Custom Widget: BTicino Smarther Widget

Hi there, I’ve started working on this widget for HABPanel as a companion to my BTicino Smarther thermostat binding.

Please find attached an initial version, along with some screenshots on how it’s currently rendering.
Enjoy !!

If the thermostat is off (left) or running its normal program (right), the widget looks like:

screen1 screen6

Click the hamburger menu (top-right), to access the settings menu:

screen3 screen5 screen2 screen4

Click the power button (top-right), to apply the new settings to the thermostat.

The widget is configured setting the module base name and min/max temperature.
All the items needed to make the widget work are then derived from the module base name; for example, a module base name = SMA_Thermo implies that all the items reported in the config description (e.g. SMA_Thermo_Sensor_Temperature) must be defined in openHAB for the chronothermostat module you want to control:

Widget: Smarther.widget.json (13.2 KB)

Reference repository on GitHub


Hi Fabio,

I’m trying to use your widget with my Bticino, but I don’t understand very well where I have to write the prefix in the item configuration in manner to combine the widget with my item.
Could you please help me?
I attach my item configuration
Best regards

Hi Gianluca, not sure I fully got you here.

Smarther Widget is designed for HABPanel, not for the default or BasicUI.

Here you can find the general flow that needs to be followed to have a working device setup with OH.
And, this is how I have configured my Smarther device in OH3:

  1. Created the Bridge thing, with proper attributes:

  2. Created the Device thing, with the client attributes and linked to the bridge:

  3. Created the Items Group, with all the items I intended to use:

  4. Each item is linked to the related device thing’s channel; room temperature for example:

Hope this helps,

Hi Fabio,

Sorry you are in right because I haven’t leave you enough information.

Here my situation:

Binding: openwebnet
UI: HABPanel

I’m using the thermo 3550 Of bicino with the local sensor For the temperature L4441.
The binding it’s ok and the channel temperature, setpoint and mode run correctly.
I don’t understand how to configure your widget in HABPanel to bind with my items.
How I tell to your widget to take the information from my item temp_masterbedroom?
If you need more information tell me.
Best regards

Hi Gianluca, that was indeed my assumption :confused:

Your devices communicate via OpenWebNet protocol while this widget, as well as the binding beneath, is designed to integrate the BTicino Smarther chronothermostats (serie 1). So not useful in your configuration, I’m sorry.

To find a potential solution, I can suggest you to refer to the OpenWebNet binding documentation and ask on the related community threads.
