deCONZ which Thing Type is needed for Lidl Melinera LED wire?

Hi everyone. I got a LED wire from LIDL:

I added it to my deconz and it looks like the following:
“2”: {
“etag”: “2a2ebc860da85e200cfdb21953c2c741”,
“hascolor”: true,
“lastannounced”: null,
“lastseen”: “2020-12-04T12:37Z”,
“manufacturername”: “_TZE200_s8gkrkxk”,
“modelid”: “TS0601”,
“name”: “Color dimmable light 2”,
“state”: {
“bri”: 25,
“colormode”: “hs”,
“effect”: “none”,
“hue”: 65361,
“on”: true,
“reachable”: false,
“sat”: 254
“swversion”: null,
“type”: “Color dimmable light”,
“uniqueid”: “58:8e:81:ff:fe:d8:85:23-01”

From this JSON I would suggest that the following type is needed:
Extended Color Light (w/temperature) Extended color light extendedcolorlight

But for extendedcolorlight there are only the following channels: color, color_temperature.

Related to this thread: it is also possible to hand over an “effect”. But in the deconz binding description I can not find anything related to the effect attribute:

Is there another possibility to set effects for this device?

I am also unsure how the light should be switched on and off. Which item should be used?

Use the color channel. You can send on/off to color items.

But what about the effect attribute? Is it possible?

Working on it.


Thank you very much :slight_smile:

A test version is available with: <redacted, merged to main>

Please report if this works.

I think it is not working, but maybe I missed something. Here are my thing, items and rule to test

extendedcolorlight Deconz_Licht_Weihnachtsbaum “Weihnachtsbaum” [id=“2”]

Group Licht_Weihnachtsbaum “Licht Weihnachtsbaum” (Wohnzimmer) [“WohnzimmerLicht”, “Equipment”]
Color Licht_Weihnachtsbaum_Color (Licht_Weihnachtsbaum) {channel=“deconz:extendedcolorlight:Wohnzimmer:Deconz_Licht_Weihnachtsbaum:color”}
Number Licht_Weihnachtsbaum_Color_Temp (Licht_Weihnachtsbaum) {channel=“deconz:extendedcolorlight:Wohnzimmer:Deconz_Licht_Weihnachtsbaum:color_temperature”}
String Licht_Weihnachtsbaum_Effect (Licht_Weihnachtsbaum) {channel=“deconz:extendedcolorlight:Wohnzimmer:Deconz_Licht_Weihnachtsbaum:effect”}
DateTime Licht_Weihnachtsbaum_LastUpdated “Batterieladung” (Licht_Weihnachtsbaum) {channel=“deconz:extendedcolorlight:Wohnzimmer:Deconz_Licht_Weihnachtsbaum:last_updated”}
DateTime Licht_Weihnachtsbaum_LastSeen “Batterieladung” (Licht_Weihnachtsbaum) {channel=“deconz:extendedcolorlight:Wohnzimmer:Deconz_Licht_Weihnachtsbaum:last_seen”}

And I created a rule to test it:

rule “a”
Item abcde changed

logInfo(“rules”, logPrefix + “Licht_Weihnachtsbaum_Effect hat sich geändert ({})”, Licht_Weihnachtsbaum_Effect.state)

but there is no change on the led wire.

When I use postman to send a request:it is working.

The Colorpicker is working but I think there is a state problem:

2020-12-08 00:30:40.389 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘Licht_Weihnachtsbaum_Color’ received command 112,57,50

2020-12-08 00:30:40.399 [INFO ] [rthome.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Item ‘Licht_Weihnachtsbaum_Color’ predicted to become UNDEF

And the on off is not working. I thought on friday with the old version of the binding it worked, but I am not sure.

Please use discovery.

@J-N-K Did it now with discovery.
I can turn it on and off. I can change the color but the effect is not changing:
This is what I can find in the log
2020-12-08 09:25:26.169 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Item ‘Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk_EffectChannel’ changed from NULL to waves

Please set the log-level to TRACE (log:set TRACE org.openhab.binding.deconz). Thanks.

2020-12-08 10:38:56.764 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'effekt' changed from NULL to ON

==> /var/log/openhab/openhab.log <==

2020-12-08 10:38:59.890 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.rules ] - fernseher.rules: Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk_EffectChannel hat sich ge?ndert (NULL)

==> /var/log/openhab/events.log <==

2020-12-08 10:38:59.912 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk_EffectChannel' changed from NULL to waves

2020-12-08 10:38:59.919 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent    ] - Item 'effekt' received command OFF

==> /var/log/openhab/openhab.log <==

2020-12-08 10:38:59.942 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.rules ] - fernseher.rules: Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk_EffectChannel hat sich ge?ndert (waves)

==> /var/log/openhab/events.log <==

2020-12-08 10:38:59.949 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'effekt' changed from ON to OFF

