Hi there,
I’m a bit confused about the correct parameters for a bridge declaration in a things file. The bridge should be of type=“ROUTER”, not TUNNEL.
- Which parameters are required, which optional, which should be omitted?
From here I get, that required are:
type = "ROUTER"
Optional are:
- the localIP (and localSourceAddr) parameter
From the same post I read, that localIP is an IP address, which is bound to a KNX IP-Router?!
You can get this from posts no. 6 & 7 in the thread as well as from replies from Dim and Udo.
But this sounds weird. First, we are doing multicast with type=“ROUTER”, so there should be no need for a destination IP. Second the wording: “local”-something - shouldn’t it be local to the place of declaration, execution or use? Hence the openHAB system?!
I feel my thoughts are backed up by older posts, pre-time to the new KNX2 binding, as here and here.
I assume, and feel that’s also being said here, that localSourceAddr is a KNX PA for the openHAB system, that is a dummy PA (and connected GAs) for e.g. helping ETS to build filter tables.
If I am correct, then it leads to the question, which local* parameter is required and what for?
- If my openHAB server were to have only one NIC with only one IP…
- as far as I know, KNX/IP Routing doesn’t need a sending PA, but maybe I misunderstood
Is one of my assumed to be optional parameters required? Or a parameter not mentioned here?
Sorry, I’ve been asking so many questions