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Yes, till we monopolize the automation market. :wink: Our rivals (in my opinion) : Samsung SmartThings, Home Assistant, Google Home, Amazon (must be planing big), Belkin Wemo, Nest Labs, Wink, Apple HomeKit and various “hubs” like Vera that are out there without any strong community support or open source code, but they may got money power, they can buy a lot of support staff.

Its a transitional phase, that experienced guys like Rich, you, @5iver have to spend their energy on little issues, we can cover most of that, hopefully, with modern languages like Scala/Kotlin. UI based rules, will cover, maybe basic stuff. If newbie’s are having issues and we don’t respond, we lose users, and eventually the project will be irrelevant.

But if we monopolize, the army of app developer community will help users with common+complex stuff, we just need to give devs a solid platform.

Bear in mind Microsoft had an army of support staff to help customers, to ensure their monopoly.