Custom Widget: Camera, clickable + PTZ controls

UPDATE: If using openHAB 3, see this newer main UI widget OH3 Widget: Move a PTZ camera - Add-ons / UIs - openHAB Community

There are 3 main camera widgets that I have created:

  • A clickable camera widget that is easier to setup compared to this one due to no Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) controls.Click here for forum thread
  • This one that matches the one above and also includes PTZ controls that are only shown after you click on the thumbnail.
  • One that can not be clicked and displays the PTZ controls on the main page all the time. Click here for forum thread

This widget will create a thumbnail that when clicked that will open up a video stream with PTZ controls under the video feed. A few options exist to to hide the arrow buttons if your camera only works with ONVIF preset based movements. Refer to the ipCamera bindings readme for more info on setting up PTZ.

camera-clickable-ptz.widget.json (7.6 KB)


I updated the widget last night as it was closing the main window when you clicked on a PTZ control. Now you can click the buttons multiple times and stay in the main window until you either click the video or click outside the popup window. If you had this issue just re-import the widget and then open up the widgets settings and check they are all correct.

Any issues just report them in this thread.

If you want to see any improvements like the ability to change the button size to a larger button, or maybe a padlock icon that locks out the controls like a child lock feature, then also feel free to post some ideas.

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Hi @matt1 ! Thank you VERY much for these widgets! Work perfectly!
There is only one functionality I would be thankful for - a configurable switch item that would pop-up big view of camera once switch changed to ON (and back to thumbnail if OFF). The switch can be connected to PIR or be movement alert from camera.

Yes that is a good idea to add to these existing widgets.
I have been planning on making a completely new widget that is a switch that is tiny and takes up not much space on your panel. Then if the switch is on and someone rings a doorbell it will auto open up and display the video.

If I get that working then it will be easy to copy the code across to these widgets. I believe there is a way to change the panel on a switch or channel, just have not had the time to look into it yet.

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