath")
#transformation =

# A comma-separated list of voice services to install (e.g. "voice = marytts,fre
#voice =

# A comma-separated list of miscellaneous services to install (e.g. "misc = myop
#misc =




My addons.config is:


Try removing “dashboard” I believe that is only loaded when first selecting the setup package.

Other wise I would make a copy of that file, uninstall all except PAper UI, and reinstall one at a time until you find a culprit.

Yes, removing the dashboard did it. I still get the error line but everything started. I will monitor closely but still, I do expect a bit more ‘stable-ness’ from the latest stable release :slight_smile:
Thanks Bruce for helping!

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The same error as first post? That IS weird.


2020-05-05 19:56:01.491 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing ‘openhab-transformation-javascript, openhab-transformation-regex, openhab-ui-habpanel, openhab-transformation-jsonpath, openhab-transformation-xpath, openhab-ui-restdocs, openhab-transformation-map, openhab-ui-basic, openhab-ui-classic, openhab-ui-habmin, openhab-transformation-xslt, openhab-transformation-exec, openhab-ui-paper, openhab-transformation-scale’: No such file or directory

But everything seems to work as it should

Any bindings in the addons directory?

sorry had to look where it was. Two items:


I need the second one because it serves the binding between my RPi openHAB and my Qbus domotics

There should be a newer version is the second one in the kar file.

Why have the kar file anyway? It is only needed if your system cannot download addons from the Internet.

Ok I will contact the makers of the Qbus binding.

About the .kar, I don’t know. I did a apt-get update/upgrade of my RPi system

Those who follow the Linux install instructions sometimes install the openhab2-addons because they think that package is needed.

Try apt remove openhab-addons to remove it.

I removed the addons and now I get the same error but continuously :slight_smile:

Clear the cache?

Did that, removed all the config…still get the error :frowning: Once now but still…kinda starts to s*** :slight_smile:

I have other SD cards. So I will restart from scratch…see if somehow it automagickaly works :slight_smile:

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How are you going to install OH?