Deprecated Binding - Volkswagen We Connect

i think vw has a problem with naming thnings we connect and we connect go are total different products.
i could use my account from vwid for al vw pages but the portal is for new cars, but the data is coming from the account above. seems a bit irritating. but thank for your support.

. but thank for your support.

NP, thanks for sorting that out!

I referred to the total milage of the car…not the trip

Sort things up
We connect = uses data from car integrated hardware (communication with vw server)
We connect go = use data from the car over the DataPlug in the car connected to the OBD interface (communication with mobile app)

This binding uses the We Connect as source data, not the We Connect Go.

I referred to the total milage of the car…not the trip

Yes I understand, but in the API that data is fetched from the get-latest-trip-statistics API request that contains trip statistics for the current month. This is an extract from my JSON for the longTermData:

"longTermData": {
      "tripId": 448929648,
      "averageElectricConsumption": null,
      "averageFuelConsumption": 8.7,
      "averageCngConsumption": null,
      "averageSpeed": 48,
      "tripDuration": 5229,
      "tripLength": 4226,

The channel that displays it is called totalTripDistance.

I realised that you have to set logging to TRACE level to be able to see the JSON response in the log file, it gets huge! :slight_smile:

First update after connection works

==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==

2020-02-06 06:13:03.629 [DEBUG] [nal.handler.VWWeConnectBridgeHandler] - VWWeConnectBridgeHandler - Refresh thread is up'n running!

2020-02-06 06:13:03.631 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - VWWeConnectSession:refresh

2020-02-06 06:13:03.633 [INFO ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Attempting to log in to

2020-02-06 06:13:03.635 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Login URL:

2020-02-06 06:13:03.637 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - getVWWeConnectAPI:

2020-02-06 06:13:04.005 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Failed to login, HTTP status code: 302

2020-02-06 06:13:04.007 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - getVWWeConnectAPI URL: headers: true

2020-02-06 06:13:04.009 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Encoded URL:

2020-02-06 06:13:04.012 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - HTTP GET Request HttpRequest[GET /portal/de_DE/web/guest/home HTTP/1.1]@1f8d81.

2020-02-06 06:13:04.041 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Failed to login, HTTP status code: 302

2020-02-06 06:13:04.044 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Most probably already logged in

2020-02-06 06:13:04.046 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - VWWeConnectSession:updateStatus

2020-02-06 06:13:06.049 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - postJSONVWWeConnectAPI URL: Fields: null Referer: XCSRF:odxV4ovN

2020-02-06 06:13:06.054 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - HTTP POST Request HttpRequest[POST /portal/delegate/dashboard/WVGXXXXXXXXXXXX19/-/mainnavigation/get-fully-loaded-cars HTTP/1.1]@103e22c.

2020-02-06 06:13:06.253 [DEBUG] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - ErrorCode: 2

2020-02-06 06:13:06.265 [WARN ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Failed to update vehicle status.

2020-02-06 06:13:06.269 [WARN ] [nal.handler.VWWeConnectBridgeHandler] - Refresh failed!

Since then…no updates

full log filtered to binding after a restart of openhab
log.txt (50.8 KB)

I need to add some more logs to track this down, for some reason when we try to login again we get an HTTP (302) redirect twice where we should only get it one time. Restart seems to have solved the issue for the moment. I’ll fix a new binding jar later today.

In the restart log I see that the request for heater status contains: {"errorCode":"2","timerCount":3}

Do you have a heater installed?

No heater installed.

So far working …only this warnings in the log a bit annoying

only this warnings in the log a bit annoying

I replaced the warning wth a debug if the binding fails to query for heater status.
I’ve also added more TRACE logging to be able to track down problem with not being able to login after some time of running.

Original post updated with new binding jar.

Here the new log

328 x Active x 80 x x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: VW We Connect Binding

log_Bridge.txt (31.6 KB) - Bridge settings
log_Car.txt (577.7 KB) - Car adding
log_SPIN.txt (5.0 KB) - after input of S-PIN

and after restarting the bundle here the complete log
log_Bundle.restart.txt (66.9 KB)

Thanks! :slight_smile:

So far so good, your logs are now very similar to mine, except for the heater status. We will most certainly end up in a similar situation as you had this morning with the binding failing with log in, but in that case it would be gr8 if you could switch on TRACE log level, then we will know more why the binding is failing.

Big thanks for your testing efforts! :muscle:

I had a failed login scenario during the night, I’ve changed the logic a bit and compiled a new binding jar, original post is updated.

New binding jar with some logic changes and new debug/trace loggings, original post updated.

Does the binding also supports Audi vehicles?

No, this binding only supports VW owners having an account on the VW We Connect portal.

:sweat: Would be too easy :slight_smile:

Maybe stupid question:

I have got an ID, put the Portal always wants me to buy an infotainment guide package. You need an Abo for that? :thinking:

Maybe you could add what’s needed in documentation then:

We connect with car net (you need to buy) or something like that

What you need is an account (username/password) and a S-PIN to the VW We Connect portal/service, that is stated in my original post.

Since I don’t work at VW or have any connection to VW besides leasing a Tiguan, I think it is best that you contact a VW sales representative to sort out your login problems.

I got my login credentials/S-PIN from my sales contact, and then I had to do a video call a specific VW number in Germany and show my passport to activate the possibilities to remotely control my car.

Well, I got an VW We Connect Account. But the only thing is, I have to buy the infotainment guide package. and the PIN I had to enter too. So I dont have any Login Problems.

After successfull login he shows my Car, but only the Picture and information the contract is gone.

So Question ist: To use this Binding: We Connect Login ist not enough. Do I now need to pay for CarNet ? Oder buy the Infotainment Package in Web? Or something else?

Dont want to buy this Package Online to find out there ist no Sense with this Binding.

If I go to VW and ask: What do I have to buy for Openhab2 Binding Compatibility: I want to see their Faces :smiley:

I just tried:

2020-02-11 23:54:04.497 [INFO ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Attempting to log in to
2020-02-11 23:54:04.503 [INFO ] [t.internal.action.VWWeConnectActions] - VW We Connect actions service instanciated
2020-02-11 23:54:08.397 [INFO ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Attempting to log in to
2020-02-11 23:54:20.170 [WARN ] [econnect.internal.VWWeConnectSession] - Get request status, Error code: {"errorCode":"1","errorType":"PORTLET.INVALID.ACCESS"}

Update: Viel gelesen und gegoogelt:
==> Man muss bei VW für sein Auto eine Online Connectivity Unit (OCU) als Sonderaustattung mitbestellen, damit We Connect überhaupt vom Auto aus funktioniert.
==> Zusätzlich braucht es ein Abo für das Portal für 79 Euro für ein Jahr, bzw. 134 Euro für zwei Jahre.

Ich danke allen, die hier entwickeln und für tolle Lösungen sorgen! Leider machen die deutschen Autobauer digitale Lösungen schon im Ansatz mit ihrer Preisstruktur kaputt.

I’ve got problems lately, which i believe is due to the binding using we-connect too much.
I cannot control f.ex the heater of my e-golf anymore - the we-connect app gives the error “there is sent too many requests - try again after next engine power on” (translated from norwegian).
Information from the car seems to be up2date anyway though.

is there any message throttling in place?

Thanks for the great bindings you provide :slight_smile:
