Custom Widget: Music Control


Inspired by the fantastic work of @Murpher I use his Music Control Widget for controlling Spotify Connect on my Onkyo TX-NR616.

Since the Onkyo has several item-channels I made some adaptions to @Murpher 's great original widget. So many thanks to @Murpher

Extra item-channels (available on the Onkyo) that I added:

  • Song Title
  • Song Artist & Album
  • Song Playing Time

Configurable display of items
Since displaying all these channels can make the widget too big on my UI, I made all the items also configurable. So I can choose what to hide or display, even the (volume) controls ( when ever that would make sense… :fearful:). Perhaps this can make the widget also useable on other receivers with lesser item-channels.

OnkyoMusicControlConfigurable.widget.json (5.7 KB)

Work still in process:

  • displaying the Input Source of the Onkyo as a human readable text instead of a number. I’m still trying to figure out how I can work with a mapping/transformation in the widget (instead of a mapping in a items-file) to translate the number to a text description of the audio source.
  • replacing the “Hide …” settings in the settings area with a checkboxes (instead of Strings).

Help is appreciated!