2020-12-08 10:39:01.823 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent    ] - Item 'effekt' received command ON

==> /var/log/openhab/openhab.log <==

2020-12-08 10:39:01.862 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.rules ] - fernseher.rules: Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk_EffectChannel hat sich ge?ndert (waves)

==> /var/log/openhab/events.log <==

2020-12-08 10:39:01.906 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'effekt' changed from OFF to ON

For the on command it looks better

2020-12-08 10:38:50.648 [TRACE] [ernal.handler.DeconzBaseThingHandler] - Sending {“on”:true} to LIGHTS 2 via http://raspiwz:80/api/5B7030FEC2/lights/2/state

You need to send a command (sendCommand) not update the channel value (postUpdate).

I changed it to sendCommand but it is still not working

==> /var/log/openhab/events.log <==

2020-12-08 17:18:35.322 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘effekt’ received command OFF

2020-12-08 17:18:35.337 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Item ‘effekt’ changed from ON to OFF

2020-12-08 17:18:35.377 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent ] - Item ‘Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk_EffectChannel’ received command waves

2020-12-08 17:18:35.377 [INFO ] [rthome.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Item ‘Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk_EffectChannel’ predicted to become waves

But I can not see something like
2020-12-08 17:20:19.361 [TRACE] [ernal.handler.DeconzBaseThingHandler] - Sending {“on”:false} to LIGHTS 2 via http://raspiwz:80/api/5B7030FEC2/lights/2/state

2020-12-08 17:20:19.366 [TRACE] [ernal.handler.DeconzBaseThingHandler] - Result code=200, body=[{“success”:{"/lights/2/state/on":false}}]

Are you sure the item is linked to the channel? It looks like the command is not received by the binding. If you select the item in the UI, what options do you see?

This is the thing I can see in my UI


In the karaf console I can see the following
deconz:colorlight:Wohnzimmer:588e81fffed8852301 (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=Color dimmable light 2 (_TZE200_s8gkrkxk), Bridge=deconz:deconz:Wohnzimmer)

Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk_EffectChannel (Type=StringItem, State=waves, Label=Effect Channel, Category=, Tags=[Point], Groups=[Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk])
Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk (Type=GroupItem, Members=2, State=NULL, Label=Color dimmable light 2 (_TZE200_s8gkrkxk), Category=colorlight, Tags=[LightStripe])
Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk_color (Type=ColorItem, State=2,78,100, Label=Color, Category=, Tags=[Point], Groups=[Colordimmablelight2TZE200s8gkrkxk])

I don’t understand that. I forced a light to add an effect channel (although it doesn’t support it, that why there is an error at the end):

