Ok, maybe this would be hepful for others like me fist time users of openHub
I’ve made Model for each Devi Reg for ease of groupinng points.
Then added metadata with “multiple” selection (grouped point in one Thermostat instance).
And chosed this values for mode and state.
So in HK Auto is Sheduled mode now with Home/Away temps as threshold.
And manual as manual temp only and so on.
Can’t figure out why does my Thermostat Homekit model began showing “Humidity” entity with empty field. Cant delete it, and never added it. The HK thermostat itself doesn’t have to include humidity…
And so it’s showing in Homekit as well with no data…
Hello! There’s no way because thermostat doesn’t do that. What you see in the app is fake; it’s based on consumption you enter during the setup.
You can do the same if you log on/off state in persistence and then do some aggregation.
I saw no reason to implement than in the binding.
OwlBawl - thanks for helping with the config. Просветили нуба!
openHAB stats show I’ve had these pesky bastards for > 6 years and now, finally!
You do realise openHAB is the only HA platform that supports these, right?
I would just add two notes:
All numeric values have to be entered for all bindings that require it - ie the Minimum and Maximum value for this characteristic, and the Step value for this characteristic.
I could never for the life of me edit Multiple values, etc at the Model/equipment level. Whatever values/bindings I’d assign would simply not stick despite the ‘Metadata updated’ popup appearing. I finally managed for these to actually get saved when editing each individual Equipment/Points. A UI bug?
Time-consuming, but hey, a minor gripe indeed given the overall exhilaration!