December 14, 2020, 12:15pm
I am using openHAB 2.5, unfortunately the color selection for the Lidl LED wire is not working correctly. I suspect it is due to “colormode=hs”. I have seen there is a bugfix for this issue:
← J-N-K:deconz-el
opened 07:53PM - 12 Dec 20 UTC
Now the patch release 2.5.11 came out, but the bugfix is not mentioned in the release notes. Will the bugfix be available for 2.5.x or only for 3.0?
It would be nice if the LED wire works correctly this Christmas with OH2 and not just next year with OH3.
December 16, 2020, 11:51pm
@J-N-K do you think this will be possible to configure the effect colours?
(Andreas Heß)
January 21, 2021, 4:41pm
Hello, i have the same message after adding Lidl Livarno Lux and an older Hue Iris to my items
system info
Kernel Version: 5.4.83-v7l+
Operating System: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
OSType: linux
Architecture: armv7l
CPUs: 4
Total Memory: 3.738GiB
Docker Version: 20.10.2
openhab docker image latest
message from openhab.log
2021-01-21 16:49:44.881 [INFO ] [z.internal.handler.LightThingHandler] - Could not determine effect light type for thing deconz:extendedcolorlight:b2252869:842e14fffe24b96801, please request adding support on GitHub.
2021-01-21 16:49:44.884 [INFO ] [z.internal.handler.LightThingHandler] - Could not determine effect light type for thing deconz:extendedcolorlight:b2252869:588e81fffeecb2be01, please request adding support on GitHub.
2021-01-21 16:49:45.073 [INFO ] [z.internal.handler.LightThingHandler] - Could not determine effect light type for thing deconz:colorlight:b2252869:00178801012289760b, please request adding support on GitHub.
2021-01-21 16:49:45.221 [INFO ] [z.internal.handler.LightThingHandler] - Could not determine effect light type for thing deconz:extendedcolorlight:b2252869:842e14fffe22fe3701, please request adding support on GitHub.
this are my items file
Color Lightbar "Lightbar" <light> (Mood_Lights, Mood_Lights_Power) ["Lighting", "Switchable"]
Color Lightbox_1 "Lightbox 1" <light> (Mood_Lights, Mood_Lights_Power) ["Lighting", "Switchable"]
Color Lightbox_2 "Lightbox 2" <light> (Mood_Lights, Mood_Lights_Power) ["Lighting", "Switchable"]
Color Hue_Iris "Hue Iris" <light> (Mood_Lights, Mood_Lights_Power) ["Lighting", "Switchable"]
Group:Color:OR(ON, OFF) Mood_Lights <light>
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) Mood_Lights_Power <light>
these are the lamps
Lightbox 1&2
in the deconz phoscon app
in deconz gui
What should i do that the messages disapperas or i could use the effects?
(Jan N. Klug)
January 21, 2021, 4:52pm
Please check if deconz supports effects on these lights. If so, please add a link to the issue in deconz that added support.
(Andreas Heß)
January 22, 2021, 6:25am
2021-01-21 16:49:44.881 [INFO ] [z.internal.handler.LightThingHandler] - Could not determine effect light type for thing deconz:extendedcolorlight:b2252869:842e14fffe24b96801, please request adding support on GitHub.
2021-01-21 16:49:44.884 [INFO ] [z.internal.handler.LightThingHandler] - Could not determine effect light type for thing deconz:extendedcolorlight:b2252869:588e81fffeecb2be01, please request adding support on GitHub.
2021-01-21 16:49:45.073 [INFO ] [z.internal.handler.LightThingHandler] - Could not determine effect light type for thing deconz:colorlight:b2252869:00178801012289760b, please request adding support on GitHub.
2021-01-21 16:49:45.221 [INFO ] [z.internal.handler.LightThingHandler] - Could not determine effect light type for thing deconz:extendedcolorlight:b2252869:842e14fffe22fe3701, please request adding support on GitHub.
Thanks @J-N-K i raise an issue on github for a device request and will wait and report back.
opened 05:37PM - 21 Jan 21 UTC
closed 01:50AM - 27 Mar 21 UTC
Device Request
- Before requesting a device, please make sure to search the open and cl… osed issues for any requests in the past.
- Sometimes devices have been requested before but are not implemented yet due to various reasons.
- If there are no hits for your device, please proceed.
- If you're unsure whether device support was already requested, please ask for advise in our Discord chat:
## Device
- Product name: LIVARNO LUX® Stimmungsleuchte
- Link:
- Manufacturer: _TZ3000_9cpuaca6
- Model identifier: TS0505A
- Device type : Please remove all unrelated device types.
- Light
- Product name: LIVARNO LUX® Lichtleiste
- Link:
- Manufacturer: _TZ3000_gek6snaj
- Model identifier: TS0505A
- Device type : Please remove all unrelated device types.
- Light
## Screenshots
Required screenshots:
Node Info
Node List
Coordinator ClusterInfo
Lightbar ClusterInfo
Lightbox1 ClusterInfo
Lightbox2 ClusterInfo
(Andreas Heß)
January 22, 2021, 6:04pm
So, how can we solve the message from openhab with the effect feature?
Is this feature available on the lamp or is openhab mentioning that that kind of lamp has this feature and can’t use it?
I just like to understand.
(Jan N. Klug)
January 22, 2021, 6:20pm
Ignore it. Will be fixed with the next version.
You should be able to use „colorloop“ which is the only effect available on these lights.
(Andreas Heß)
January 22, 2021, 6:25pm
I don’t need the effects just curious about the message.
Thanks for the fix and the additional information on the effects.
1 Like
March 5, 2021, 10:27am
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