19:12:43.886 [DEBUG] [internal.netutils.WebSocketConnection] - Connecting to: ws://<some-domain>:443
19:12:43.967 [DEBUG] [internal.netutils.WebSocketConnection] - Connect: <some-domain>/
19:12:43.972 [INFO ] [ome.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'deconz:deconz:42edeb65fb' changed from INITIALIZING to ONLINE
19:13:00.356 [TRACE] [internal.netutils.WebSocketConnection] - Raw data received by websocket: {"attr":{"lastseen":"2020-12-08T18:13Z","manufacturername":"OSRAM","modelid":"Plug 01","name":"Steckdose 2","swversion":"V1.05.09","type":"On/Off plug-in unit","uniqueid":"7c:b0:3e:aa:0a:0a:56:ae-03"},"e":"changed","id":"9","r":"lights","t":"event","uniqueid":"7c:b0:3e:aa:0a:0a:56:ae-03"}
19:13:00.367 [DEBUG] [internal.netutils.WebSocketConnection] - Couldn't find listener for id 9 with resource type LIGHTS. Either no thing for this id has been defined or this is a bug.
19:13:03.948 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.InboxRemovedEvent    ] - Discovery Result with UID 'deconz:colortemperaturelight:42edeb65fb:086bd7fffe2545ed01' has been removed.
19:13:03.960 [INFO ] [ome.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'deconz:colortemperaturelight:42edeb65fb:086bd7fffe2545ed01' changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING
19:13:03.960 [TRACE] [onz.internal.StateDescriptionProvider] - adding state description for channel deconz:colortemperaturelight:42edeb65fb:086bd7fffe2545ed01:color_temperature
19:13:03.967 [INFO ] [ome.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'deconz:colortemperaturelight:42edeb65fb:086bd7fffe2545ed01' changed from INITIALIZING to UNKNOWN
19:13:03.968 [TRACE] [ternal.handler.DeconzBaseThingHandler] - Requesting URL for initial data: http://<some-domain>:80/api/49BBFA9CCF/lights/5
19:13:03.991 [INFO ] [nz.internal.handler.LightThingHandler] - Could not determine effect light type for thing deconz:colortemperaturelight:42edeb65fb:086bd7fffe2545ed01, please request adding support on GitHub.
19:13:04.002 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ThingUpdatedEvent    ] - Thing 'deconz:colortemperaturelight:42edeb65fb:086bd7fffe2545ed01' has been updated.
19:13:04.004 [TRACE] [z.internal.CommandDescriptionProvider] - adding command description for channel deconz:colortemperaturelight:42edeb65fb:086bd7fffe2545ed01:effect
19:13:04.014 [TRACE] [nz.internal.handler.LightThingHandler] - deconz:colortemperaturelight:42edeb65fb:086bd7fffe2545ed01 received LightMessage{hascolor=true, ctmax=454, ctmin=250, type=COLOR_TEMPERATURE_LIGHT, state=LightState{reachable=true, on=true, bri=33, alert='none', colormode='ct', effect='null', effectSpeed=null, hue=null, sat=null, ct=454, xy=null, transitiontime=null}, e='', r='UNKNOWN', t='', id='', manufacturername='IKEA of Sweden', modelid='TRADFRI bulb E14 WS opal 600lm', name='Bettlampe Essa', swversion='2.0.022', ep='', uniqueid='08:6b:d7:ff:fe:25:45:ed-01'}
19:13:04.032 [INFO ] [ome.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'deconz:colortemperaturelight:42edeb65fb:086bd7fffe2545ed01' changed from UNKNOWN to ONLINE
19:13:14.882 [TRACE] [z.internal.CommandDescriptionProvider] - returning new stateDescription for deconz:colortemperaturelight:42edeb65fb:086bd7fffe2545ed01:effect
19:13:21.369 [TRACE] [z.internal.CommandDescriptionProvider] - returning new stateDescription for deconz:colortemperaturelight:42edeb65fb:086bd7fffe2545ed01:effect
19:13:23.438 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent     ] - Item 'BettlampeEssaIKEAofSweden_EffectChannel' received command colorloop
19:13:23.461 [INFO ] [arthome.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Item 'BettlampeEssaIKEAofSweden_EffectChannel' predicted to become colorloop
19:13:23.482 [TRACE] [ternal.handler.DeconzBaseThingHandler] - Sending {"on":true,"effect":"colorloop"} to LIGHTS 5 via <some-domain>:80/api/49BBFA9CCF/lights/5/state
19:13:23.494 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'BettlampeEssaIKEAofSweden_EffectChannel' changed from NULL to colorloop
19:13:23.509 [TRACE] [ternal.handler.DeconzBaseThingHandler] - Result code=200, body=[{"error":{"address":"/lights/5/state","description":"parameter, effect, not available","type":6}},{"success":{"/lights/5/state/on":true}}]

What I did: Add the bridge, discover things and add the thing. Add an item in UI to the effect channel. Then clicked on the item (either in item view or in model), After I clicked on the “state”-display, a command list on the bottom opens. If I select a command from that, it gets send immediately:

19:25:46.241 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent     ] - Item 'BettlampeEssaIKEAofSweden_EffectChannel' received command none
19:25:46.248 [INFO ] [arthome.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Item 'BettlampeEssaIKEAofSweden_EffectChannel' predicted to become none
19:25:46.250 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'BettlampeEssaIKEAofSweden_EffectChannel' changed from colorloop to none
19:25:46.259 [TRACE] [ternal.handler.DeconzBaseThingHandler] - Sending {"on":true,"effect":"none"} to LIGHTS 5 via http://<some-domain>:80/api/49BBFA9CCF/lights/5/state
19:25:46.278 [TRACE] [ternal.handler.DeconzBaseThingHandler] - Result code=200, body=[{"error":{"address":"/lights/5/state","description":"parameter, effect, not available","type":6}},{"success":{"/lights/5/state/on":true}}]

I can set the effect state in OH, however when I change the effect state outside openhab, the widget won’t reflect the new state:

“etag”: “bb4bd4ffc17af821046fe50266b6f9a9”,
“hascolor”: true,
“lastannounced”: “2020-12-04T16:25:10Z”,
“lastseen”: “2020-12-08T19:04Z”,
“manufacturername”: “_TZE200_s8gkrkxk”,
“modelid”: “TS0601”,
“name”: “Color dimmable light 39”,
“state”: {
“bri”: 254,
“colormode”: “hs”,
“effect”: “glow”,
“hue”: 7100,
“on”: true,
“reachable”: true,
“sat”: 122
“swversion”: null,
“type”: “Color dimmable light”,
“uniqueid”: “58:8e:81:ff:fe:f1:91:1b-01”

The effect glow is now active on the LED strip but the widget still reports “none” as state.

1 Like

Ah ok. That‘s a different issue. My understanding was you couldn’t control the Strip. I‘ll check the other direction.