Custom widget: 8 point Thermostat

I know this is an old thread.

But, I just added this from the widget gallery.

And, I can only get it to display a list of the labels that I enter.

I don’t see how I tell it to actually display the value of the item I’ve selected.

I’m sure I just don’t grok…so, it’s probably me. :persevere:

Then you need to type in the labels to be the same as the values you push to OH when the button is pressed. This has various uses. for termostat i want to display “25 °C” on the button but you push a command to the setpoint that is is “25” only without °C

Some other use is for the ventilation when I dispay “MAX” but I push to the recuperator “7” as it has 7 preset gears that you select.